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Which one is correct? (1)

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Which one is correct?
Message from cuterose09 posted on 10-06-2009 at 11:45:52

Please let me know which one is a correct Sentence.....

Not only she went to london but also visisted many places.

Not only did she go to london but also visited many places.

Edited by bridg on 06-07-2009 18:40

Re: Which one is correct? by brettdallen, posted on 10-06-2009 at 11:56:56
The second sentence is the right one. Now, I would probably put it this way:
"Not only did she visit London, but she also visited many other places/cities".(and remember this is rather formal).

Re: Which one is correct? by achwak, posted on 10-06-2009 at 12:22:32
Of course the second sentnce is correct but we can say :
Sh not only went to London but also visited many places.

Re: Which one is correct? by taconnet, posted on 10-06-2009 at 13:29:01

As with other correlative conjunctions, you should follow each part of the « not only … but also … construction » with an element of the same grammatical type.

Thus, instead of
« She not only bought a new car but also a new lawnmower.»
You should write :
« She bought not only a new car but also a new lawnmower.» because in this version both not only and but also are followed by noun phrases.

Leaving out the « also » from this construction tends to intensify the first part of the construction rather than supplement it:

« She is not only smart but brilliant.»
« He not only wanted the diamond but wanted it desperately.»

Ainsi dans la phrase :
« I study not only Russian but also Chinese.»
La règle de construction est bien respectée, Russian et Chinese sont deux noms.

de même

« He not only likes French films but he also understands them.»
La règle de construction est bien respectée,likes et understands sont deux verbes.

Edited by lucile83 le 10-06-2009 13:53
No French please, this is the English Only forum.

Re: Which one is correct? by wzsail, posted on 23-06-2009 at 12:16:37
the second is right.
just make sure that not only but also should both be followed by the same form.

Re: Which one is correct? by obalike, posted on 25-06-2009 at 12:25:06
Hello, my answer :
the first sentence is right , but I change " visisted" by " visitted"

Edited by lucile83 on 01-07-2009 17:55
You'd better change for 'visited'...

Re: Which one is correct? by razafi, posted on 06-07-2009 at 17:56:34
I think the first sentence is right.

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