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Can you check my assignment?

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Can you check my assignment?
Message de chacha7611 posté le 23-08-2009 à 11:57:11 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, j'ai un petit résumé à faire de mon stage en anglais, pouvez-vous le vérifier et m'indiquer mes éventuelles fautes? Merci d'avance ;)

The work placement presented in this report was carried out at the XXX during eight weeks. I have done different assignments in this company which goals were to give some improvements for the functioning of the warehouse. For this, I had the possibility to work with the administrative service and also inside the warehouse. These things allowed me to have a practical view of different facets of my future job.

The first part of this report is a presentation of the company. The second one is about my assignment and its background. Then I have developed the different assignments which I have made during this internship such as the analysis of the historical data, the research of solutions to improve the processes tied up with the functioning of the warehouse and then the optimisation of administrative tasks.

Modifié par bridg le 23-08-2009 12:04

Réponse: Can you check my assignment? de prescott, postée le 23-08-2009 à 15:29:14 (S | E)

It's time to get some sleep here, so just...
Quelques suggestions pour améliorer le 1er paragraphe.

The work placement presented in this report was carried out at the XXX during eight weeks. I have done/WORKED ON different assignments in this company which goals were to give/BRING some improvements TO the functioning of the warehouse. For this, I had the possibility/OPPORTUNITY to work with the administrative TEAM(/in the administrative service), AS WELL AS inside the warehouse. These ASSIGNMENTS allowed me to have a practical view of different facets of my future job.

Hope this will help :-)



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