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Little Red Riding Hood (thème)

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Little Red Riding Hood (thème)
Message de taconnet posté le 09-06-2009 à 19:07:22 (S | E | F)


Voici un conte de fées qui ne se termine pas comme l'original.
C'est l'histoire du « petit chaperon rouge » ( avec quelques comparatifs.)

"Little Red Riding Hood" is a famous fairy tale about a young girl's encounter with a wolf. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings.

Par un bel après-midi d'été, au coeur d'une sombre forêt, un gros loup attendait le passage d'une petite fille qui portait un panier de victuailles à sa grand-mère.
Effectivement, une petite fille finit par passer, et elle portait bien un panier rempli de choses appétissantes.
« Est-ce que tu portes ce panier à ta grand-mère ? » demanda le loup.
La petite fille lui fit signe que oui.
Alors le loup lui demanda où habitait sa grand-mère. La petite fille le lui dit, et le loup disparut dans le bois.
Arrivée chez sa grand-mère, la petite fille ouvrit la porte, et se dirigea vers la chambre. Elle vit qu'il y avait dans le lit quelqu'un en chemise de nuit avec un bonnet de nuit.
Elle s'approcha, et à moins de 20 pieds du lit elle se rendit compte que ce n'était pas sa grand-mère mais le loup, car même avec un bonnet de nuit, un loup ne ressemble pas plus à une grand-mère que le lion de la Métro-Goldwyn-Mayer ne ressemble au président Calvin Coolidge.
Alors la petite fille sortit un pistolet automatique de son panier et abattit le loup.

Moralité : Les petites filles d'aujourd'hui ne sont plus aussi naïves que
celles d'autrefois.

Niveau :
Correction : jeudi 18 juin 2009

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de violet91, postée le 09-06-2009 à 20:26:14 (S | E)
So, "you too ",(tu quoque)taconnet (bonsoir)! You have found great humorous R.D exciting,then? Well done ! Have you ever tried "Fairy Tale Analysis" by Bruno Bettelheim ? It is ever so enjoyable and thrilling!!What about Jung?

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de TravisKidd, postée le 09-06-2009 à 23:06:44 (S | E)
So, your name is Big Bad Wolf, you say? Well, with a name like that, I'm not sure I should trust you! Where did I put my iPhone? Ahh, here it is! Now, I'll just Google "Big Bad Wolf" and see what it says about you. Hmm, it says here you tried to eat the Three Little Pigs! So, it seems you really are bad after all! Which means you're honest, so I can indeed trust you! Alright then, I'll tell you where my grandmother lives.

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de ariette, postée le 10-06-2009 à 07:39:37 (S | E)

This version is by far a favourite of mine
Lien Internet

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de lakata, postée le 10-06-2009 à 08:56:40 (S | E)

Hello taconnet !

I have been told that Ms. Hood had recently got a lovely furry wolfskin coat, and had changed her basket for a smart pigskin suitcase...
Only gossip ???

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de ariette, postée le 10-06-2009 à 09:00:51 (S | E)

One fine afternoon during summer, in a dark forest, a big wolf was waiting for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grand mother. A little girl did come along eventually and she was actually carrying a basket of goodies.
-“are you carrying this basket to your grand mother?” the wolf asked.
The little girl answered with a nod.
Therefore the wolf asked her where her grand mother lived. The little girl told him and the wolf disappeared into the wood.
When she got at her grand mother’s place, the little girl opened the door, and headed for her bed room. She saw there was somebody in bed with a night gown and night cap on.
She came closer, and no nearer than twenty feet from the bed, she realized that it was not her grand mother but the wolf, for even in a night cap, a wolf does not look any more like your grand mother than the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion looks like President Calvin Coolidge.
So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead.

Moral: nowadays, little girls are not as gullible as they used to be

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de trucmuch, postée le 10-06-2009 à 09:54:22 (S | E)
Hello Dear Taconnet !

By a nice summer afternoon, in the middle of a dark forest, a big wolf was waiting for the passage of a little girl who was carrying a provisions' basket to her grand-mother.
Indeed, a little girl passed along at least, and she was really holding a basket full of appetizing things.
"Do you bring this basket to your grand-mother ?" asked the wolf
The little girl indicated agreement.
So the wolf asked her where does her grand-mother live. The little girl asked him, and the wolf dissapeared in the wood.
Arriving to her grand-mother's, the little girl opened the door and went toward the bedroom. She saw there was in the bed someone with a nightdress with a nightcap. She came forward, and less from 20 feets from the bed, she noticed that it wasn't her grand-mother but the wolf, because even with a nightcap, a wolf doesn't look like to a grand-mother more than the lion of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer looks like to Presdient Calvin Coolidge.
So the little girl took an automatic gun from her basket and killed the wolf.
Morality : The nowadays' little girls are not as naïve as those before.

Have a nice day

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de dolfin56, postée le 10-06-2009 à 15:32:12 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,
even Little Red Hood, wellknown in our childhood,will torment us with comparative words!!!

On a fine summer afternoon,in the middle of a dark forest,a big wolf was waiting for a little girl, walking along and carrying a victuals basket to her grand mother.
Actualy, a little girl came along,and she was really carrying a basket full of appetizing goods.
-" are you carrying this basket to your grand mother?" the wolf asked.
the little girl nodded to him.
Then, the wolf asked her where her grand mother was living. The little girl told him and the wolf disappeared into the wood.
Once arrived at her grand mother's, the little girl opened the door,heading towards the bed-room.She saw somebody in the bed,wearing a nightshirt and a night cap.
She came nearer,and,no nearer than twenty feet from the bed,she realized it was not her grand mother but the wolf, for, even with a night cap,a wolf doesn't look like a grand mother more than the Métro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion looks like Calvin Coolidge President.
so, the little girl got an automatic gun out of her basket, and shot the wolf dead.
morality: nowadays, little girls aren't as credulous as they used to be formerly.

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de maya92, postée le 10-06-2009 à 16:33:33 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

On a nice summer afternoon, in the heart of a dark forest, a big wolf was on the look-out for a little girl carrying a basket full of food to her grandma
Actually, a little girl came by and she was really carrying a basket full of appetizing food
« Are you bringing this basket to your grand-mother ? » the wolf asked
The little girl nodded
So the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived. The little girl told him and the wolf disappeared into the woods
When she got to her grandma’s, the little girl opened the door and went to the bedroom. She saw something in the bed wearing a nightdress and a nightcap
She came closer and less than 20 feet from the bed she realized it was not her grandma but the wolf since, even with a nightcap, a wolf doesn’t resemble any more a grand mother than the MGM lion resembles President Calvin Coolidge
Then the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf down
The moral is : young girls nowadays are not so naïve as the ones of the past

Thank you taconnet, wolves must take care nowadays...

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de nanette33, postée le 11-06-2009 à 00:58:01 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

On a fine summer afternoon, in the heart of a dark forest, a big wolf was waiting for the passage of a little girl who was carrying a basket of food to her Grandmother.
Indeed, the little girl ended up doing to come and she was really carrying a basket full of tasty things.
"Are you carrying this basket for your Grandmother?" the wolf asked. The little girl nodded her head in agreement.
Then the wolf asked her where her grandmother was living. The little girl told him and the wolf disappeared into the wood.
Coming at her Grandmother's, the little girl opened the door and came towards the bedroom. She saw there was in the bed somebody in nightdress with a nightcap.
She came closer and less than 20 feet of the bed she realized that it wasn't her Grandmother but the wolf, for even with a nightcap, a wolf doesn't look like no more a grandmother than the lion of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer looks like the president Calvin Coolidge.
Then the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf down.
Morality : Nowadays, the little girls aren't so naive more than those of the past.

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de lakata, postée le 11-06-2009 à 10:38:38 (S | E)
Good morning taconnet.

On a lovely summer afternoon, in the middle of a dark forest, a big (bad) wolf was waiting for a little girl to come past with a basketful of victuals for her grandmother.
And a little girl did it actually in the end. And she did carry a basket filled with some mouthwatering food.
" Are you bringing this basket to your grandmother ?" the wolf asked.
And the little girl nodded.
Then the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived. And the little girl told it and the wolf vanished into the wood.

Once at her grandmother's, the little girl opened the door and headed for the room. There she could see there was somebody lying in the bed, wearing a nightgown and a nightcap.
She got closer and, within twenty feet of the bed, she realized it was not her grandmother lying, but the wolf, since even with a nightcap, a wolf looks like a grandmother no more than the Metro-Golwyn-Mayer's lion looks like president Calvin Coolidge.
Then the little girl whipped an automatic from her basket and shot the wolf dead.

Moral : Today, little girls are no more as gullible as they used to be.

Before : After :

Thank you very much indeed !

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de coferam, postée le 16-06-2009 à 11:49:10 (S | E)

Hello Taconnet,

By a nice summer afternoon, in the heart of a dark forest, a big wolf waited for the passage of a girl who carried a basket of victuals to her grandmother.
Indeed a little girl ended to pass through, and she did carry a basket filled of mouth-watering food.
" Are you bringing this basket to your grandmother ?" the wolf asked. The little girl nodded to him.
Then, the wolf asked her where her grandmother was living. The little girl told him and the wolf disappeared into the wood.
Arriving to her grand-mother's, the little girl opened the door and went toward the bedroom. She saw there was in the bed someone with a nightdress and a nightcap.
She came closer and less than twenty feet from the bed she realized it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even with a nightcap, a wolf doesn't look like no more a grandmother than the lion of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer looks like the president Calvin Coolidge.
So, the little girl got an automatic gun out of her basket, and shot the wolf down.

Morality: Nowadays, little girls are not as credulous as they used to be formerly.


Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de taconnet, postée le 18-06-2009 à 10:41:09 (S | E)

I- Comment traduire PAR ?

a - Par + complément d'agent ──► BY
David was punihed by Mr Murdstone.
David a été puni par Mr Murdstone.

b - Par + moyen ou itinairaire ──► BY
They came by train.
He came back by Dover and Calais.

Ici il ne fallait pas utiliser BY mais ON.

II - Comment traduire « finir par + infinitif » ?

On utilise en anglais l'un des deux adverbes:
« finally » ou « eventually ».
Ces deux adverbes sont synonymes lorsqu'ils indiquent que quelque chose arrive enfin après un temps qui a parfois semblé trop long.

Voici des exemples :

The killer was finally tracked down after a two-day hunt.
Ils ont fini par dépister le tueur après une chasse à l'homme de deux jours.

The police eventually managed to track down the two runaways.

On utilise aussi « in the end », mais cette expression annonce la conséquence ultime d'une série d'actes.

Elle avait tellement de problèmes à l'école que ses parents ont fini par la mettre en pension.
She had lots of trouble at school, so in the end her parents decided to send her to boarding school.

III - Proposition infinitve : to wait for.

Voici des exemples :
We are waiting for him to ring us up. ──► Nous attendons qu'il nous téléphone.
I'am waiting for the rain to stop. ──► J'attends que la pluie s'arrête.

« un gros loup attendait le passage d'une petite fille » = « un gros loup attendait qu'une petite fille passe »

A big wolf waited for a little girl to come along.

III- To nod : To move your head down and then up , sometimes repeatedly,especially to show agreement or approval.

« When I suggested a walk, Elena nodded enthusiastically.

notez l' expression :
The land of nod ──► le pays des songes.

IV - Attention !
Pas d'article défini devant un titre suivi du nom de la personne.
The President Carter. ──► President Carter.
The Queen Elizabeth. ──► Queen Elizabeth.

Mais on dira :
The President of The United States of America. The Queen of England.

Ici l'article est obligatoire.

V - Sachez faire la distinction entre :
Moral , morality /morals et morale.

Ici il fallait choisir « moral »
Moral ──► La morale au sens de conclusion illustrant un point de morale.
« So children, what is the moral of this story » ?
« And the moral of this story is that honesty is always the best policy ».

Je voudrais terminer sur une note amusante.

Calvin Coolidge, (4 juillet 1872 - 5 janvier 1933), est le trentième président des États-Unis d'Amérique. Il succède à W.G. Harding, mort en cours de mandat, en 1923 puis est élu pour un second mandat jusqu’en 1929.

Le portrait de C. Coolidge fut retiré de la Maison-Blanche en raison de sa responsabilité supposée dans la Grande dépression de 1930. Il fallut attendre la présidence de R. Reagan pour que ce tableau retrouve sa place. D'ailleurs, Calvin Coolidge fut un modèle de présidence pour Ronald Reagan.

Mais aviez-vous entendu parler de l'effet Coolidge ?
Lien Internet

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de taconnet, postée le 18-06-2009 à 11:27:46 (S | E)
Voici ma proposition.

On a fine afternoon in summer, in the heart of a dark wood, a big wolf waited for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother.
Finally a little girl did come along and she was actually carrying a basket of goodies*.
- « Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother » ? asked the wolf
The little girl nodded.
So the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived and the little girl told him and he disappeared into the wood.

When the little girl reached her destination, she opened the door of her grandmother's house and headed for her bedroom. She saw that there was somebody in the bed clad** in a nightdress and with a nightcap on.

She drew closer and when she was no nearer than twenty feet from the bed , she realized that it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look any more like your grandmother than the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion looks like President Calvin Coolidge.

So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead.***

Moral: nowadays, little girls are not as gullible as they used to be

Another moral is :

« It is not easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be ».

* Goody (also goodie) pl. (goodies)
A thing that is very nice to eat.
« A basket of goodies for the children ».

** Clad (in) ──► vétu de

*** To shoot sb dead ──► abattre quelqu'un (avec une arme).
« A policeman was shot dead in the city centre last night».

Je vous remercie pour votre participation.

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de nanette33, postée le 18-06-2009 à 12:50:14 (S | E)
Taconnet pour cet exercice et pour toutes ces explications (ah, l'effet Coolidge !)

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de lakata, postée le 18-06-2009 à 17:28:13 (S | E)

Bonjour taconnet et grand merci pour cette plaisante correction !

Ce thème que tu viens de nous proposer, ou plutôt sa chute, m'a fait

irrésistiblement penser au recueil de poèmes de Roald Dahl : " Revolting


Ne m'en tiens pas rigueur, mais je ne résiste pas au plaisir de vous faire savourer deux d'entre eux :

" Little Red Riding Hood" et " The Three Little Pigs"

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

À savourer sans modération et à lire jusqu'au bout !!!

C'est seulement alors que ma petite phrase "I've been told that Ms. Hood had recently got a lovely furry wolfskin coat, and had changed her basket for a smart pigskin suitcase..." prendra tout son sens !

Enjoy !

Merci encore, taconnet, et pardon pour avoir investi le territoire réservé à ton exercice.

Réponse: Little Red Riding Hood (thème) de violet91, postée le 18-06-2009 à 20:31:50 (S | E)
Oh. Merci infiniment dear lakata de nous donner à entendre la superbe voix,les inflexions magnétiques D Roald cette langue dont on ne peut que tomber amoureux,reuse! à avoir sous les yeux le poème original.

Petites filles et petits garçons restent naïfs..à protéger des grands méchants loups et du pistol.(symbole phallique.)

(Sorry..taconnet et merci aussi.)



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