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Queen Victoria (1)

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Queen Victoria
Message de lilipomme04 posté le 28-03-2009 à 15:16:03 (S | E | F)

Hello !
I would like to know if my text is correct...

Queen Victoria reigned about two centuries ago, from 1837 to 1901. So she reigned for 64 years. At that time, life was really harder than today because they weren't any computers, televisions, planes and cars. There also was neither water in the house nor electricity. So, they weren't all those things who, nowadays, make us life more easier. People had to pay tax for the queen. They could travel by horse or by coach but they couldn't travel by plane because, at that time, it didn't exist. People didn't have to stay in school after the age of ten because they had to work very young to help their parents. Women weren't allowed to vote and to work.

bye !!!

Réponse: Queen Victoria de linsey34, postée le 28-03-2009 à 19:06:52 (S | E)
Dear lilipomme,

en rouge les erreurs à corriger:

Queen Victoria reigned about two centuries ago, from 1837 to 1901. So she reigned for 64 years. At that time, life was really harder than today because they weren't any computers, televisions, planes and cars. There also was neither water in the house nor electricity. So, they weren't all those things who, nowadays, make us life more easier. People had to pay tax for the queen. They could travel by horse or by coach but they couldn't travel by plane because, at that time, it didn't exist. People didn't have to stay in school after the age of ten because they had to work very young to help their parents. Women weren't allowed to vote and to work.

Réponse: Queen Victoria de intrepid34, postée le 28-03-2009 à 19:37:39 (S | E)
Hello Lili!

You've done well - but ... a couple of suggestions!

Queen Victoria reigned just over a century ago - from 1837 to 1901, to be exact. So she reigned for sixty four years. During that time, life was much harder than it is today because there weren't any computers, televisions, planes and cars. There was neither running water nor electricity in the houses which nowadays make our lives easier. People had to pay taxes to the Queen. They travelled by horse and coach because planes hadn't been invented.
La reste est juste.

Hope this is ok


Réponse: Queen Victoria de lilipomme04, postée le 28-03-2009 à 20:21:59 (S | E)

A new version with corrections. for your help.

Queen Victoria reigned about two centuries ago, from 1837 to 1901. So she reigned for 64 years. At that time, life was really harder than today because there weren't any computers, televisions, planes and cars. There also was neither water in the house nor electricity. So, there weren't all those things that, nowadays, make life easier. People had to pay tax for the queen. They could travel by horse or by coach but they couldn't travel by plane because, at that time, it didn't exist. People didn't have to stay in school after the age of ten because they had to work very young to help their parents. Women weren't allowed to vote and to work.

Réponse: Queen Victoria de linsey34, postée le 28-03-2009 à 21:16:48 (S | E)



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