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Correction oral d'anglais (1)

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Correction oral d'anglais
Message de cyrille276 posté le 03-05-2009 à 00:53:27 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, serait-il possible de regarder un peu s'il y a des fautes?
Merci beaucoup c'est pour mon oral d'anglais électrotech.

Presentation of my training report

I have effected my training period in the company Les Crudettes to
Châteauneuf sur Loire, placed to 10 mins of my home by car.
This company conditions salads in sachet, lending to be consummated.
She employs 475 Persons, for a turnover of 90 M€.

The training period is unrolled in two time, 2 weeks in June 2008 and 1
months in January 2009.

The work in this company is in teams.
I work in the morning from 5am to 13h or afternoon from 21h to 13h.
To work up in the company I had to wear

I was putting my overall, my safety shoes, as a charlotte and my headset.

 For enterred in production area, it was musting to wash hands
carefully has each time.

Deposit them of the day was being inscribed on a switchboard in the workroom.

 My responsible training was mister Treguet, it is the production manager to les Crudettes of Châteauneuf.
 The working team are constituted of two persons;

 1 agent of mastery and 1 technicians of maintenance.

 The agent of mastery does equipment orders, the curative maintenance as the
organization and the planning of maintenance.

The technician attends the planned preventive maintenance..

Time, I was having  a telephone and I occupyed of simple smudges as, the change of wheel of cutting, to cut lettuce, or to the change the format on machines cartons, or to the rearmament of certain system.

 I have as worked up on the project of end of year, realized the change of the
cupboard electric of Station recycling salad

The cupboard does work 4 pumps of raising of water, and 3 screws of Archimède
to up the salad in buckets, assigned to the agriculture.

My consisted role has analysed the working of the system, to conceive the
automaton programme.

The automaton programme has been tested with a model of simulation, and has
approved by supervisors.

Thereafter I have designed plans of the support

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2009 07:25

Réponse: Correction oral d'anglais de jimboparis, postée le 03-05-2009 à 00:55:09 (S | E)
Prépares pas tes orales sur babelfish!

J'avais pensé a te donner un peu d'aide, mais mettre tout le texte francais sur babelfish et puis faire un copier-coller c'est de la pure feignantise.

Essaies de créer qqch par tes propres soins et puis reviens...

Réponse: Correction oral d'anglais de cyrille276, postée le 03-05-2009 à 01:52:48 (S | E)
oh la c'est si nul que ça ?
Et je ne connais pas babelfish...
tu peux juste souligner les faute, je les corrigerai.

Modifié par bridg le 03-05-2009 09:29
Ce qui vous est dit est que votre traduction est le fruit d'une traduction électronique, donc, impossible à prendre en charge par nos soins.
Bon courage.

Réponse: Correction oral d'anglais de cyrille276, postée le 03-05-2009 à 19:20:54 (S | E)
J'ai revu ma copie.
Dites moi si c'est mieux, merci

Presentation of my training course
I made my training period in the company Les Crudettes to Châteauneuf sur Loire, located next to my home (10 mins by car).
This company package salads in sachet, ready of being consumed.
This factory employs 475 Persons, for a 90 Million €uro turnover.
The training period took place in two time, 2 weeks in June 2008 and 1 month in January 2009.
The work in this company is made in teams.
I worked the morning from 5am till 13h or the afternoon from 21h till 13h.
For work up in the company, I had to change.
I put my overall, my safety shoes, as well as charlotte and my helmet.
For gone in production area, it was necessary to wash itself carefully hands every time.
The orders of the day were registered on a board in the workshop.
Mister Treguet, it is the production manager to les Crudettes of Châteauneuf and also in charge of my training.
The working team were established by two persons;
an agent of mastery and 1 technician of maintenance.
The agent of mastery made equipment orders, the curative maintenance as well as the
organization and the planning of maintenance.
The technician took charge of the strategic preventive maintenance.
Sometime, I had a phone and I occupied of simple tasks as, the change of wheel of cutting, to cut lettuce, the change the format on cardboards machines, or to the rearmament of certain systems.
I also worked on the year-end project and I made the change of the
electrical cabinet of Station recycling salad.
The electrical cabinet does work four (pumps rising of water (pompe de relèvement d’eau), and three Archimèdes’ screws to go up the salad in tippers, assigned for the agriculture.
My job consisted has analysed the functioning of the system, to conceive the
automaton programme.
The automaton programme was tested with a model of simulation, and was
approved by supervisors.
Afterward I drew plans of the support for this electrical cabinet, on computer.

That's to my training course in company.



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