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Besoin d'aide exo anglais (1)

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Besoin d'aide exo anglais
Message de rastathomas posté le 22-04-2009 à 15:29:27 (S | E | F)

Voilà en fait(e) je dois rédiger un texte en anglais sur un film qui m'a(s) plus pour le faire partager aux autres de ma classe et vu mon très mauvais niveau en anglais j'aurais voulu savoir si quelqu'un pourrais m'aider a corriger les fautes de grammaire et d'orthographe(s) de ce texte:

"I have chose to speak about my favorit film: "fast and furious". I love this movie because it's a thriller. We can see many beautiful tuning cars and much to very impressive street race. The story take place in California, Brian O'conner, a police officer, infiltrate the team to Dominic Toretto, a violent racer, for to see more clearly on a series of robberies of trucks. But Brian will begin friend with Toretto...If you like the action film, and the tuning cars, you should to look this film, you don't will be disappointed"

Merci de votre aide(s).. ++

Modifié par bridg le 23-04-2009 17:52

Réponse: Besoin d'aide exo anglais de brettdallen, postée le 22-04-2009 à 16:42:30 (S | E)
Vous l'avez dit, il y a du travail! mais en français aussi!

"I have chose(participe passé!) to speak about my favorit(orthographe) film: "fast and furious"(majuscules). I love this movie because it's a thriller. We can see many beautiful tuning(j'aurais choisi le participe passé de "tune up") cars and much to? very impressive street race(s). The story take(s) place in California,(point) Brian O'conner, a police officer, infiltrate(3ème personne du singulier..) the team to("of", mais vous devriez employer le génitif) Dominic Toretto, a violent racer, for(non!) to see more clearly on a series of robberies of trucks. But Brian will begin(choisissez un autre verbe) friend with Toretto...If you like the(inutile) action film(s), and the tuning cars, you should to(auxiliaire modal + Base verbale) look(pas le bon verbe. "watch", "go and see") this film, you don't will("will"+ négation =?) be disappointed"

Merci de votre aides..

Allez, au travail!
Modifié par bridg le 23-04-2009 17:53

Réponse: Besoin d'aide exo anglais de rastathomas, postée le 22-04-2009 à 17:22:22 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !! j'avoue que je suis un peut faché avec l'orthographe

"I have chosen to speak about my favorites film: "Fast and Furious". I love this movie because it's a thriller. We can see many beautiful tuning cars and ("much to": je voulais dire "beaucoup de") very impressive street races. The story takes place in California. Brian O'conner, a police officer, infiltrates the Dominic Toretto team's, a violent racer, to see more clearly on a series of robberies of trucks. But Brian will be friend with Toretto...If you like action films, and the tuning cars, you should watch this film, you will not be disappointed"

Réponse: Besoin d'aide exo anglais de laure95, postée le 22-04-2009 à 18:48:42 (S | E)
Bonsoir, voici de nouvelles corrections à apporter:
"I have chosen to speak about my favorites (jamais de S à 1 adjectif) film: "Fast and Furious". I love this movie because it's a thriller. We can see many beautiful tuning cars and very impressive street races. The story takes place in California. Brian O'conner, a police officer, infiltrates the Dominic Toretto team's, a violent racer, to see more clearly on a series of robberies of trucks. But Brian will be friend with Toretto...If you like action films, and the tuning cars, you should watch this film, you will not be disappointed"

Réponse: Besoin d'aide exo anglais de twista, postée le 23-04-2009 à 17:37:35 (S | E)
J'ai à mon tour quelques autres petites corrections à donner
"I have chosen to speak about my favorites (jamais de S à 1 adjectif) film: "Fast and Furious". I love this movie because it's a thriller. We can see many beautiful tuning cars and (tu peux ajouter "a lot of" pour "beaucoup de") very impressive street races. The story takes place in California. (tu peux aussi lier ces deux phrases par "where", peut-être plus agréable à l'oral) Brian O'conner, a police officer, infiltrates the Dominic Toretto team's (le possessif - 's - se place après le possesseur, ici Dominic Toretto, et jamais de "the" devant un nom propre) , a violent racer, to see more clearly on a series of robberies of trucks. But Brian will be (pourquoi pas become?) friend with Toretto... If you like action films, and the tuning cars, you should watch this film, you will not be disappointed".

Bonne continuation !



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