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Oral d'Anglais BTS CGO
Message de kevin-bzh posté le 23-04-2009 à 16:20:17
Bonjour à tous, je passe mon examen dans 1 semaine, et je prépare actuellement mon oral d'anglais. Ma demande concerne la partie "présentation du stage en entreprise".
J'ai un niveau très médiocre en anglais et j'ai préparé un texte à l'avance.
Merci de m'indiquer les erreures de synthaxe ou autre.
During my 2-years of BTS in accountancy, I did vocational training with a company.
I worked for a French commercial company located in Levallois Peret . She is specialized in the fashion and luxury.
The company employed approximately 4000 employees. So This is a big company !
I found this internship on the web.
I was in charge of invoices managment and the reprocessings. The first week, I was a little lost because the software was complicated.
My training course was a success and I didn’t regret my choice because I found a lot of satisfactions there.
It enables me to extend my knowledge, to strengthen my knowledge in project creations, and to learn how to communicate in a professional frame work.
Furthermore the experimental subject was attractive and there was a good atmosphere in the company and it will be a great memory.
Un grand merci à vous. Kévin
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2010 08:54
Message de kevin-bzh posté le 23-04-2009 à 16:20:17
Bonjour à tous, je passe mon examen dans 1 semaine, et je prépare actuellement mon oral d'anglais. Ma demande concerne la partie "présentation du stage en entreprise".
J'ai un niveau très médiocre en anglais et j'ai préparé un texte à l'avance.
Merci de m'indiquer les erreures de synthaxe ou autre.
During my 2-years of BTS in accountancy, I did vocational training with a company.
I worked for a French commercial company located in Levallois Peret . She is specialized in the fashion and luxury.
The company employed approximately 4000 employees. So This is a big company !
I found this internship on the web.
I was in charge of invoices managment and the reprocessings. The first week, I was a little lost because the software was complicated.
My training course was a success and I didn’t regret my choice because I found a lot of satisfactions there.
It enables me to extend my knowledge, to strengthen my knowledge in project creations, and to learn how to communicate in a professional frame work.
Furthermore the experimental subject was attractive and there was a good atmosphere in the company and it will be a great memory.
Un grand merci à vous. Kévin
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2010 08:54
Réponse: Oral d'Anglais BTS CGO de laure95, postée le 25-04-2009 à 18:46:28
Bonsoir Kevin, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
During my 2
I worked for a French commercial company located in Levallois Peret . She is specialized in
The company employed (pourquoi le preterit?) approximately 4000 employees. So This is a big company !
I found this internship on the web.
I was in charge of invoices managment (orthographe) and the reprocessings (inverser invoices et management). The first week, I was a little lost because the software was complicated.
My training course was a success and I didn’t regret my choice because I found a lot of satisfactions there.
It enables (temps) me to extend my knowledge (in what?), to strengthen my knowledge in project creations, and to learn how to communicate in a professional frame work.
Furthermore the experimental subject was attractive and there was a good atmosphere in the company and it will be a great memory.
Réponse: Oral d'Anglais BTS CGO de , postée le 26-04-2009 à 16:25:37
Oral d'Anglais BTS CGO
Message de kevin-bzh posté le 23-04-2009 à 16:20:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous, je passe mon examen dans 1 semaine, et je prépare actuellement mon oral d'anglais. Ma demande concerne la partie "présentation du stage en entreprise".
J'ai un niveau très médiocre en anglais et j'ai préparé un texte à l'avance.
Merci de m'indiquer les erreures de synthaxe ou autre.
During my 2-years of BTS in accountancy, I did (a)vocational training with a company.
I worked for a French commercial company located in Levallois Peret . She is specialized in the fashion and luxury.
The company employes(es) approximately 4000 people . So it is a big company !
I found this internship on the web.
I was in charge of invoices management and the reprocessings. The first week, I was a little lost because the software was complicated.
My training course was a success and I didn’t regret my choice because I found a lot of satisfaction there.
It enables me to extend my knowledge, to strengthen my knowledge in project creations, and to learn how to communicate in a professional frame work.
Furthermore the experimental subject was attractive and there was a good atmosphere in the company and it will be a great memory.
Un grand merci à vous. Kévin
Réponse: Oral d'Anglais BTS CGO de kevin-bzh, postée le 28-04-2009 à 07:53:48
Un grand merci pour ta réponse Laure