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Exposé /Simpsons
Message de x-a-x posté le 15-04-2009 à 16:28:58 (S | E | F)
bonjour j'ai un exposé à faire en anglais et j'ai décidé de le faire sur les simpsons et j'aurais aimé savoir si ma traduction était correcte?
Simpson is a television series of American animation created in 1987 by Matthew Abram Groening this one been born on February 15th, 1954 in Portland, Oregon, is an American author of comic strip. Staging the daily of a family of the medium class. The first broadcasting took place on December 17th, 1989 on network Fox terrier.
The Simpson family is composed of five members:
Homer,liking head of family and lover but also idler , unthinking, stupid and childish father. His main occupation is to look at television by drinking Duff, its lucky beer.It is also obsessed by the food, notably by pork chops and donuts. He works on the nuclear power station of Springfield as representative for security but crosses his days to sleep. It will exercise also various jobs throughout series.
Marge , woman in the home careful it draws éraillée voice. More calm and more thoughtful, she assures a balance with the impulsive side of her husband , not refusant an incursion on the side of madness not from time to time.
Bart, small boys of ten old, more interested by stupidity that studies. He plays the worst towers à his father and to the personnel of her school. Charmer and leader, it is the contrast of his sister Lisa with whom it is often in conflict. It loves making leg-pulls in the Tavern of Moe
Lisa, exceptionally gifted 8-year-old little girl in big moral sense. Thirsty for knowledge, Lisa is also enthralled of music and cheek of the saxophone. Environmentalist, Buddhist and feminist, his political firm belief is apparently democratic and rather liberal.Lisa often represents the voice of reason in series, but one seldom listens to her because the children of his age find it ringarde
Maggie, the endless infant of the family. 1-year-old, Maggie does not know how to speak, but she is however aware perfectly of all that takes place around her. It also showed a certain talent again and again in the handling of guns.
he family has also two pets: the Small dog Santa's Little Helper, rather close to Bart, and the cat Snowball, rather close to Lisa.
they live in Springfield is a small typically American city, with her grocery, her school, her town hall, his guardhouse, his bar, his shopping centre, her nuclear power station and her Simpson family. Caricature of the medium American family, Simpson lives 742 in Evergreen Terrace.
Pourriez vous me dire si c'est correct? merci d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 15-04-2009 16:32
Modifié par x-a-x le 15-04-2009 17:51
Message de x-a-x posté le 15-04-2009 à 16:28:58 (S | E | F)
bonjour j'ai un exposé à faire en anglais et j'ai décidé de le faire sur les simpsons et j'aurais aimé savoir si ma traduction était correcte?
Simpson is a television series of American animation created in 1987 by Matthew Abram Groening this one been born on February 15th, 1954 in Portland, Oregon, is an American author of comic strip. Staging the daily of a family of the medium class. The first broadcasting took place on December 17th, 1989 on network Fox terrier.
The Simpson family is composed of five members:
Homer,liking head of family and lover but also idler , unthinking, stupid and childish father. His main occupation is to look at television by drinking Duff, its lucky beer.It is also obsessed by the food, notably by pork chops and donuts. He works on the nuclear power station of Springfield as representative for security but crosses his days to sleep. It will exercise also various jobs throughout series.
Marge , woman in the home careful it draws éraillée voice. More calm and more thoughtful, she assures a balance with the impulsive side of her husband , not refusant an incursion on the side of madness not from time to time.
Bart, small boys of ten old, more interested by stupidity that studies. He plays the worst towers à his father and to the personnel of her school. Charmer and leader, it is the contrast of his sister Lisa with whom it is often in conflict. It loves making leg-pulls in the Tavern of Moe
Lisa, exceptionally gifted 8-year-old little girl in big moral sense. Thirsty for knowledge, Lisa is also enthralled of music and cheek of the saxophone. Environmentalist, Buddhist and feminist, his political firm belief is apparently democratic and rather liberal.Lisa often represents the voice of reason in series, but one seldom listens to her because the children of his age find it ringarde
Maggie, the endless infant of the family. 1-year-old, Maggie does not know how to speak, but she is however aware perfectly of all that takes place around her. It also showed a certain talent again and again in the handling of guns.
he family has also two pets: the Small dog Santa's Little Helper, rather close to Bart, and the cat Snowball, rather close to Lisa.
they live in Springfield is a small typically American city, with her grocery, her school, her town hall, his guardhouse, his bar, his shopping centre, her nuclear power station and her Simpson family. Caricature of the medium American family, Simpson lives 742 in Evergreen Terrace.
Pourriez vous me dire si c'est correct? merci d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 15-04-2009 16:32
Modifié par x-a-x le 15-04-2009 17:51
Réponse: Exposé /Simpsons de kolimang, postée le 15-04-2009 à 19:32:58 (S | E)
j'ai bien l'impression que tu as utilisé un site web ou un logiciel de traduction automatique pour obtenir ce texte.
Si oui, tu ferais bien d'essayer une traduction par toi-même.
Si non, désolé pour cette intervention, mais je pense ne pas me tromper.
Réponse: Exposé /Simpsons de x-a-x, postée le 15-04-2009 à 20:19:41 (S | E)
bonjour oui pour certaine chose car j'arrivais pas à les traduire mais c'est correcte l'ensemble? non?
Réponse: Exposé /Simpsons de clemence73, postée le 15-04-2009 à 20:28:30 (S | E)
déjà, vers la fin, en parlant de ce qu'il y a ds la ville, pour dire "son" ou "sa", ce n'est ni "his", ni "her".
Personne masculine : his.
Personne féminine : her.
Mais pour une chose c'est "its".
Voila sinon moi aussi j'aime bien la série.
Et un conseil : quand on est pas sûr, il vaut mieux construire des phrases courtes et qui veulent dire qqchose que des phrases longues bourrées de fautes !!!
Réponse: Exposé /Simpsons de x-a-x, postée le 15-04-2009 à 21:24:18 (S | E)
rebonjour j'ai essayer de corriger certaine fautes pourriez vous me dire si mon texte est correcte?
Simpsons is a television series of American animation created in 1987 by Matthew Abram Groening this one been born on February 15th, 1954 in Portland, Oregon, is an American author of comic strip. Staging the daily of a family of the medium class. The first broadcasting took place on December 17th, 1989 on network Fox .
The Simpson family is composed of five members:
Homer is head of family lover but idler , unthinking, stupid and childish father. He like to watch at television by drinking Duff, its lucky beer.It is also obsessed by the food, notably by pork chops and donuts. He works on the nuclear power station of Springfield as representative for security but crosses his days to sleep.
Marge , woman in the home careful . More calm and more thoughtful, she assures a stable with the impulsive side of her husband , not refusant an incursion on the side of madness not from time to time.
Bart, small boys of ten old, more interested by stupidity that studies. He plays the worst towers his father and to the staff of its school. Charmer and leader, he is the contrast of her sister Lisa with whom it is often in conflict. It loves making leg-pulls in the Tavern of Moe
Lisa, exceptionally little girl of 8 old. Lisa is enthralled of music and play of the saxophone. Environmentalist, Buddhist and feminist, its political firm belief is apparently democratic and rather liberal.Lisa often represents the voice of reason in series, But nobody listens to here because people of its age finds her ringarde.( je pense que la phrase souligné ne veut rien dire? car voici ce que je voudrais dire "Lisa incarne souvent la voix de la raison dans la série, mais elle est rarement écoutée car les enfants de son âge la trouvent ringarde."
Maggie, the endless infant of the family. Maggie is one old does not know how to speak, but she is however aware perfectly of all that takes place around her. It also showed a certain talent again and again in the handling of guns >.( ce qui est souligner je n'arrive pas à la traduire je voudrais dire cela :"Elle a également montré à plusieurs reprises un certain talent dans le maniement des armes à feu. ")
he family has also two pets: the dog Santa's Little Helper, rather close to Bart, and the cat Snowball, rather close to Lisa.
they live in Springfield is a small typically American city, with its grocery, its school, its town hall, its guardhouse, its bar, its shopping centre, its nuclear power station and its Simpsons family. Caricature of the medium American family, Simpsons lives 742 in Evergreen Terrace
Modifié par x-a-x le 15-04-2009 21:24
Modifié par x-a-x le 15-04-2009 21:25
Réponse: Exposé /Simpsons de kolimang, postée le 16-04-2009 à 03:20:17 (S | E)
Le texte est encore assez loin d'être correct. Beaucoup de phrases ne veulent pas dire grand chose.
Si l'ensemble ne provient pas d'un système de traduction automatique, on constate que tu as procédé de la façon suivante : tu as fait de belles phrases en français, et tu as ensuite essayé de les retranscrire en anglais.
Ce n'est généralement pas la bonne méthode à adopter, car la plupart des expressions ne se traduisent pas mot pour mot d'une langue à l'autre (comme tu t'en es d'ailleurs douté toi-même avec l'expression "incarner la voix de la raison").
Comment faire alors ?
Je te propose de penser d'abord à des IDEES, de simples idées, très simples. Ce que j'entends par là correspond à te poser la question "Quels sont les choses que je veux raconter" ? Pour chaque idée, tu réfléchis aux mots que tu connais en anglais et qui te permettent d'exprimer cette idée. Fais des phrases courtes! Si l'idée est trop complexe, découpe-la en plusieurs petites phrases. L'important est de se demander "comment puis-je dire ça simplement en anglais, avec mes mots", et NON PAS de faire de superbes phrases en français dans un premier temps, qu'il sera très difficile de transposer en anglais ensuite.
Utilise le vocabulaire que tu connais déjà, et si tu as besoin de mots que tu ne connais pas, utilise un dictionnaire. Evite les systèmes de traduction automatique, ca "abîmera" ton texte plus que le contraire.
Voilà, je serais toi je reprendrais tout le texte sur de meilleures bases.