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Correction/rapport de stage

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Correction/rapport de stage
Message de sol posté le 04-09-2009 à 14:51:22 (S | E | F)

J'ai un résumé à faire en anglais pour un rapport de stage, je sais le texte est un peu long mais je ne suis pas très douée en anglais ; merci par avance , n'hésitez pas à justifier la correction, pour que je progresse MERCI

I had to find two trainings in a different place : so I choose an archaeological site of Fâ situated in Charente Maritime (land Poitou-Charentes) and the Tourist Office little town Collonges-la-Rouge in Correze, which stands at the edge of Limousin.

During the month of June, I worked as a guide in a gallo roman site, after four days I began my first visit, I went carrefully in direction of the sight seeing : the major sanctuary, the roman thermal baths and the theater away. I put my foot on the area where many excavations and things discovered like the big capitals and drum of the columns which had soustained the temple perhaps ( you could see in the museum).

In July and August, I followed my practise training in a little town which name Collonges-la-Rouge is made of red stone, it’s one of the France’s prettiest villages, with her climbing wine greeen . When we took the main street you discovered the house of the Mermaid with fine gothic gates and mullioned windows , the former Grain Hall, the church with his roman-limousin beltower, it tympanum, the Castle of Vassinhac with its two hexagonal towers, the Penitents Chapel. It’s marvellous when you arrive before the work, you have an open view, nobody move and the history seem hidden into the village.

In the site archaeological, there wasn’t tour in English, so I explained the route to follow with a map, and at the return I discuss about their impression..
Sometimes I can inform English people when I welcome the tourists, I advise the main points of interest around Collonges-la-Rouge, the best way to visit, the free accomodation or practical informations. I really realize that I have to improve my English, but the practise is the secret for the languages.

It was a pleasure to prepare the visit (discover art history, history, traditionnal life, a region). Then, when you are in harmony with your own personality, you do enjoy to meet the people, to share your knowledge and to give some expression and surprise to the visit.
The most it’s when you received a lof of congratulations for your job from visitors.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-09-2009 15:24
titre + forum

Réponse: Correction/rapport de stage de seb06000, postée le 04-09-2009 à 15:19:11 (S | E)


je vous indique entre parenthèses les pistes de correction:

I had to find two trainings in a different place : so I choose an archaeological site of Fâ situated in Charente Maritime (land Poitou-Charentes) and the Tourist Office little town (il manque quelque chose) Collonges-la-Rouge in Correze, which stands at the edge of Limousin.

During the month of June, I worked as a guide in a gallo roman site, after four days I began my first visit, I went carrefully (orthographe) in direction of the sight seeing : the major sanctuary, the roman thermal baths and the theater away. I put my foot on the area where many excavations and things discovered like the big capitals and drum of the columns which had soustained the temple perhaps ( you could see in the museum).

In July and August, I followed my practise training in a little town which name ( la structure n'est pas bonne) Collonges-la-Rouge is made of red stone, it’s one of the France’s prettiest villages, with her climbing wine greeen . When we took the main street you (vous changez de pronom sujet?) discovered the house of the Mermaid with fine gothic gates and mullioned windows , the former Grain Hall, the church with his roman-limousin beltower (le mot n'est pas bon), it tympanum, the Castle of Vassinhac with its two hexagonal towers, the Penitents Chapel. It’s marvellous when you arrive before the ( pas d'article ici)work, you have an open view, nobody move and the history seem (erreur de conjugaison) hidden into the village.

In the site archaeological ( attention à la position de l'adjectif), there wasn’t (il manque un déterminant) tour in English, so I explained the route ( le mot n'est pas le bon )to follow with a map, and at the return (expression incorrecte) I discuss (temps à corriger) about their impression..
Sometimes I can inform English people when I welcome the tourists, I advise the main points of interest around Collonges-la-Rouge, the best way to visit, the free accomodation or practical informations. I really realize that I have to improve my English, but the practise ( determinant et forme du mot à revoir) is the secret for the languages.

It was a pleasure to prepare the visit (discover art history, history, traditionnal life, a region). Then, when you are in harmony with your own personality, you do enjoy to meet the people, to share your knowledge and to give some expression and surprise to the visit.
The most it’s when you received (temps à corriger) a lof of congratulations for your job from visitors.

Voilà je pense avoir relevé les principales choses à corriger,

n'hésitez pas si vous avez besoin de précisions!



Modifié par seb06000 le 04-09-2009 15:26

Réponse: Correction/rapport de stage de sol, postée le 04-09-2009 à 17:41:28 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup, et en plus c'est rapide, quand je pense tout le temps que j'ai mis, bon maintenant je me penche sur mes fautes, je pense que pour certaines je risque de vous demander confirmation si ce n'est pas trop abuser ?


Réponse: Correction/rapport de stage de seb06000, postée le 04-09-2009 à 17:42:44 (S | E)
pas de souci

Réponse: Correction/rapport de stage de sol, postée le 05-09-2009 à 08:50:42 (S | E)

Bonjour seb0006,

Alors me revoilà, après maintes recherches et réflexions, j'ai quelques hésitations :

- je dirais : a little town whose the name is Collonges, made of red stone ?

- je ne vois pas la différence entre bell tower ou steeple

- je dirais the history seems ?

- je dirais "you have received a lot of" ?

Merci d'avance, ça me soulage de pouvoir avancer



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