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good deed/correction (1)

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good deed/correction
Message de inesparis posté le 20-04-2009 à 20:05:34 (S | E | F)

Bonjour pouvez-vous me corriger ma petite expression s' il vous plaît ?

Modifié par bridg le 20-04-2009 20:08

Réponse: good deed/correction de inesparis, postée le 20-04-2009 à 20:06:48 (S | E)

We enormously admire people for their good deed, their courage, their greatness, their generosity. We admire them because each one of these people brings something to us, the best thing than we can do to thank them is to take them as models and admire them. As for me my admiration is for my mother, I know it's a stereotype but my mother is the most admirable person I know. She did ,five times, the most beautiful thing in the world, to give life.
We say that to be mother is the hardest professions in the world but I think that it is also the most beautiful. I do not want to be pretentious, but she gives us an irreproachable education so that will become a good people,
She is unbelievable because she shares her time between her profession of mother an her work, indeed, she is a exemplary land-agent,
My admiration is stronger because some days ago she gave birth to my fifth younger sister, célie.
Then I think my mother is surprising because she is a formidable mom but also thoughtful woman because she live for 21 years a perfect love with my father,.

Réponse: good deed/correction de laure95, postée le 21-04-2009 à 19:16:19 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
We enormously admire people for their good deed, their courage, their greatness, their generosity. We admire them because each one of these people brings something to us, the best thing than we can do is to thank them is to take them as models and admire them. As for me my admiration is for my mother, I know it's a stereotype but my mother is the most admirable person I know. She did (present perfect),five times, the most beautiful thing in the world, to give life.
We say that to be (being a) mother is the hardest professions (job) in the world but I think that it is also the most beautiful. I do not want to be pretentious, but she gives us an irreproachable education so that we will become a good people,
She is unbelievable because she shares her time between her profession of mother an her work, indeed, she is a (an) exemplary land-agent,
My admiration is stronger (than what?) because some days ago she gave birth to my fifth younger (superlatif) sister, célie.
Then I think my mother is surprising because she is a formidable mom but also a thoughtful woman because she live (present perfect) for 21 years a perfect love with my father,.



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