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Nandira/ correction (1)

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Nandira/ correction
Message de mehdi22 posté le 28-03-2009 à 14:22:49 (S | E | F)

Bonjour j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez en corrigeant un dialogue que j'ai fait en anglais sur Nandira' boyfriend's svp s'il vous plaît. Niveau seconde générale

Jack: (pleased)(to turn red) yes, I am Jack , we lied to you but we had no choice.
MA.R: (angrily)( to feel sad) why you did not have the choice ?
Nandira: (to feel sad) we did not know if we could rely on you , if you to tell will go everything has my father . of more Jack is English.
MA.R: (asked Nandira with a small smile) you know well that you can rely on me . where you are met to you ?
Jack : we it is met ate the university. As soon as I saw I knew that it was the woman ideal.
Andria: yes exact , but from the beginning we knew that he was not going to be easy with my father.
MA.R: I am so happy for you. how to for to make for you with your father?
Jack : I don't know...
Andria : this evening I would go everything to tell him for jack and I .

Modifié par bridg le 28-03-2009 14:24
+ titre

Réponse: Nandira/ correction de laure95, postée le 30-03-2009 à 13:58:53 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
Pourquoi mets-tu des parenthèses?
Jack: (pleased)(to turn red) yes, I am Jack , we lied (present perfect) to you but we had no choice.
MA.R: (angrily)( to feel sad) why you did not have the choice (revoir la structure d'une question)?
Nandira: (to feel sad) we did not know if we could rely on you , if you to tell will go everything has my father . of more (moreover) Jack is English.
MA.R: (asked Nandira with a small smile) you know well that you can rely on me . where you are met to you ?
Jack : we it is met ate the university. As soon as I saw I knew that it was the woman ideal (adjectif devant le nom).
Andria: yes exactly , but from the beginning we knew that he was not going to be easy with my father.
MA.R: I am so happy for you. how to for to make for you with your father?
Jack : I don't know...
Andria : this evening I would (futur) go everything to tell him for jack and I .



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