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Message de ophelie77 posté le 20-04-2009 à 17:06:55 (S | E | F)

Cc tout le monde, j'ai un devoir à faire mais je ne sais pas si j'ai bon. Si vous avez remarqué des erreurs, dites le moi svp.
Voilà mon texte:

It is a photograph colours where we see Texas School Book Depository, the place where the shots were drawn, and Dealy Plaza, the street where was the limousine of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The US president went to Dallas for a pre-election visit and shots were drawn from Texas School Book Depository, Friday twenty-two November nineteen sixty-three at midday and a half. He was first wounded with the neck then he was touched with the head. According to the official investigations, the bullets having killed the president were drawn by Lee Harvey Oswald who worked in this building.
But a second investigation, that of U.S House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations, estimates that there had been conspiracy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is now buried in the national cemetery of Arlington, close to Washington DC.
I chose this photograph because it represents the place where the thirty-fifth president of the United States was assassinated. He too helped the others and militated against the racial segregation.
Est ce que cette phrase est bonne :
He was taken along at once to Parkland Hospital but he was declared died half an hour later.

Modifié par ophelie77 le 22-04-2009 11:15

Réponse: Devoir de ophelie77, postée le 20-04-2009 à 17:45:49 (S | E)
Personne ne peut m'aider ?

Réponse: Devoir de TravisKidd, postée le 20-04-2009 à 17:52:55 (S | E)
Attends un peu ... nous ne sommes pas un équipe de traducteurs conscacrés !!

Réponse: Devoir de TravisKidd, postée le 20-04-2009 à 19:59:55 (S | E)
It (tu demonstres quelque chose; alors pourquoi pas utiliser un demonstratif) is a photograph colours (nom utilisé comme adjectif; c'est bon mais les adjectifs vont devant le nom et sont invariables) where we see (article) Texas School Book Depository, the place where the (lesquels ?) shots were drawn fired, and Dealy Plaza, the street where was (mets le verbe après le sujet) the limousine of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The US president went to Dallas for a pre-election visit and shots were drawn (idem) from (idem) Texas School Book Depository, Friday twenty-two November nineteen sixty-three (faut-il vraiment écrire la date en mots longs ?) at midday and a half 12:30PM. He was first wounded with in the neck then he was touched (je ne comprends vraiment pas; veux-tu plutôt utiliser le verbe "to strike"?) with (idem) the head. According to the official investigations (ci-dessous tu en parles d'une seconde, alors...), the bullets having (d'accord, ou "that") killed the president were drawn (idem) by Lee Harvey Oswald who worked in this (d'accord, ou "the") building.
But a second investigation, that of (d'accord, ou "conducted by") (article) U.S House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations, estimates that there had been (article) conspiracy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is now buried in the national cemetery of Arlington National Cemetery, close to (d'accord, ou "near") Washington DC.
I chose this photograph because it represents the place where the thirty-fifth president of the United States was assassinated. He too (Lui aussi ? En plus de qui ?) helped the others and militated (Un bon mot de vocabulaire !! Mais pas trop commun ; même moi j'ai dû le chercher dans le dictionnaire ! Si tu veux être mieux compris et n'es pas dérangé par l'idée de paraître pas aussi éduqué, pourquoi pas utiliser simplement le verbe "to fight" ?) against the racial segregation.

Modifié par TravisKidd le 20-04-2009 20:22

Réponse: Devoir de ophelie77, postée le 22-04-2009 à 09:40:02 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup TravisKidd

Réponse: Devoir de ophelie77, postée le 22-04-2009 à 11:17:27 (S | E)
Est ce que cette phrase est bien construite :

He was taken along at once to Parkland Hospital but he was declared died half an hour later.

Réponse: Devoir de TravisKidd, postée le 22-04-2009 à 16:15:22 (S | E)
He was taken along at once to Parkland Hospital but he was (pas faux mais pas nécessaire de le répéter) declared died ("died" est le participe passé, mais pas un adjectif) half an hour later.



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