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Correction /Greenbaums

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Correction /Greenbaums
Message de seiken78 posté le 10-06-2009 à 22:27:15 (S | E | F)

Voilà Bonjour.
j'aimerais bien me faire corriger, j'espere n'avoir pas trop fait de fautes ni d'incohérences.
Merci à vous.

About the Greenbaums father, he was a worker who joined a friendly society, thanks to the system f these ones which acts as a mutual, he got pensions in exchange of a quaterly member free. If he hadn't joined this kind of society he would have been rescued by the then parish or he would have to go in a workhouse.About the daughter who was ill too, she was accepted as a patient in one of the new nearby London hospital setup few years before, she was lucky to go there because the normal condition to be accepted is by a recommodation letter by a benefactor.Then she was moved in quarantine to a free hospital, Homerton which is specialized in infectious deseases.The whole treatment and the doctor at home was free for the Greenbaum family thanks to the National Insurance Act.

Modifié par bridg le 10-06-2009 23:07
Titre distinctif

Réponse: Correction /Greenbaums de laure95, postée le 13-06-2009 à 11:58:26 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
About the Greenbaums father, he was a worker who joined a friendly society, thanks to the system f these ones which acts as a mutual , he got pensions in exchange of a quaterly member free. If he hadn't joined this kind of society he would have been rescued by the then parish or he would have had to go in a workhouse.About the daughter who was ill too, she was accepted as a patient in one of the new nearby London hospital setup (en 2 mots) few years before, she was lucky to go there because the normal condition to be accepted is by a recommodation letter by a benefactor (à reformuler de manière plus courte).Then she was moved (put) in quarantine to (in) a free hospital, Homerton which is specialized in infectious deseases.The whole treatment and the doctor at home was (conjugaison!) free for the Greenbaum family thanks to the National Insurance Act.



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