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My dream/discussion (4)

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Re: My dream/discussion by warmer, posted on 30-08-2009 at 14:46:23
Hello,everyone!I am a graduating student,learning medicine.So my dream is to a good doctor!
I always hope I could do something to help others,but sometimes it seems so difficult!

Re: My dream/discussion by emerald, posted on 31-08-2009 at 11:57:48
Hi everybody!I`m a new one.I`ve just quited my job.I hope to improve my english skills so it could be helpful for me to find a better job in future.I want to earn a lots of money,and I want to make friend,too.Thanks if you correct me errors.

Re: My dream/discussion by afou20, posted on 31-08-2009 at 13:33:41
Hi Every body

Me I'm a new member.
My dream is to learn English very well and discuss often with another member.
I come from a french country.

See you

Re: My dream/discussion by axinjolo, posted on 31-08-2009 at 16:08:19
Hello friends, it's very hard to find a English bbs but I made it here.Nice to meet you all, I want to practice my English and meet more friends here.
My dream is to be a football player in Europe.I like Milan very much.

Re: My dream/discussion by aloukohi, posted on 31-08-2009 at 18:32:09
Do you talk about dream? Let me talk about mine. I would like to go on the planet MARS with the American. I would like to see the wonder on that planet. Who can help me to reach my aim. It is very important for me. I wait your help and your advises. xxxx

Edited by lucile83 on 31-08-2009 18:55

Re: My dream/discussion by izulya, posted on 01-09-2009 at 13:13:17
Hi! I'm a new member.
I'm from Azerbaijan and I want to improve my English. I'm sure that in this website I'll able to do it.
My wish is to speak English fluently.After it I'm sure that I'll able to do more things in my life.

Re: My dream/discussion by houta, posted on 03-09-2009 at 17:51:37
hello every one, me too my dream to be professional in english languge and i want to tour world but firstly i would like to viste london and to contact with people there ........

Re: My dream/discussion by wincoller, posted on 04-09-2009 at 04:29:52
Hi everyone! I am Chinese. I am a student. My dream is simple.I come from a little country. I just want to let my family live happily by myself. If possible, I hope I could travel around with my family.
So, my latest dream is to get a good grade and graduate from university early!

Re: My dream/discussion by fati1, posted on 05-09-2009 at 00:06:25
oky bau my dream is defirent: i have spooken and written english for long time ok that's all oooooof

Re: My dream/discussion by lowe, posted on 05-09-2009 at 16:43:19
My dream is as writer,to travel all over the world.but we should earn enough Money at the first,and travel with my lover or my family.
I am working in a furnishing market as a customer serve.I was so free everyday and I couldn't use my English at all.So I would like to change my job.

Re: My dream/discussion by abra_cadabra, posted on 05-09-2009 at 19:33:48
hello all
This is my first time to come here,and i am happy for that,i am a frensh speaking,but i am here to learn english

Re: My dream/discussion by abra_cadabra, posted on 05-09-2009 at 19:37:38
i am student in the electrical engineering and i dream to be a engineer

Re: My dream/discussion by saleem, posted on 06-09-2009 at 23:47:39

Hi, the dream sometimes may be a feeling of success that engraved in the inner
conscious of a person who fears failure , so there are serious dreams which
they are nightmares other short hints of fancy and imaginations come to people
or a person quickly during the day which can be called day dreams.It's the game
between the conscious and the unconscious .Insist, hard working and hopes enable
people to realize goals easily . Thanks.

Re: My dream/discussion by brettdallen, posted on 07-09-2009 at 00:42:10
Hello everybody,
As for me, what I can dream of is as simple as life can/could be!
I'd just like to have someone by my side sharing every aspect of my life, trustfully, unconditionally, for the good and the bad, today tomorrow and forever.
Then I would love to be able to have time, money(you can't do without) and energy to see a bit of this huge territory that surrounds all of us! and of course to meet people living in different conditions and environment so as to get an idea of what it is to be a human being!
Eventually if I could pass on some of this knowledge and happiness to a child of mine and have a smiley, kindly look in return, then I think I would have done the best I could!
Didn't I say "simple"?

Edited by brettdallen on 07-09-2009 00:43

Re: My dream/discussion by fadia-eng, posted on 07-09-2009 at 03:00:40
hi all of u
i am a teacher of English love this language much more i have just one dream is to speak english fluently i can say that I'm so good in writing and reading and I'm going to teach in the university but I'm so afraid plz what can u give me as advice plzzzz i need ur help
i wish that all of ur dreams come true and always the best of luck

Re: My dream/discussion by nan54cy, posted on 08-09-2009 at 11:31:25
my dreams...winner in Euromillion lol

Re: My dream/discussion by bajio, posted on 08-09-2009 at 16:13:41
Hello everybody.
My dream is only to get married with a beautiful gorgeous girl.
I think that’s all.



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