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Un article de presse (Thème)

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Un article de presse (Thème)
Message de taconnet posté le 02-07-2009 à 12:38:20 (S | E | F)


Je vous propose de traduire un article de presse.
Cet article est une fiction.

Niveau :
Correction : jeudi 9 juillet 2009.

Un article de presse.

Le pays dont on parle tant en ce moment est un des lieux les plus sensibles du monde. Le gouvernement est corrompu et a perdu la confiance du peuple et le soutien de l'armée. Les élections ont été truquées et les observateurs internationaux n'ont pas pu faire leur travail correctement. La famine et les épidémies ravagent les campagnes, et le président, que l'on a pu entendre à la télévision il y a quelques heures, persite à affirmer que tout cela ne relève que d'une campagne mensongère visant à destabiliser le pays et encourager la rébellion qui gronde aux portes de la capitale.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de maya92, postée le 02-07-2009 à 16:29:16 (S | E)
Bjr Taconnet,

The country that is so much talked about at the moment is one of the most sensitive area in the world. The government is corrupt and has lost the confidence of its people and the support of its army. The elections have been fixed and the international observers have not been able to work correctly. Starvation and epidemics are devastating the fields and the president, who was on television some hours ago, keeps up claiming that all that is the product of an untrue campaign aiming at destabilizing the country and at inciting to the rebellion which is brewing at the capital gateway.

Thank you Taconnet (and thank you also for the interesting correction of 'Mary's little lamb'). Is this article really fictional..?

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de marsu69, postée le 03-07-2009 à 12:30:03 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,
Here's my "paper" ...
A press article .
The country (which) we're talking about so much at the moment is one of the most sensitive places in the world . The government is corrupt and has lost people's faith and the support of the army . The elections have been faked and the international observers couldn't do their job correctly . Starvation and epidemics are devastating the countrysides, so the president, who we could hear on TV a few hours ago, keeps on maintaining that all results from a misleading campaign, aiming to destabilize the country and boost the rebellion which is brewing at the borders of the capital .

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de mado83, postée le 03-07-2009 à 13:57:32 (S | E)
hello Taconnet,we are talking about a country which is in a very sensible part of the world.the governement is corrupt and has lost the confidence of people and the support of the army.the elections has been falsed and the internationals observators couldn't done correctly their job.starvation and epidemies are devasted the countryside,and the president who has talked on television in some hours ago consider that as an aiming and destabilizing campaign against the country and encourage rebellion which brewing at the country gateway.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de dolfin56, postée le 03-07-2009 à 14:41:58 (S | E)
Hello taconnet, how are you?
here is my article.
A press article.
The country ,we are talking about so much at the moment, is one of the most tricky areas in the word. The governement is corrupt and has lost both the confidence of the people and the support of his army.The elections have been fixed, and the international observers couldn't do their job rightly.Starvations and epidemics are devastating the countrysides and ,the president who has been heard on TV a few hours ago, persists asserting that all that results from a misleading campaign ,aiming for destabilize the country and urge the rebellion which is brewing at the gates of the capital.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de micka, postée le 05-07-2009 à 23:49:10 (S | E)

The country that we are currently talking so much about is one of the most dangerous area in the world. The government is corrupt and has lost his people's faith and the army's support. The elections were fixed and the international observers could not do their job correctly. Starvation and epidemics are ravaging the rural areas and the President, who made an appearance on television a few hours ago, keeps saying that these events are based only on a misleading advertising aiming to destabilize the country and encourage the rebellion in the capital's outskirts.


Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de coferam, postée le 06-07-2009 à 18:15:54 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

An article of press

The country which we speak so much at the moment is one of the most sensitive places in the world. The government is corrupted and has lost the trust of the people and the support of the army. The elections have been disguised and the international observants couldn't do their work correctly. Starvation and epidemics are devastating the countrysides, and the President, who was on television some hours ago, keep on asserting that all is only a misleading campaign to destabilize the country and cheer the rebellion which is brewing at the edge of the capital.

Merci, et bonnes vacances.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de ariane6, postée le 06-07-2009 à 20:14:32 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet !

A newspaper article.

The country attracting a lot of attention at the moment, is one of the most sensitive places in the world.
The government is corrupt and has lost the confidence of the people as well as the support of the army.
The elections were rigged and international observers were not allowed to do their job properly.
Starvation and disease are devastating the countryside. Speaking on television a few hours ago, the president claimed that all the fuss is part of a mendacious campaign to destabilise the country and encourage the rebellion rumbling at the gates of the capital.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de lakata, postée le 07-07-2009 à 18:58:24 (S | E)

Bonjour taconnet.

The country which is such a topical issue is one of the most sensitive in the world. The government is corrupt and has lost both the confidence of the people and the support of the army. The elections were fixed and the international observers were unable to do their job properly. The rural areas are being ravaged by famine and epidemic diseases, and the president, when speaking on TV a few hours ago, kept maintaining that all this only results from a misleading campaign aiming to destabilize the country and encourage the rebellion which is brewing at the gates / in the suburbs of the capital.

Thank you !

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de , postée le 07-07-2009 à 21:08:00 (S | E)

Hello !

A newspaper article.

The country with so much at the moment is one of the most sensitive of the world. The government is corrupt and has lost the confidence of the people and the support of the army. The elections were rigged and international observers were unable to do their job properly. Famine and epidemics ravaging the countryside, and the president, that were heard on television a few hours ago, persistent to say that this is only a misleading campaign to destabilize the country and encourage rebellion that thunders at the gates of the capital

thank you for your exercice ...

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de duquesadeguerma, postée le 08-07-2009 à 17:23:59 (S | E)
The country that you have heard of so much at the moment is one of the most sensitive places in the world.
The government become corrupted and has lost the people's confidence and army's support.
Elections have been fixed and the international observers haven't been able to do their work properly.
The hunger and epidemics are wasting the land and the president who has been listened on TV. some hours ago,persists in claim all this to indicate nothing more than a liar campaign that try to destabilise the country an afford the rebellion grunting at capital gates.
Muchas gracias

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de , postée le 08-07-2009 à 20:03:34 (S | E)
taconnet, bonjour et merci pour cet exercice. Voici ma traduction :

A press article.

Currently, the much talked-about country is one of the most sensitive areas in the world. Both people and army no longer trust the corrupt government. Elections have been fixed and the international observers unable to properly do their job. Starvation and epidemic diseases are devastating rural areas. A couple of hours ago, a presidential speech on TV basically states that it all deals with a misleading campaign to destabilize the country and embolden the dissidents brewing at the gates of the capital.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de prescott, postée le 09-07-2009 à 12:05:53 (S | E)
Thanks for the exercise

A newspaper article.

The country that so many talk about at the moment is one of the most sensitive places on earth. The government is corrupt and has lost both the confidence of the people and the backing of the army. The polls were rigged and the international observers were prevented to do their job properly. As starvation and epidemic diseases devastate the countryside, the president, who just appeared on TV a few hours ago, keeps stating that all this results from a deceptive campaign aiming at destabilising the country and encouraging the rebels who are at the doors of the capital.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de taconnet, postée le 09-07-2009 à 17:37:32 (S | E)

Voici quelques observations.

I- un article de presse ──► a news article or an article.
Une coupure de journal ──► a cutting.

II - Dans le monde ──► in the world / on earth.

III - Comment traduire dont ?
Whose est traduit par dont, mais dont ne se traduit pas toujours par whose.

1- whose = dont quand il est complément de nom.
C'est l'homme dont la femme possède le meilleur restaurant de Los Angeles.
He's the man whose wife owns the best restaurant in Los Angeles.

2- Dans les autres cas on emploie un relatif(that / which / ou le relatif Ø) + une préposition.

Les villes dont je te parle sont toutes en Afrique.
The cities that/which/Ø I'm telling you about are all in Africa.

Voici un bâtiment dont tous les New Yorkais sont fiers.
This is a building that/which/Ø all new Yorkers are proud of.

IV - En anglais les institutions comme les titres prennent une majuscule.
On dira :

The Army , the Navy, the Church, the Police , the Press
The King, the Queen, The Duke, the President.

Parliament et Congress ne sont pas précédés de l'article THE.

V - truquer ──► to rig.

Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.

VI - Les observateurs internationaux n'ont pas pu faire leur travail correctement.

Ils n'ont pas pu faire leur travail correctement car les autorités ne leur
ont pas permis de le faire / les autorités les en ont empêché.
On doit donc traduire cette phrase en employant
- be allowed to + INF
- to prevent from + V-ING

VII - Famine ──► starvation [U] pas d'article et de s final.
épidémies ──► Ici il s'agit de diseases.

VIII- On peut exprimer la répétition ( souvent avec une idée d'obstination) à l'aide de la tournure : « keep (on) + V-ing).

L'accusé persiste à nier avec energie.
The accused keeps (on) denying forcelly.

IX- « relever de » signifie : être du domaine de / ressortir de / être le résultat de
traduction proposée ──► to be the result of.

X- mensonger ──► deceptive / delusive /false.

Voici ma proposition.

A news article.

The country that so many people talk about at the moment is one of the most sensitive places in the world. The government is corrupt and has lost both the confidence of the people and the backing/support of the Army. The elections were rigged and the international observers were not allowed to do their job properly. Starvation and diseases devastate the countryside and the President(whom) you just heard on television a few hours ago keeps stating that all this is just the result of a deceptive campaign aiming at destabilising the country and encouraging the rebellion which is brewing at the door of the capital.

Vous avez été nombreux à participer à l'élaboration de ce thème qui, d'une manière générale, a été bien traduit.
Je vous remercie tous.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de maribi, postée le 06-08-2009 à 13:19:53 (S | E)
A press release (Subject)...

The country that we are talking about so much lately is one of the most fragile places in the world.The government is corrupted and it has lost the people's confidence and also the support of the army. The elections have been rigged and the international observers couldn't do their job correctly. The famine and the diseases are devastating the country-sides and the president, whom we could see speaking on the television a few hours ago, keeps claiming that all this is not revealing but for a campaign of manipulation which aims to destabilise the country and to encourage the rebellion which is growling at the capital's gates.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de cpaul10, postée le 05-09-2009 à 17:00:29 (S | E)
The country which we are talking a lot at this moment is one of the most sensitive area of the world.The government is corrupted and lost people confidence and army support. The elections were fixed and the international observers cannot do their work properly.The famine and the epidemic diseases devast the country and ,the president ,we listened to the television some hours ago, continues to declare that everything is part of a false campaign for destabilizing the country and encouraging the rebellion that is brewing at the doors of the capital.

Réponse: Un article de presse (Thème) de rocklands, postée le 07-09-2009 à 12:50:17 (S | E)
A press article,
The country which we are talking about at the moment is one of the most sensitive place in the world. The government is corrupted and has lost people confidence and the army support. Elections were faked and international observers didn't be able to make their work correctly.Famine and epidemics spread in the country and the president, whom we heard on television few hours ago, is maintaining that all is a tricky campaign to destabilise the country and encourage rebellion which is yelling at capital surroundings.

It's my first participation ! Thanks for the exercice !


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