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Correction-Economie et épargne (1)

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Correction-Economie et épargne
Message de lycia13 posté le 12-03-2009 à 13:40:00 (S | E | F)


J'aurais besoin d'une bonne âme pour corriger ces quelques lignes sur les vertus de l'épargne et de la prudence (j'ai notamment des pb dans l'utilisation des "the" et sur certaines tournures de phrases).
Merci d'avance


When Prudence Was has virtue is an article which deals with an old debate: savings, vice or virtue. For more than two centuries, it divides partisans of the neo-classic theory, and those who follow Lord Keynes.

According to the keynesian theory, " in the long run we are all dead " and the savings engender a reduction of possibilities of spending for the consumers, it would be more a brake on progress and profit. By reducing the consumption, savings prevent being on increase. Moreover, most mattering is court-term profit, which became important for many current young people as well as for their schools (ranking of salaries after graduation). On the contrary, the author applauds thrift and presents it as a virtue. According to him, being capable of putting aside, of anticipating a disease, a significant change in lives would be a proof of wisdom. Childhood of those who were born during the Big Depression, or later, was marked with it: wasting was to ban, savings were acceptable. To sum up his point of view, he mentions a link between thrift and thrive.It is necessary to be capable of finding a just balance between savings to protect oneself from a pessimist, and between spending on taking advantage of its life. Even shortly before the crisis, many considered that spend heedlessly enormous sums were proof of social success, and that thrift shows stinginess.
Today, to provide in its daily spending becomes difficult for the majority of the population, and we can wonder if the crisis is going to make change behavior, if spirit of savings will return while the interest rates are falling. The Americans, and the Westerners, have to be capable of remembering themselves virtues of thrift, and of exceeding platitudes which it evokes them.



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