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Géomètre (correction)

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Géomètre (correction)
Message de maxroumain posté le 14-09-2009 à 18:12:22 (S | E | F)

En juin dernier j'ai fait un stage de géomètre et mon professeur d'anglais m'a demandé de faire une petite rédaction à propos de celui-ci avec le plan suivant :
1) introduce; 2) explain; 3)describe; 4)analyse; 5) conclude.
Peu(t) d'importance pour ce plan, moi j'aimerais que vous me corrigiez mes fautes s'il vous plaît. Si vous ne comprenez pas une phrase dites-le moi je vous l'expliquerai en français.
Merci d'avance à tous.

Rédaction ci-dessous : ( niveau du BTS = à celui de terminale environ )

My name is Maxime, I live in Orange. After to take my BAC scientific, I coming in a HNC (BTS) land-surveyer (géomètre) to Nîmes. IN the end of the first year I did a work placement (stage) in firl of land-surveyer. After two years to HNC I hope to succeed the competitive of ingeneer scholl.

For choose my training session (stage) I got luck to know a land-surveyer in Orange, a father's friend. I expecting of my work placement to pass of the theory at practice.

My days begining at 9 o'clock and to end at 18 o'clock. More often than not I working outside the morning and inside the afternoon because he doing very hot ! I working with different person depending on the days. We doing mainly boundaries (bornage) and division plot of land (division parcellaire). But also projects specially how to air base.
The difficulties being to adapt to equipment of the office but after some days there was no problem.

With my pressence in the office, we had will to form one team extra and so to realise more work for the office.
For me this work placement has serve to know more the job of land-surveyer and to understand the fonctionment of a team work.

I think it was great experience and has to make want to work at the next hollydays.

Modifié par bridg le 14-09-2009 18:27

Réponse: Géomètre (correction) de linsey34, postée le 16-09-2009 à 12:04:57 (S | E)

Beaucoup d'erreurs
lorsque tu conjugues un verbe, tu écris tout le temps, par exemple, "je travaille" = I working
working n'est pas un temps !!!
Donc au présent simple = I work
je surlignes en rouge les erreurs à corriger:

My name is Maxime, I live in Orange. After to take my BAC scientific, I coming in a HNC (BTS) land-surveyer (géomètre) to Nîmes. IN the end of the first year I did a work placement (stage) in firl of land-surveyer. After two years to HNC I hope to succeed the competitive of ingeneer scholl.

For choose my training session (stage) I got luck to know a land-surveyer in Orange, a father's friend. I expecting of my work placement to pass of the theory at practice.

My days begining at 9 o'clock and to end at 18 o'clock. More often than not I working outside (il manque une préposition) the morning and inside (préposition)the afternoon because he doing very hot ! I working with different person depending on the days. We doing mainly boundaries (bornage) and division plot of land (division parcellaire). But also projects specially how to air base.
The difficulties being to adapt to (article) equipment of the office but after some days there was no (more) problem.

With my pressence in the office, we had will to form one team extra and so to realise more work for the office.
For me this work placement has serve to know more the job of land-surveyer and to understand the fonctionment of a team work.

I think it was (article) great experience and has to make want to work at the next hollydays.


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