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Correction-Une petite histoire (1)

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Correction-Une petite histoire
Message de defy posté le 22-04-2009 à 04:08:09 (S | E | F)

La situation:
Il faut contimuer le texte à partir du suivant, en utilisant les mots de vocabulaire.

1-(to be )likely to
2-disguised as
3-a closer look/examination
4-to reveal(revealing)

Jim took me into his office and made me sit down. Instead of joking and smilling, as he usually did, he was dead serious. He showed me a magazine article about employees who are secretly disliked by their fellow workers.
mon texte:

He said: be frank with me, what do you think about this? I give a closer look to the magazine; there were a lot of thing thought-provoking. Jim is likely to find a solution; with those endless stories of employee’s relationship, but even his boss is prowess in front this situation. I was sure the man who wrote this article is not a brag person, because his words reveal all the problem of our society. Everybody is disguised there self as an other to…

Pouvez-vous m'aidez à corriger s'il-vous-plaît.
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Réponse: Correction-Une petite histoire de jean31, postée le 22-04-2009 à 10:07:50 (S | E)

En rouge, ce qui ne va pas et doit être corrigé.
En bleu, mes indications.
En vert, mes corrections.
À toi de jouer.

He said: be frank with me, what do you think about this? I give (prétérit) a closer look at the magazine; there were a lot of things thought-provoking.(l'adjectif est mal placé) Jim is likely to find a solution; with those endless stories of employee’s relationship, but even his boss is prowess (???) in front of this situation. I was (présent) sure the man who wrote this article is not bragging because his words reveal all the problems of our society. Everybody is disguised there self as an other to…(qu'as-tu voulu dire ?)

Réponse: Correction-Une petite histoire de defy, postée le 23-04-2009 à 00:26:28 (S | E)
Version corrigé~
Merci beaucoup!~~~~

He said: be frank with me, what do you think about this? I gived a closer look at the magazine; there were a lot of things thought-provoking things. Jim is likely to find a solution; with those endless stories of employee’s relationship, but even his boss haven't enough prowess in front of this situation. I'm sure the man who wrote this article is not bragging because his words reveal all the problems of our society.

-----Everybody is disguised there self as an other to…(qu'as-tu voulu dire ?)

Je voulais juste faire une phrases avec disguise en lien avec le texte.

Réponse: Correction-Une petite histoire de jean31, postée le 23-04-2009 à 09:37:00 (S | E)
He said: be frank with me, what do you think about this? I gived(*) a closer look at the magazine; there were a lot of thought-provoking things. Jim is likely to find a solution; with those endless stories of employee’s relationship, but even his boss haven't enough prowess isn't courageous enough in front of this situation. I'm sure the man who wrote this article is not bragging because his words reveal all the problems of our society.

-----Everybody is disguised there self as an other to…(qu'as-tu voulu dire ?)
Je voulais juste faire une phrases avec disguise en lien avec le texte.
=> Tu ne précises toujours pas ce que tu as voulu dire, car ta phrase n'a aucun sens !

(*) Give est l'un des verbes irréguliers. Il faut les connaître tous par coeur.



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