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Prépositions/correction (1)

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Message de babeth54 posté le 19-03-2009 à 22:41:38 (S | E | F)

Good evening,

Could you correct the prepositions in the below sentences :

1)We ship all our goods with train.
We ship all our goods by train.

2)There is no market of electric typewriters.
There is no market in electric typewriters.

3)These prices have been marked up 10 %.
These prices have been marked up 10 %.

4)He was unable to meet at his mortgage repayments.
He was unable to meet to his mortgage repayments.

5)The company annouced that it had won of a contract worth £25 m to supply buses and trucks.
The company annouced that it had won a contract worth £25 m to supply buses and trucks.

6)He received confirmation the bank that the deeds had been deposited.
He received confirmation from the bank that the deeds had been deposited in.

7)The company spends at thousands of pounds on research.
The company spends thousands of pounds on research.

8)We offer to a nationwide delivery service.
We offer a nationwide delivery service.

Thank You


Modifié par bridg le 19-03-2009 22:51

Réponse: Prépositions/correction de laure95, postée le 21-03-2009 à 17:28:26 (S | E)
Hello Babeth,
1)We ship all our goods with train.
We ship all our goods by train. OK

2)There is no market of electric typewriters.
There is no market in electric typewriters. No: "FOR"

3)These prices have been marked up 10 %.
These prices have been marked up 10 %. Il faut ajouter "ON" après "UP"

4)He was unable to meet at his mortgage repayments.
He was unable to meet to his mortgage repayments. NO: "WITH"

5)The company annouced that it had won of a contract worth £25 m to supply buses and trucks.
The company annouced that it had won a contract worth £25 m to supply buses and trucks. je ne sais pas

6)He received confirmation the bank that the deeds had been deposited.
He received confirmation from the bank that the deeds had been deposited in.OK

7)The company spends at thousands of pounds on research.
The company spends thousands of pounds on research. OK

8)We offer to a nationwide delivery service.
We offer a nationwide delivery service. OK

Réponse: Prépositions/correction de jonquille, postée le 21-03-2009 à 19:00:38 (S | E)
Hello babeth54,

1)We ship all our goods with train.
We ship all our goods by train. OK

2)There is no market of electric typewriters.
There is no market in electric typewriters. FOR

3)These prices have been marked up 10 %.
These prices have been marked up 10 %. BY (though the sentence is fine without the added preposition)

4)He was unable to meet at his mortgage repayments.
He was unable to meet to his mortgage repayments. You don't need a preposition here. (though in the USA, we often say " KEEP UP WITH a mortgage payment.")

5)The company announced that it had won of a contract worth £25 m to supply buses and trucks.
The company annouced that it had won a contract worth £25 m to supply buses and trucks. OK

6)He received confirmation the bank that the deeds had been deposited.
He received confirmation from the bank that the deeds had been deposited in.FROM is OK; it is understood that the deeds were deposited in the bank, so the preposition "in" at the end is incorrect.

7)The company spends at thousands of pounds on research.
The company spends thousands of pounds on research. OK

8)We offer to a nationwide delivery service.
We offer a nationwide delivery service. OK

Réponse: Prépositions/correction de babeth54, postée le 22-03-2009 à 21:52:39 (S | E)
Merci à Laure95 et Jonquille.

Pourriez vous me donner la meilleure façon de progresser avec les prépositions ?
Comment avez-vous fait ??


Réponse: Prépositions/correction de laure95, postée le 23-03-2009 à 12:29:13 (S | E)
j'ai cherché dans mon grand dictionaire d'anglais "ROBERT ET COLLINS".



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