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Lettre (correction) (1)

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Lettre (correction)
Message de posté le 25-04-2009 à 14:19:00

Pour la rentrée nous devons écrire une lettre en anglais racontant nos vacances. Nous devons faire comme si nous nous adressions à un ami...
Si vous piuvez y jeter un coup d'oeil et me dire si j'ai fait des fautes, je vous en serais reconaissante !

My dear Mary,
How are you ? I hope you are having fun in London !
This holidays, I have been in the French Riviera, in our second home.
The first day was just awful ! I had to go to my great-grandmother funeral, and, as we could have expected for a contemplation* day, it has been raining all day long. The rain was pouring on us its stream of grief and sadness, and the beginning of my holidays was ruined.
Fortunately, from the next day, the sun has been shining and the previous day was just a bad remember. With my family, we went on islands thanks to a boat and I spent fantastic days sun-tanning, swimming, and playing beach-volley with my cousins. We met a nice lady whose cat had delivered a litter of four adorable kittens, and since she could not take care of them all, we decided to adopt one ! It is really cute, always playing and purring !
Later, we drove back to Paris for a few days were I mostly spent my days hanging out with friends, cooking and going to the cinema. I also made the most of my time to do things I have usually not the time to, as sleep in or read a book under the sun.
Then I went to Normandie for three days with a friend. She has a huge lovely house next to the beach. We took advantage of the nature and the unexpected good weather to hitchhike and go cycling on little trails.
But every good thing has a end, I am now writing you from a train which takes me home, where I am probably going to work a lot...
Hoping to hear from you soon,
(my first name)

* je voulais dire "recueillement"

Merci d'avance !

Modifié par bridg le 12-01-2010 22:07

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de laure95, postée le 25-04-2009 à 19:02:18
Bonsoir, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
My dear Mary,
How are you ? I hope you are having fun in London !
This (THIS + SINGULIER + il manque 1 préposition)) holidays, I have been (preterit) in the French Riviera, in our second home (mal dit).
The first day was just awful ! I had to go to my great-grandmother funeral (il manque le "'S"), and, as we could have expected for a contemplation* day, it has been raining all day long. The rain was pouring on us its stream of grief and sadness, and the beginning of my holidays was ruined.
Fortunately, from the next day, the sun has been shining (preterit progressif) and the previous day was just a bad remember. With my family, we went on islands thanks to a boat and I spent fantastic days sun-tanning, swimming, and playing beach-volley with my cousins. We met a nice lady whose cat had delivered a litter of four adorable kittens, and since she could not take care of them all, we decided to adopt one ! It is really cute, always playing and purring !
Later, we drove back to Paris for a few days were I mostly spent my days hanging out with friends, cooking and going to the cinema. I also made (pas le bon verbe) the most of my time to do (gérondif) things I have usually not the time to, as sleep in or read (même remarque) a book under the sun.
Then I went to Normandie for three days with a friend. She has a huge lovely house next to the beach. We took advantage of the nature and the unexpected good weather to hitchhike and go cycling on little trails.
But every good thing has a end, I am now writing you from a train which takes me back home, where I am probably going to work a lot...
Hoping to hear from you soon,
(my first name)

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de sulia23, postée le 25-04-2009 à 19:57:27
salut youhou bien joué pour ta lettre je voulais te dire dire que j'aurai fais plus de fautes que toi

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de , postée le 25-04-2009 à 23:23:39
Merci beaucoup pour vous réponses ! J'ai essayé de corrigé ma lettre avec vos indications, cependant je ne suis pas sure sur certains points...

My dear Mary,
How are you ? I hope you are having fun in London !
During these holidays, I went to the French Riviera, in our...

Comment traduire "maison de vacances" ou "résidence secondaire" ?
Holidays house/home ? Second house/home ?

The first day was just awful ! I had to go to my great-grandmother's funeral, and, as we could have expected for a contemplation day, it has been raining all day long. The rain was pouring on us its stream of grief and sadness, and the beginning of my holidays was ruined.
Fortunately, from the next day, the sun was shining and the previous day was just a bad memory. With my family, we went on islands thanks to a boat and I spent fantastic days sun-tanning, swimming, and playing beach-volley with my cousins. We met a nice lady whose cat had delivered a litter of four adorable kittens, and since she could not take care of them all, we decided to adopt one ! It is really cute, always playing and purring !
Later, we drove back to Paris for a few days where I mostly spent my days hanging out with friends, cooking and going to the cinema. I also used ? my time doing things I have usually not the time to, as sleeping in or reading a book in the sunshine.

En fait, je cherchais ici à traduire "J'en ai aussi profité pour faire des choses qu'habituellement je n'ai pas le temps de faire"
Mon dictionnaire traduit "profiter" par "make the most of"
Je ne sais pas trop comment arranger ça... Là j'ai un peu changé le sens ^^

Then I went to Normandy for three days with a friend. She has a huge lovely house next to the beach. We took advantage of the nature and the unexpected good weather to hitchhike and go cycling on little trails.
But every good thing has a end, I am now writing you from a train which takes me back home, where I am probably going to work a lot...
Hoping to hear from you soon,
(my first name)

Merci encore, bonne soirée !

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de , postée le 26-04-2009 à 11:28:54
Bonjour YouHou!
Tu dois écrire à une amie n'est ce pa? Et bien au lieu de dire au début "Comment va tu" Tu peux parler plus familièrement: "Comment ca va ?=)How it's going?

Mais tu peux laisser cela comme ca c'est très bien!
Passe une bonne journée!


Réponse: Lettre (correction) de , postée le 26-04-2009 à 11:46:44
Bonne idée merci beaucoup =D
Bonne journée à toi aussi !

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de laure95, postée le 26-04-2009 à 14:09:39
My dear Mary,
How are you ? I hope you are having fun in London !
During these holidays, I went to the French Riviera, in our...

Comment traduire "maison de vacances" ou "résidence secondaire" ?
Holidays house/home ? Second house/home ? : SECOND HOME.

The first day was just awful ! I had to go to my great-grandmother's funeral, and, as we could have expected for a contemplation day, it has been raining all day long. The rain was pouring on us its stream of grief and sadness, and the beginning of my holidays was ruined.
Fortunately, from the next day, the sun was shining and the previous day was just a bad memory. With my family, we went on islands thanks to a boat and I spent fantastic days sun-tanning, swimming, and playing beach-volley with my cousins. We met a nice lady whose cat had delivered a litter of four adorable kittens, and since she could not take care of them all, we decided to adopt one ! It is really cute, always playing and purring !
Later, we drove back to Paris for a few days where I mostly spent my days hanging out with friends, cooking and going to the cinema. I also used ? my time doing things I have usually not the time to, as sleeping in or reading a book in the sunshine.


Then I went to Normandy for three days with a friend. She has a huge lovely house next to the beach. We took advantage of the nature and the unexpected good weather to hitchhike and go cycling on little trails.
But every good thing has a (A devant 1 mot commençant par 1 consonne) end, I am now writing you from a train which takes me back home, where I am probably going to work a lot...
Hoping to hear from you soon,
(my first name)

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de , postée le 26-04-2009 à 14:30:08
Merci énormément Laure95 !!
En esperant que ce soit la dernière version ^^ :

My dear Mary,
How are you ? I hope you are having fun in London !
During these holidays, I went to the French Riviera, in our second home.
The first day was just awful ! I had to go to my great-grandmother's funeral, and, as we could have expected for a contemplation day, it has been raining all day long. The rain was pouring on us its stream of grief and sadness, and the beginning of my holidays was ruined.
Fortunately, from the next day, the sun was shining and the previous day was just a bad memory. With my family, we went to islands thanks to a boat and I spent fantastic days sun-tanning, swimming, and playing beach-volley with my cousins. We met a nice lady whose cat had delivered a litter of four adorable kittens, and since she could not take care of them all, we decided to adopt one ! It is really cute, always playing and purring !
Later, we drove back to Paris for a few days where I mostly spent my days hanging out with friends, cooking and going to the cinema. I also took advantage of my spare time to do/doing ? things I have usually not the time to, as sleeping in or reading a book in the sunshine.

Dans ce cas, est ce qu'on ne dirait pas to do ?

Then I went to Normandy for three days with a friend. She has a huge lovely house next to the beach. We took advantage of the nature and the unexpected good weather to hitchhike and go cycling on little trails.
But every good thing has an end, I am now writing you from a train which takes me back home, where I am probably going to work a lot...
Hoping to hear from you soon,
(my first name)

Réponse: Lettre (correction) de laure95, postée le 27-04-2009 à 11:20:29
I also took advantage of my spare time to do/doing (doing) things I have usually not the time to>,(mal dit) as sleeping in or reading a book in the sunshine.

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