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Communication (1)

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Message de anae posté le 09-04-2009 à 03:16:49 (S | E | F)


I would like to know if my text is correct. Thanks for your help

Good internal communication theory is very interesting to study. Indeed, it gives us a very precise idea of tolls to set up to have an effective communication in the company. So, the daily communication requires some elements. For instance, the staff’s motivation and corporate culture need to be reinforced. Sometimes, the balance of a firm is disturbed by such
and such events ; what it is called a crisis period. Then the society’s leaders will established another strategy of communication. This one occures in three steps. Before the crisis, know how to anticipate all the risks which the company can be submitted and think about an action plan. Next, we have to be able to get back the initiatives of the events, to cancel the gossips, to communicate clear and precise information and to strengthen the internal communication. To finish, we must draw lessons of the event.

Modifié par anae le 09-04-2009 11:02



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