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Comparatif - superlatif - thème

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Comparatif - superlatif - thème
Message de taconnet posté le 15-05-2009 à 22:57:52 (S | E | F)


Je vous propose de traduire des phrases de thème grammatical, proposées à différents concours d'entrée dans les écoles d'ingénieurs.

Niveau :
Correction : lundi 25 mai 2009

1- Moins il y aura de camions sur les routes, plus elles deviendront sûres.
2- Pourquoi tout ce vacarme ? - Nos voisins donnent une réception ce soir pour fêter l'anniversaire de l'ainée de leurs deux filles.
3- L'an passé, il y a eu deux fois moins d'accidents sur les routes, mais c'est encore trop.
4- De moins en moins d'électeurs se rendent aux urnes, exprimant ainsi leurs mépris à l'égard des hommes politiques.
5- C'était la première fois qu'il passait son permis de conduire. Malheureusement, il échoua. Il fut d'autant plus déçu que tout le monde lui avait dit qu'il réussirait.
6- Plus elle s'éloignait de ces taudis malsains et surpeuplés, plus elle se sentait rassurée.
7- Son dernier* livre est, de loin, meilleur que le précédent, mais ce n'est pas le meilleur qu'il ait écrit.
8- C'est le ministère de la défense qui a été le plus durement touché par les restrictions budgétaires gouvernementales.
9-Avec cette circulation tu devrais aller à la gare à pied. Ça prendra moins longtemps que tu ne penses.
10- Entre les pluies acides et l'effet de serre, la terre subit de plus en plus d'agressions.

* Il en écrira d'autres

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de lilmam, postée le 21-05-2009 à 20:10:51 (S | E)
Bonjour,voici ma ré ne suis pas très forte en traduction mais j'essai quand meme

1-Less there will be more trucks in the streets,the more they will be sure.
2-What is all this noise about?Our neighbors are celebrating tonight the birthday of the elder of their two daughters.
3-Last year,there was more than twice accidents in the streets,but that's too much.
4-Less and less electors go to the polls,leering their disregard towards politicians.
5-It was the first time he passed his driver's licence.Unfortunaly,he failed.He was as much disapointed that everybody told him he would succeed.
6-More she walks away from those unhealthy overcrowded pigsties,the more she felt better.
7-His last book is so far better than the last one;but it's not the best he wrote.
8-It's the minitry of defense who was more affected by the government budget's restriction.
9-With such circulation,you should go to the station by foot.It will take less time than usual.
Quelle catastrophe!excusez-moi pour les horreurs surtout

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de stayvisible, postée le 22-05-2009 à 17:55:21 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet, here is my try

1- The less the roads will be with trucks, the more safe they will become.
2- Why making a big hullabaloo? our neighbors have a reception tonight to celebrate their elder daughter’s birthday.
3- Last year, there were half as many accidents on the road, but it’s still too much.
4- Less and less voters go to the polls, way to express their disregard towards political candidates.
5- It was the first time that he took driving test. Unfortunately, he failed. He was disappointed especially as everyone told him he was going to pass.
6- The more she moved away from the unhealthy and overpopulated slums, the more relieved she felt.
7- His last book is by far better than the previous one, but it’s not the best that he wrote.
8- It’s the department of defense which was the most hit or affected by governmental budget restraints.
9- With such a traffic, you’d rather go to the railway station by foot. It will take less time than you think.
10-Between acid rain and green house effect; the earth undergoes more and more aggression.
Thanks for this out of the ordinary exercise
Have a good day
All the best

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de ariane6, postée le 22-05-2009 à 23:02:04 (S | E)

Bonsoir taconnet,

1-The fewer the lorries on the road, the safer the roads will be.
2- What's all this racket about ? Our neighbours are having a party to celebrate their elder daughter´s birthday.
3- Last year there were half the accidents on the roads, but that's still too many.
4- Fewer and fewer voters are going to the polls, expressing in this manner, their contempt for the politicians.
5- It was the first time he had taken a driving test. Unfortunately he failed. He was all the more disappointed as everyone had told him he would pass.
6- The farther she got away from the overcrowded unhealthy slums, the more relieved she felt.
7- His latest book is far better than the previous one, but it's not the best he has written.
8- It's the Ministry of Defense which has been most deeply affected by the cuts in the government's budget.
9- In traffic like that, you ought to go to the station on foot. It will take less time than you think.
10- Between acid rain and the greenhouse effect, the Earth is suffering from more and more aggression.
pour cet exercice.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de dolfin56, postée le 23-05-2009 à 14:06:02 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,
what a very difficult test (for me!)

1-The fewer trucks on the roads , the safest they will become.
2-For what is all this racket for?tonight, our neighbours are having a reception for their elder daughter's birthday.
3-last year, there were half as many accidents on the roads, but it's still too much.
4-Less and less voters go to the polls,as saying their disdain towards the politicians
5-It was the first time he had a driving test.Unfortunately, he failed.He was all the more disappointed so as he has been told by everybody he would pass it.
6-The farther she moved away from these unhealthy and overpopulated slums, the more relieved she felt.
7-His most recent book is, by far,better than the previous one, but it isn't the best he has written.
8- It's the defense départment which has been affected the most harshly by the financial limitations.
9-With such a traffic, you ought to go to the station on foot; it'll take less time than you think.
10- Between the acid rains and Greenhouse gas emissions ,the earth is more and more suffering from muggings.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de lakata, postée le 23-05-2009 à 15:10:07 (S | E)

Bonjour taconnet.

1)The fewer lorries there will be on the roads, the safer these last ones will become.

2)Why all that din ? Tonight, our neighbours are giving a party to celebrate their elder daughter's birthday.

3)There were half as many accidents on the roads last year, but it is still too many.

4)Fewer and fewer electors go to the polls, meaning by that how much they despise the politicians.

5)It was the first time he had taken his driving test. Unfortunately, he failed it. He was all the more disappointed since everybody had told him he would pass it.

6)The further she went away from those overcrowded insalubrious slums, the easier she felt.

7)It is the Ministry of Defence which has been/was the most affected by the governmental budget cutbacks.

8)His latest book is by far better than the previous one, but not the best he has written.

9)Given all this traffic, you had better go to the station on foot. It will be quicker than you think.

10)What with the acid rain and the greenhouse effect, the Earth is affected by more and more attacks.

(Not that easy, as dolfin said...)

Thank you for giving it.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de maya92, postée le 25-05-2009 à 15:14:01 (S | E)
Bjr Taconnet,

1 - The fewest lorries on the roads, the safest they will become
2 - Why is there such a row ? Our neighbours are giving a party tonight to celebrate their elder daughter’s birthday
3 - Last year, there were twice less accidents on the roads but it’s still too much
4 - Less and less voters go to the polls disregarding politicians in this way
5 - It was the first time he took his driving test. Unfortunately he failed. He was all the more disappointed since everybody told him he was going to pass
6 - The more she moved away from those overcrowded slums the less worried she felt
7 - His latest novel is by far better than the previous one but still it is not his best
8 - The Ministry of Defence has been the most affected by the budget restrictions
9 - With such a traffic you’d better walk to the station. This will take you less time than you may think
10 - Owing to the acid rains and the greenhouse effect, the earth is subjected to more and more stress

That was very difficult but very interesting, thank you

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de coferam, postée le 25-05-2009 à 20:47:27 (S | E)
Bonsoir Taconnet,

1- The fewest lorries on the roads, the safest they will become.
2- Why all this din ? Our neighbours give a reception this evening to celebrate the birthday of the eldest of their two daughters.
3- Last year there was twice fewer accidents on the roads, but that is still too much.
4- Fewer and fewer voters are going to the polls, so expressing their indifference toward politicians.
5- It was the first time, he took his driving test. Unfortunately he failed it. He was as much disapointed that everybody told him he would pass.
6- The further she went away from those overcrowded insalubrious slums, the easier she felt.
7- His latest book is far better than the previous one, but it's not the best he has written.
8- It is the ministry of defense who was more affected by the government budget's restriction.
9-With such a traffic, you’d rather go to the railway station by foot. It will take less time than you think.
10- Between acid rain and green house effect, the earth undergoes more and more aggression.


Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de taconnet, postée le 25-05-2009 à 22:06:07 (S | E)

La correction de cet exercice est reportée au 27 mai 2009.
Je vous prie de bien vouloir patienter 48 heures.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de taconnet, postée le 28-05-2009 à 08:24:32 (S | E)

Voici quelques points grammaticaux essentiels.

On traduit l’expression « plus … plus » par la structure :
The + more +adjectif (long) ou the + adjectif(court) + ER.

Pour l’expression « moins … moins » on utilise la structure :
The less + adjectif.

Remarques :

The more et the less peuvent être directement suivis d’un sujet et de son verbe, ou d’un adverbe.
On peut aussi combiner les deux structures.

Attention !
« Moins » se traduit par « The fewer » lorsqu’il est suivi d’un nom au pluriel.

The fewer accidents there will be, the better (it will be)
Moins il y aura d’accidents, mieux cela vaudra.

Voici des exemples.

Plus il est populaire, plus il est content.
The more popular he is, the gladder he is.

Plus il travaille, moins il est content.
The more he works, the less glad he is.

Plus je la vois, moins je peux la supporter.
The more I see her, the less I can stand her.

Plus je te regarde et moins je trouve que tu ressembles à ton père.
The more I look at you , the less I find that you look like your father.

Plus on a d’argent, plus on est certain d’avoir des amis.
The more money you have, the more friends you are bound to have.

Notez que « the » n’est pas un article, mais un adverbe qui marque l’accroissement.
Les mots (adjectifs ou noms) sur lesquels porte la comparaison se placent directement après more ou less.

Une phrase telle que :
« The more you have money, the more you are bound to have friends. » est agrammaticale.

Voici quelques expressions à retenir :

To get the better of someone ──► triompher de quelqu’un.
A change for the better ──► une amélioration.
So much the better !──► tant mieux !
Make the best of it ! ──► profitez-en !
All the very best ──► avec tous mes voeux.

En anglais, on remplace le superlatif par un comparatif s’il n’y a que deux éléments de comparaison.

Le plus jeune de ses deux fils.
Her younger son.

« Din , racket »signifient boucan, raffut, tapage. Ici il s’agit d’un bruit inhabituel certes mais pas insupportable. On restera dans la neutralité en employant « noise».

De plus en plus de ──► more and more + nom pluriel ou singulier
De moins en moins de ──► less and less + nom singulier – fewer and fewer + nom pluriel.
There’s less and less wind.
There are fewer and fewer people.

Deux fois plus

He earns twice as much as I do.
There were twice as many people as yesterday.

Deux fois moins

He earns half as much as I do.
There were half as many people as yesterday.

Ne pas confondre « trop »(adverbe) avec « trop de »

Trop (adverbe) ──► too much.
Il a trop mangé. ──► He has eaten too much.

Trop de ──► too much + singulier ; too many + pluriel.

There is too much wind today.
There were too many people at the meeting yesterday.

Last or latest ?
Her last book was to be published on the very day she died.
Son dernier livre devait être publié le jour même de sa mort.

Last = le dernier, celui qui met un point final à une liste , une série …

She always dressed in the latest fashion.
Elle était toujours habillée à la dernière mode.
Latest = le plus récent , la plus récente, le tout dernier …

It’s the first time + present perfect.
It was the first time + past perfect.

It was the summer of 1995. It was the first time they had swum here.
C’était durant l’été 1995. C’était la première fois qu’ils se baignaient ici.

« D’autant plus que »

« D’autant plus que + adjectif + que », se traduit par la structure :
All the more + adjectif + as /because /since.

The road is all the more slippery as it has rained.
La route est d’autant plus glissante qu’il a plu.

« D’autant plus que » sans adjectif , se traduit par la structure :
All the more so + as /because /since.

We ought to hurry. All the more so as the train leaves in 5 minutes.
Il faudrait se dépêcher, d’autant plus que le train part dans 5 minutes.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de taconnet, postée le 28-05-2009 à 08:31:21 (S | E)
Far , a deux comparatifs et superlatifs.

1- Farther , the farthest avec une idée de distance.
We can’t go any farther without a rest ──► Nous ne pouvons pas aller plus loin sans nous reposer.

2- Further , the furthest au sens figuré.
We shan’t go further into the matter.
Nous n’approfondirons pas plus la question.

Remarque : « further » s’emploie souvent à la place de « farther.»

« The worst » est aussi le superlatif de l’adverbe «badly».

On emploie « the » suivi du comparatif « worse » quand seuls deux éléments sont comparés.

Cet hôtel est le pire des deux.
This hotel is the worse.

Aller à pied ──► « to go on foot » , ou plus simplement « to walk »

What with : used to introduce a list of reasons that have made something happen or have made someone feel a particular way.

What with this cold weather and my bad leg, I haven’t been out for weeks.
Entre ce temps froid et ma jambe qui me fait mal, je n’ai pas mis le nez dehors depuis des semaines.

Rain [U] donc pas de pluriel possible. Rains.

Voici la correction que je propose.

1- The fewer lorries there will be on the roads, the safer they will become.
2- Why so much noise ? Our neighbours are having a party for their elder daughter’s birthday.
3- There were half as many accidents on the roads last year, but it’s still too much.
4- Fewer and fewer electors go to the polls, thus showing a lack of consideration for politicians.
5- It was the first time he had taken his driving test. But he failed. He was all the more disappointed as everybody told him he would succeed.
6- The further she got from these unhealthy and overcrowded slums, the safer she felt.
7- His latest book is by far better than the previous one, but it is not the best he has written.
8- The Ministery of Defence was the worst hit by government spending cuts.
9- With this heavy traffic you should walk to the station. It will take less time than you think.
10- What with acid rain and the greenhouse effect, the earth is submitted to more and more attacks.

Je vous remercie de votre participation et de votre patience.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de lakata, postée le 28-05-2009 à 09:24:25 (S | E)

Une patience bien récompensée par cette correction limpide et détaillée.
Merci taconnet.

J'ai une petite question : à la fin du 3), ne peut-on pas traduire "trop (d'accidents)" par "too many" ?

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de taconnet, postée le 28-05-2009 à 11:07:16 (S | E)
Bonjour lakata.

En premier lieu je vous remercie d'être intervenue à bon escient.

Voici ce que j'ai écrit dans mes commentaires liminaires.

Ne pas confondre « trop »(adverbe) avec « trop de »

Trop (adverbe) ──► too much.
Il a trop mangé. ──► He has eaten too much.

Trop de ──► too much + singulier ; too many + pluriel.

There is too much wind today.
There were too many people at the meeting yesterday.

On peut remarquer dans ces phrases que :

« much » est accompagné d'un nom au singulier ainsi que d'un verbe au singulier.
« many » est accompagné d'un nom au pluriel ainsi que d'un verbe au pluriel.

Voici d'autres exemples :

Can you drink all that ? No it's too much .
Tu peux boire tout ça ? Non il y en a trop .

Can you eat all these cakes ? No there are too many.
Tu peux manger tous ces gâteaux ? Non il y en a trop.

Une remarque supplémetaire sur l'emploi de much et many.
Ces deux termes peuvent servir de moyen de reprise.

He drinks a lot of wine, I don't drink much (sous-entendu much wine)
Il boit beaucoup de vin, je n'en bois pas beaucoup.

He has taken a lot of pictures, I haven't taken many (sous-entendu many pictures)
Il a pris beaucoup de photos, je n'en ai pas pris beaucoup.

A noter que
« Much too » = beaucoup trop.
Joan is much too young to get married.
Joan est beaucoup trop jeune pour se marier.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de lakata, postée le 28-05-2009 à 11:16:00 (S | E)

Si seulement je t'avais lu plus attentivement..! Au temps pour moi !

C'est donc à mauvais escient que je suis intervenue...

Doublement merci.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de taconnet, postée le 28-05-2009 à 11:34:22 (S | E)
Je précise bien, et je confirme que cette intervention est faite « à bon escient » car je n'avais pas relevé cette erreur.

Cette judicieuse remarque m'a permis de faire cette mise au point.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de lucile83, postée le 02-06-2009 à 12:22:29 (S | E)
Je me permets d'apporter une précision pour cette phrase,j'espère que vous ne m'en tiendrez pas rigueur:
3- There were half as many accidents on the roads last year, but it’s still too much.
L'emploi de 'too much' est justifié principalement par le verbe qui précède : 'it's'.
Il aurait été possible d'employer 'too many' en disant:
There were half as many accidents on the roads last year, but there are still too many.
Best wishes.

Réponse: Comparatif - superlatif - thème de maximedu01, postée le 06-06-2009 à 19:08:09 (S | E)
beaucoup lucile83 je pense que sa va m'aider



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