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provide copies ..

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provide copies ..
Message from zebulon74 posted on 26-08-2009 at 11:51:03 (D | E | F)

Hi everyone,

I have applied for a job overseas, and the boss is going to call me this evening. But before, in an email, he asks me to "provide copies of any written (in English) references that you may have."

What does it mean ?? I already have given all my references (experiences) through my CV, so what does he really want ?


Edited by bridg on 26-08-2009 11:53

Re: provide copies .. from alili, posted on 26-08-2009 at 12:00:03 (D | E)
When applying for a job, your "references" are your former employers or the people you've worked with. You either need to provide the name, phone number and e-mail addresses of your "references" (so that your prospective boss can ask them about you, check that you actually have the skills you claim to have on your CV, etc.), or to provide copies of the recommendation letters these people have written for you (if they have!).

Re: provide copies .. from zebulon74, posted on 26-08-2009 at 12:08:16 (D | E)

It's what I thought, but I was not quite sure because I never heard about these recommendation letters that people write for you. Is it common in other countries to do so ?
Anyway, I will give him the address of each "references".

Thank you again !!

Re: provide copies .. from alili, posted on 26-08-2009 at 12:19:43 (D | E)
It's very common in the English-speaking world, I believe.
Check out this page (among many others), for instance:
Lien Internet

Re: provide copies .. from zebulon74, posted on 31-08-2009 at 22:10:26 (D | E)
Thank you very much alili ! You helped ma a lot. I didn't have any recommendation letters so I did what you said : I sent him the contact details of my former employers.
The boss called me, and we had a good talk. I'm going to know very soon if I'll get the job or not.
Thanks again !

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