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Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction (1)

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Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction
Message de piouni posté le 11-03-2009 à 22:17:35 (S | E | F)

Je me demandais si vous pouviez jeter un petit coup d'oeil à mon dialogue d'anglais :s. Merci bcp d'avance ce serait super sympa !
Bonne soirée!

When the night fell, Cap’n Jack called to a fellow slave, B73 to tell him his idea…
“B73 ?”
“Yeah what’s up ? » B73 asked.
“Actually I think we should try to run away…”
“Are you kidding? We can’t do this!”
“Yes we can! No sooner our master came back his home than we can try to escape by the path behind the plantation.” Capn’t Jack mentioned.
“You don’t want your leg to be cut, do you?”
“Indeed. Yet I can’t go on being scared to death everyday… I prefer being whipped again rather than dying through working in these conditions.”
“I don’t understand you… In the first attempt of escape, we lose a hand, in the second the other hand and in the third the life. Is it what you want?” B73 insisted.
“To me, I’d rather risk my life but maybe save my freedom instead of keeping there doing nothing. Here, we are treating like animals... Even worse than animals… How gullible you are… I can’t bear this anymore. Let’s run away please, will you?”
“Well… As a matter of fact, I have to weigh the pros and the cons. For example, how are we going to eat?”
“Whatever. Everywhere will be better than here.” Cap’n Jack declared.
“I don’t think so. We’ll likely to be either alone either be caught red-handed by our master. It’s no use running away.”
“No we’ll not. I heard that people had help slave during their escape. Black and whites indistinctly. Other slaves in our plantation say that there are some refuges for runaway black slaves.”
“And our family?” B73 enquired.
“They will run away with us.”
“You want to jeopardize them!! Moreover, we won’t be able to do such things.”
“I’m sure we can. Thus trust me. Everything is possible out of love, and I want to protect my wife and my children. Imagine… I wish we could play with our children…” Cap’n Jack replied.

Réponse: Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction de brettdallen, postée le 11-03-2009 à 22:47:16 (S | E)
Juste un commentaire: ce dialogue est plutôt bien réussi mais le niveau de langue est trop soutenu! je sais que traduire le langage d'esclaves noirs aux Etats-Unis à cette période-là correspond à un travail gigantesque! mais là, votre anglais est trop scolaire...

Réponse: Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction de helia85, postée le 12-03-2009 à 11:45:33 (S | E)
When the night fell, Cap’n Jack called to a fellow slave, B73 to tell him his idea…
“B73 ?
Yeah what’s up ? » B73 asked.
“Actually, I am thinking about running away…”
“Are you kidding? We can’t do this!”
“Yes we can! No sooner our master would come back his home then we can try to escape by the path behind the plantation.” Capn’t Jack mentioned.
“You don’t want your leg to be cut, do you?”
“Indeed. Yet I can’t go on being scared to death everyday… I prefer being whipped again rather than dying through working in these conditions.”
“I don’t understand you… In the first attempt of escape, we lose a hand, and in the second the other hand and in the third the life. Is it what you want?” B73 insisted.

"yeah..up" par "yes, what do you want cap'n?"
kidding par serious
of escape par at escaping ou to escape

ce que vous trouvais en rouge il faut changer,en rose il faut enlever,en bleu à ajouter.

Réponse: Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction de helia85, postée le 12-03-2009 à 11:52:43 (S | E)
“To me, I’d rather risk my life but maybe save my freedom instead of keeping there doing nothing. Here, we are treatened like animals... Even worse than animals… How gullible you are… I can’t bear this anymore. Let’s run away please, will you?”
“Well… As a matter of fact, I have to weigh the pros and the cons. For example, how are we going to eat?”
“Whatever. Everywhere will be better than here.” Cap’n Jack declared.
“I don’t think so. We’ll likely to be either alone either be caught red-handed by our master. It’s no use running away.”
“No we’ll not. I heard that people had helped slaves during their escape. Blacks and whites indistinctly. Other slaves in our plantation said that there are some refuges for runaway black slaves.”
“And our family?” B73 enquired.
“They will run away with us.”
“You want to jeopardize them!! Moreover, we won’t be able to do such things.”
“I’m sure we can. Thus trust me. Everything is possible out of love, and I want to protect my wife and my children. Imagine… I wish we could play with our children…” Cap’n Jack replied.

Voila j'ai corrigé ce que j'ai pu en espérant que ça t'aidera.

Réponse: Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction de piouni, postée le 12-03-2009 à 18:00:13 (S | E)
Thank you very much !!
Pour le langage trop soutenu, que me conseillez vous de faire? Changer certains mots? Rajouter des phrases plus familières?

Réponse: Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction de brettdallen, postée le 12-03-2009 à 20:22:07 (S | E)
Honnêtement, cela me semble très dur! restituer une langue familière, datée et communautaire est vraiment un défi! alors, pour au moins signaler votre démarche, choisissez un langage plus familier, même s'il ne correspond pas exactement à celui utilisé en situation réelle(c'est-à-dire dans les dialogues proposés). J'ai fait la remarque au départ pour vous indiquer que le langage était vraiment trop soutenu! imaginez un dialogue entre 2 adolescents de quartier transcrit avec la langue de Racine, cela serait incongru! cherchez dans un dictionnaire d'argot(même contemporain) pour traduire, à défaut du reste, le niveau de langue.
Bon courage.



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