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Correction/Médecine (1)

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Message de pierre83 posté le 28-04-2009 à 21:48:52 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, je dois faire un texte. Je remercie d'avance celui qui pourra me corriger et me conseiller. Il s'agit d'un simple texte sur des questions données. Mon souci, c'est d'abord les fautes de grammaire et de conjugaison, mais aussi un vocabulaire employé à tort ou des phrases qui n'ont pas de sens.
Merci, Pierre.

The medicine does not escape the international context.

In a logic of "quite commercial", the pharmaceutical industry has too, that concerns to increase its profits.
The medical research goes to this direction and is that the governments can again control it while very strong political and economic interests are at stake.

The problem lifted in the text is significant.
Lollipops are the sign that the commercial interests can exceed those of the public health. But simply let us stop on the nicotine which is considered for a long time, as the product starting the habituation.
The research, then centred by states, gave us nicotine patches and gums while I read, today, on the Jussieu's site while the only nicotine, does not create the additivity.
By leaving the place to the only industrialists, we see the drift which he can have there.
The current world economy does not allow a company to wait that all the precautions are taken before launching on the market a product.
It would be too expensive for the company.
Effectively, it is impossible to admit that this risk-taking would be assumed by the first ones who will take new medicines and who will put their health peril.
The governments are the only ones to be able to arbitrate the exit of a product, to supervise the research and to verify if medicines are effective and without danger, and if the doctors prescribe products recognized by an office steered by the state and the work of which is at the disposal of the citizens.
The naming medicine must to listen "delivered with prescription " and the function of the pharmacist is to be held in it and to give councils informed for the over counter sold products.
Modifié par bridg le 28-04-2009 23:06

Réponse: Correction/Médecine de jean31, postée le 29-04-2009 à 09:57:56 (S | E)

The medicine does not escape the international context.Pas de déterminant quand le nom est employé dans la généralité.
In a logic of "quite commercial", the pharmaceutical industry also has too that concern to increase its profits. Ne pas séparer le COD du verbe.
The medical research is going to this direction way and is that the governments ??? Cette articulation de phrase est incompréhensible. Qu'avez-vous voulu dire ? can again control it while very strong political and economic interests are at stake.

The problem lifted raised in the text is significant. Lift, c'est soulever au sens propre.
Lollipops are the sign that the commercial interests can exceed those of the public health. But simply let us stop on the nicotine which is has been considered for a long time, as the product starting the habituation addiction. Obligation d'employer le present perfect quand on considère le bilan actuel d'une action commencée antérieurement. Addiction quand il s'agit d'accoutumance à une drogue, fût-ce la nicotine.
The research, then centred by states, gave has given us nicotine patches and gums while I am reading today, on the Jussieu site while that the only nicotine alone does not create the additivity addiction.
- Present perfect quand il n'y a aucune référence de temps.
- Présent continu avec while, l'action est en cours.
- "Additivity" ressemble fort à un barbarisme.

By leaving the place to the industrialists only, we see the drift which we can have there.
The current world economy does not allow a company to wait that for all the precautions are to be taken before launching a product on the market.
It would be too expensive for the company.
Effectively, it is impossible to admit that this risk-taking would be assumed by the first ones who will take new medicines and (who) will put imperil/endanger/jeopardize their health peril.
The governments are the only ones to be able to arbitrate the exit release of a product, (to) supervise the research and (to) verify if medicines are effective and without danger, and if the doctors prescribe products recognized by an office steered by the state and the work of which is at the disposal of the citizens.
Cette phrase "à rallonge", typiquement française, gagnerait à être morcelée, donc reconstruite.
The naming medicine must to listen "delivered with prescription " and the function of the pharmacist is to be held in it and to give councils informed for the over counter sold products.
Sans doute à cause de la fatigue, cette dernière phrase est "charabiesque", désolé.

Réponse: Correction/Médecine de pierre83, postée le 30-04-2009 à 22:36:53 (S | E)
Merci pour la correction, c'est très sympa.

A bientôt, Pierre.

Réponse: Correction/Médecine de pierre83, postée le 01-05-2009 à 17:58:25 (S | E)
j'ai essayé de refaire mon texte. Mais c'est pas encore. Si quelqu'un a la patience de le corriger, je l'en remercie.

Medicine does not escape the international context.
In a logic of "quite commercial", the pharmaceutical industry also has that concerns to increase its profits.
Medical research is going to this way and can governments still control it while very strong political and economic interests are at stake.
The problem raised in the text is significant.
Lollipops are the sign that commercial interests can exceed those of the public health. But simply let us stop on nicotine which has been considered for a long time, as the product starting the addiction.
Research, then centred by states, has given us nicotine patches and gums while I am reading, today, on the Jussieu's site that nicotine alone, does not create addiction.
By leaving the place to industrialists only, we see the drift which we can have there.
The current world economy does not allow a company to wait for all precautions to be taken before launching a product on the market a product.
It would be too expensive for the company.
Effectively, it is impossible to admit that this risk-taking would be assumed by the first ones who will take new medicines and who will endanger their health.
Governments are the only ones to be able to arbitrate the release of a product, to supervise research and to verify if medicines are effective and without danger.
They must control that doctors prescribe products recognized by an office steered by the state and the work of which is at the disposal of the citizens.
The label “medicine” must mean "delivered with prescription " and pharmacist's function is to respect it and to give councils for the over counter sold products.

Ce que j'aurai aimé dire dans la dernière phrase :

L'appellation médicament doit sous entendre “délivré avec ordonnance” et la fonction du pharmacien est de s'y tenir et de donner des conseils avisés pour les produits vendus sans ordonnance.

Réponse: Correction/Médecine de pierre83, postée le 03-05-2009 à 21:15:11 (S | E)
Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à me débrouiller sur cette partie de texte. Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la patience de corriger et de me conseiller sur partie de texte.

Governments are the only ones to be able to arbitrate the release of a product, to supervise research and to verify if medicines are effective and without danger.
They must control that doctors prescribe products recognized by an office steered by the state and the work of which is at the disposal of the citizens.
The label “medicine” must mean "delivered with prescription " and pharmacist's function is to respect it and to give councils for the over counter sold products.

Ce que j'aurai aimé dire dans la dernière phrase :

L'appellation médicament doit sous entendre “délivré avec ordonnance” et la fonction du pharmacien est de s'y tenir et de donner des conseils avisés pour les produits vendus sans ordonnance.



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