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Correction/chemins de fer espagnols (1)

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Correction/chemins de fer espagnols
Message de wassou posté le 19-03-2009 à 17:21:09 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, voila j'ai fait une traduction de texte en anglais et j'aimerais bien que vous me corrigiez s'il vous plait. J'aurais surtout besoin d'une correction au niveau des temps étant donné que c'est la partie où j'ai eu le plus de mal à traduire.

Texte 1:

J’ai vu à la télé hier que des chemins de fer espagnols construisaient un tgv au pays basque. C’est un train qui marche à l’électricité, qui ne pollue pas.
Les premiers trains polluaient, marchaient à la vapeur et brûlaient du charbon et faisaient beaucoup de fumée.
En Angleterre ils viennent juste de construire une locomotive à vapeur comme en 1930. Le Prince Charles l’a inaugurée la gare de York.
A York il y a le musée des chemins de fer où on peut voir la « Rocket », la première locomotive qui fut construite par George Stevenson en 1814. Il eut l’idée un jour, de mettre une machine a vapeur sur des roues : ce fut une révolution dans les transports grâce à la machine à vapeur que James Watt avait inventée plus tôt mais qui ne roulait pas.
Depuis cette invention les gens voyagent facilement, ils ne sont pas obligés de marcher à pied ou d’aller à cheval.
Si Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampère, etc. n’avaient pas inventé tout cela nous ne pourrions pas aller de Paris à Lyon en trois heures mais en trois semaines.
Dans l’avenir ça ira encore plus vite. Si les gens pouvaient ils se téléporteraient.

Traduction 1:

Yesterday, I saw on the T.V that the Spanish railroads built a high speed train in the Basque country. It is a train which works to the electricity, which does not pollute.
The first trains polluted, worker to the vapour and burnt with some coal and made a lot of smoke.
In England they just come to build a steam engine as in 1930. Prince Charles inaugurated it the Station of York.
To York there is the museum of the railroads where we can see “Rocket”, the first locomotive which was built by George Stevenson in 1814. One day, he had the idea to put a steam engine on wheels: it was a revolution in transport thanks to the steam engine which James Watt had invented earlier but which didn’t run.
Since this invention people travel easily, they are not obliged to walk has foot o to go by horse.
If Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampere, etc had not invented all this, we could not go from Paris to Lyon in three hours but on three weeks.
In the future that will go even faster. If people could they teleport them.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-03-2009 17:25

Réponse: Correction/chemins de fer espagnols de laure95, postée le 19-03-2009 à 18:30:36 (S | E)
Yesterday, I saw on the T.V that the (some) Spanish railroads built (prétérit be+-ING) a high speed train in the Basque country. It is a train which works thanks to the electricity, which (and) does not pollute.
The first trains polluted, worker to (on ou by) the vapour and burnt with some coal and made a lot of smoke.
In England they just come to build (present perfect sans come)) a steam engine as in 1930. Prince Charles inaugurated it in the Station of York (nom composé).
To (pas la bonne préposition) York there is the museum of the railroads where we can see “Rocket”, the first locomotive which was built by George Stevenson in 1814. One day, he had the idea to put a steam engine on wheels: it was a revolution in transport thanks to the steam engine which James Watt had invented earlier but which didn’t run.
Since this invention people travel (temps) easily, they are not obliged to walk has (by) foot or to go by (ride a)horse.
If Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampere, etc had not invented all this, we could not go from Paris to Lyon in three hours but on (pas la bonne préposition) three weeks.
In the future that will go even faster. If people could they teleport (if + preterit, ensuite conditionnel) them. (mettre 1 pronom réfléchi)

Réponse: Correction/chemins de fer espagnols de wassou, postée le 19-03-2009 à 18:48:53 (S | E)
Bon cette fois j'espère que je n'ai pas fais de fautes.

Yesterday, I saw on T.V that some Spanish railroads were building a high speed train in the Basque country. It is a train which works thanks to the electricity,and does not pollute.
The first trains polluted, worker by vapour and burnt with some coal and made a lot of smoke.
In England they just build a steam engine as in 1930. Prince Charles inaugurated it in the Station of York.
In York there is the museum of the railroads where we can see “Rocket”, the first locomotive which was built by George Stevenson in 1814. One day, he had the idea to put a steam engine on wheels: it was a revolution in transport thanks to the steam engine which James Watt had invented earlier but which didn’t run.
Since this invention people are travelling easily, they are not obliged to walk by foot or to ride a horse.
If Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampere, etc had not invented all this, we could not go from Paris to Lyon in three hours but in three weeks.
In the future that will go even faster. If people could they would teleport themselves.

Réponse: Correction/chemins de fer espagnols de laure95, postée le 19-03-2009 à 18:56:58 (S | E)
Yesterday, I saw on T.V that some Spanish railroads were building a high speed train in the Basque country. It is a train which works thanks to the electricity,and does not pollute.
The first trains polluted, worker (worker: un travailleur) by vapour and burnt with some coal and made a lot of smoke.
In England they just build (just + présent perfect) a steam engine as in 1930. Prince Charles inaugurated it in the Station of York.
In York there is the museum of the railroads where we can see “Rocket”, the first locomotive which was built by George Stevenson in 1814. One day, he had the idea to put a steam engine on wheels: it was a revolution in transport thanks to the steam engine which James Watt had invented earlier but which didn’t run.
Since this invention people are travelling (present perfect) easily, they are not obliged to walk by foot or to ride a horse.
If Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampere, etc had not invented all this, we could not go from Paris to Lyon in three hours but in three weeks.
In the future that will go even faster. If people could they would teleport themselves.

Revois les valeurs du présent perfect et apprends à l'utiliser!

Réponse: Correction/chemins de fer espagnols de wassou, postée le 19-03-2009 à 19:01:26 (S | E)
Je pense que cette fois j'ai tout juste et grâce à ton aide.

Yesterday, I saw on T.V that some Spanish railroads were building a high speed train in the Basque country. It is a train which works thanks to the electricity,and does not pollute.
The first trains polluted, worked by vapour and burnt with some coal and made a lot of smoke.
In England they just have built a steam engine as in 1930. Prince Charles inaugurated it in the Station of York.
In York there is the museum of the railroads where we can see “Rocket”, the first locomotive which was built by George Stevenson in 1814. One day, he had the idea to put a steam engine on wheels: it was a revolution in transport thanks to the steam engine which James Watt had invented earlier but which didn’t run.
Since this invention people have been travelling easily, they are not obliged to walk by foot or to ride a horse.
If Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampere, etc had not invented all this, we could not go from Paris to Lyon in three hours but in three weeks.
In the future that will go even faster. If people could they would teleport themselves.

Merci beaucoup.

Réponse: Correction/chemins de fer espagnols de laure95, postée le 19-03-2009 à 19:11:03 (S | E)
Yesterday, I saw on T.V that some Spanish railroads were building a high speed train in the Basque country. It is a train which works thanks to the electricity,and does not pollute.
The first trains polluted, worked by vapour and burnt with some coal and made a lot of smoke.
In England they just (à mettre après have) have built a steam engine as in 1930. Prince Charles inaugurated it in the Station of York.
In York there is the museum of the railroads where we can see “Rocket”, the first locomotive which was built by George Stevenson in 1814. One day, he had the idea to put a steam engine on wheels: it was a revolution in transport thanks to the steam engine which James Watt had invented earlier but which didn’t run.
Since this invention people have been travelling easily, they are not obliged to walk by foot or to ride a horse.
If Watt, Stevenson, Volta, Ampere, etc had not invented all this, we could not go from Paris to Lyon in three hours but in three weeks.
In the future that will go even faster. If people could they would teleport themselves.

OK, ça y est on y est! Mais, comme la traduction n'est pas mon point fort, j'en appelle aux membres bilingues et experts en traduction. J'ai aidé à corriger ce que j'ai pu!

Réponse: Correction/chemins de fer espagnols de wassou, postée le 19-03-2009 à 19:17:15 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide.



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