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Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank (1)

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Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank
Message from hola posted on 21-05-2009 at 12:26:18

1. Tom has been working round-the-clock to finish his work in time. [What's the word mean? Round-the-clock]

2. 'How can i shut the jar?' 'Turn the lid on clockwise.' [What does jar mean? ]

3.In summer we put the clocks forward. [Who can expalin it clearer?]

Thanks a lot


Edited by hola on 21-05-2009 12:27

Modifié par hola le 21-05-2009 12:28

Edited by bridg on 25-06-2009 16:16

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by taconnet, posted on 21-05-2009 at 14:06:18

1- A jar : a round glass container with a wide lid, used for storing food such as jam

2- « To put a clock/watch forward » ( change clock) means to adjust a clock or a watch to make it show a later time , especially an hour later.(phrasal verb : put forward)
Most European countries put the clocks forward in the spring.
put forward ≠ put back

3- « round/around the clock » means all day and all night without stopping.

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by vizza, posted on 21-05-2009 at 14:24:20
1. Tom has been working round-the-clock to finish his work in time.-it means he is working contiguously/day and night
2. 'How can i shut the jar?' 'Turn the lid on clockwise.' jar is a kind of a box made up of metal or usually use for keeping cookies,spices,etc lid means its hood or cap or cover.

3.In summer we put the clocks forward. [Who can explain it clearer?]sorry i don't understand this sentence .

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by intrepid34, posted on 21-05-2009 at 14:24:24

We also call "putting the clocks forward or backward" ... Daylight saving.


Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by diy38, posted on 21-05-2009 at 23:54:25
Hello all of you. About the jar, a jar for me that is in French "un pichet" wich is useful to contain liquor or alcohol. A special cork close it.
So, shut the jar means "ferme le pichet" as you like.
Good luck.

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by , posted on 22-05-2009 at 02:40:06
"jar" is a container made out of clay ,It serves in conserving substances such as honey, wine...etc,I think this word had been borrwed from Arabic language,it's original form ,that is, the arab word is, "jarra"

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by intrepid34, posted on 22-05-2009 at 07:54:51
Good morning!

A jar is exactly what Taconnet has written - it's made of glass and is used to keep food such as: jam, gherkins, mustard, honey etc... It is not made of clay or used to keep wine in, there is no "lip" on a jar for pouring.

Faux amis

Have a nice day

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by hola, posted on 22-05-2009 at 11:28:45
Merci! All of you. I think i have understand these three sentences.

Enjoy the weekend


Edited by hola le 22-05-2009 11:29

Re: Can you help to expain 3 sentences?Thank by tantpis, posted on 25-06-2009 at 16:08:47
I have just read your message and the replies.
I thought it might help if someone corrected your English too, I hope you don't mind.
"What's the word mean? Round-the-clock" should read "WHAT DOES the word mean?" or "What does round-the-clock mean?"
"Who can expalin it clearer?" should be "Who can explain it MORE CLEARLY?"
"I think i have understand these three sentences." should be "I think I understand now".
I hope this helps.
If it's any consolation my French is terrible!!

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