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Correction/three witches (1)

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Correction/three witches
Message de choups971 posté le 01-04-2009 à 13:52:53 (S | E | F)

Je voudrais juste que vous me corrigiez les fautes s'il vous plaît et les problèmes de syntaxe.

when they arrived in the fountaine the three witches and the knight threw each a piece in the fountain ,by thinking very hardly of one wishes .amata will want to forget her grief and a gold ,who have been robbed by the evil sorcerer.Finally ,asha will want to we of her malady and to live for a long time and a happy ever,nothing took place.the knight and the three witches left because they thinked that their wishes would be to show that their wishes would be to realise under them eyes.They expected to see a indication or a sign who to show that their wishes would be to grant.They Left disappointed and desperate but ,Amata didn't see that the knight fell in love witch her live years late she married and lived lat,atleda will find a papyrus where a soup of chicken who cured her .Asha wrote findet gold late some years they their wishes were to realise.

Merci d'avance...

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2009 14:05
Modifié par bridg le 01-04-2009 16:01

Réponse: Correction/three witches de laure95, postée le 02-04-2009 à 10:25:24 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce qu'il faut corriger:
when they arrived in the fountaine the three witches and the knight threw each a piece in the fountain ,by thinking very hardly of one wishes .amata will want to forget her grief and a gold ,who have been robbed by the evil sorcerer.Finally ,asha will want to we of her malady and to live for a long time and a happy ever (en 1 seul mot),nothing took place.the knight and the three witches left because they thinked that their wishes would be to show that their wishes would be to realise under them eyes.They expected to see an indication or a sign who to show that their wishes would be to grant.They Left disappointed and desperate but ,Amata didn't see that the knight fell in love witch her live years later she married and lived lat,atleda will find a papyrus where a soup of chicken who cured her .Asha wrote findet gold late some years they their wishes were to realise.

Attention à la concordance des temps: dans 1 récit au passé WOULD remplace WILL.revois l'utilisation des pronoms relatifs.



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