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Une invitation sans compromis (thème)

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Une invitation sans compromis (thème)
Message de taconnet posté le 18-09-2009 à 15:29:48 (S | E | F)


Je vous propose de traduire ce texte.

Niveau :
Correction : 29 septembre 2009.

Quand comprendras-tu que plus il fait froid, moins j'ai envie de voyager.
Ce n'est donc pas la peine d'envisager que je parte avec toi à New York pour les fêtes de fin d'année. L'hiver, le temps peut être glacial là-bas, et il n'est pas question que j'y aille en cette saison. J'aimerais mieux que tu me proposes de partir aux Caraïbes pour Noël, et que tu m'emmènes à New York au printemps ou en septembre prochain. Mais je sais bien que, avec toi, il n'y a pas à discuter : c'est toujours à prendre ou à laisser.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de quofi78, postée le 18-09-2009 à 23:42:32 (S | E)
When you will understand that more it is cold, less I want to travel.
This is not therefore the penalty to envision that I leave with you to New York for the end of year holidays. The winter, The time can be icy over there, and it is not question that I there go in this season. I would like better than you propose me to leave for the Caribbean ones for Christmas, And that you take me to New York in the spring or in next September. But I know although, with you, there is not to discuss: this always is to take or to leave.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de brettdallen, postée le 18-09-2009 à 23:46:51 (S | E)
Les traducteurs électroniques, depuis le temps, pourraient être plus performants,non? je disais cela en passant...

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de nanette33, postée le 19-09-2009 à 08:05:38 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet!

When will you understand that the more it's cold, the less I want to travel?
So, it's not necessary you think I leave with you for New York for the Christmas and New Year holidays. In winter, the weather may be icy there and it's out of the question for me to go at this time of year. I'd rather you proposed to leave to Caribs for Christmas and you took me to New York in spring or next September. But I know that with you there is no point in discussing : it's always take it or leave it.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de moony59, postée le 19-09-2009 à 09:49:40 (S | E)
Bonjour taconnet,

When will you understand that the more it's cold the less I feel like travelling.So there's no point considering that I could go with you to New York for the Chrismas and New Year celebrations.In winter the weather can be frosty over there and I can't think going there this season.I would rather you proposed to go to the Caribbean for Chrismas and you take me to New York in spring or next September.But I know we can't discuss with you.It's always take it or leave it.

à bientôt.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de dolfine56, postée le 19-09-2009 à 14:14:32 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,
Thanks for this new brenttdallen said, electronic translators aren't reliable enough so, here is my try.

When will you understand that the colder it is, the less I really want to travel?
So, it's not worth considering I come to New-York with you for the Christmas and New Year holidays. In winter, the weather may be frosty over there, and it's out of the question for me to go there in that season.I had rather you suggested me to go to the Caribbean for Christmas, and you took me to New-York for spring or next September.But I know very well that, with you, there is nothing to argue about: it's always take it or leave it.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de maya92, postée le 20-09-2009 à 11:49:59 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

When will you understand that the colder it is the less I feel like travelling.
Therefore there's no point in thinking of my going with you to New-York for the next Xmas and New Year holidays.
In winter the weather can be freezing in New-York and it's out of question for my going there at that time of the year. I'd rather you suggest a flight to the Caribbean at Xmas and a journey to New-York in the springtime or next September. But I do know there is no way of discussing with you : it's always take it or leave it.

Thanks you Taconnet

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de lakata, postée le 20-09-2009 à 19:22:09 (S | E)

Bonsoir taconnet

Merci pour ce nouveau thème !

When will you understand that, the colder it is, the less I feel like travelling ?

There is no need to think I could go with you to New York City for the New

Year celebrations. In winter, it can be bitterly cold over there, and there is no

question of me going there at that time. I would rather you suggested going to

the Carribean for Christmas and took me to NYC in spring or next September.

But I do know it is not worth arguing with you : it is always take it or leave


Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de ndege, postée le 22-09-2009 à 13:03:47 (S | E)
Hi Taconnet,

Thanks for the exercise.

When will you understand that the colder it is the less I feel like travelling.
So there is no point in considering my going with you to NY for Year End holidays. The Winter weather can be freezing cold over there and there is no way I 'm going there at this time of year. I 'd rather you suggest a trip to the Carribean Islands for Christmas and then you 'd take me to NY in Springtime or next September. But I do know there is no use arguing with you : it's always take or leave.


Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de ariane6, postée le 22-09-2009 à 23:28:42 (S | E)

Bonsoir taconnet,

When will you understand that the colder the weather, the less I feel like travelling.
There's no point in imagining I might go with you to New York City for the New Year festivities. In winter, the weather over there can get icy cold, so there's no question of me going there then. I would rather you suggested we go to the Caribbean for Christmas, and that you take me to New York in the spring or next September. I know perfectly well, with you, there's no way of discussing's always take it or leave it.

Merci !

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de clarou11, postée le 28-09-2009 à 19:05:42 (S | E)

When will you understand that the colder the weather is , the less I feel like travelling ? So it is not even worth considering going to New York with me for Christmas holidays. It can be freezing there in winter and there is no question of my going there during this season.I'd rather you suggest a flight to the Caribbean at Christmas and a trip to New-York in spring or next September. But I do know there is no point discussing with you : it's always take it or leave it.

Merci pour ce thème que j'ai encore beaucoup travaillé.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de taconnet, postée le 29-09-2009 à 19:03:03 (S | E)

Quelques remarques préliminaires.

1- On n'emploie pas more avec les adjectifs courts :
Il est faux d'écrire : more cold

The older he gets, the less he understands ──► Plus il vieillit moins il comprend.

Parfois le verbe to be et son sujet sont sous-entendus.

The more , the merrier ──► Plus on est de fous, plus on rit.
The less said about it the better. ──► Moins on en parle mieux cela vaut.

2- Avoir envie ──► to feel like + V-ing.
On peut aussi employer le verbe « to fancy » + V-ing
« Do you fancy going for a walk ?» ──► As-tu envie d'aller faire une promenade ?

3- Ce n'est pas la peine de + verbe = il est inutile de + verbe. Plusieurs possibilités de traduction.

It's not worth + V-ing
It's pointless + V-ing
It's no use + V-ing

« It's no use trying to persuade her » ──► Il est inutile d'essayer de la persuader.
« It's pointless telling her to tidy her room, she'll never do it » ──► ce n'est pas la peine de lui demander de ranger sa chambre, elle ne le fera jamais.

4- On dit : At Christmas , at Easter mais on Christmas Day.

5- J'aimerais mieux = Je préfèrerais ──► I'd rather ( I would rather)
I'd rather est suivi de l'infinitif sans to
« I'd rather go home » ──► Je préfèrerais rentrer.

Attention !

I'd rather est suivi d'un preterit lorsqu'il y a deux sujets.
« I'd rather you came tomorrow

Voici ma proposition.

When will you understand that the colder the weather is, the less I fancy travelling? So it's no use considering going to New York with me at Christmas.
Over there it can be icy in winter and there is no question of my going there during this season. I'd rather you proposed spending Christmas in the Caribbean or inviting me in New York in spring or next September. But I know that, with you, it's pointless arguing: it is always take it or leave it.

Je vous remercie pour votre bonne participation.

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de krnntp, postée le 19-12-2009 à 11:14:53 (S | E)
Bonjour! Je suis anglophone et je pensais qu'il serait amusant de "reverse engineer" cette exercice en anglais du point de vu de quelqu'un qui ne connais pas bien les idiomes français.

On n'emploie pas more avec les adjectifs courts :
Pas toujours, on dit "you couldn't be more wrong", probablement car le prononciation serait si étrange autrement.

Voici mon effort:

When will you understand that the colder it gets, the less I want to travel?
It's not even worth the trouble of imagining I would go with you to New York for New Year's. The weather can be so glacial there in the wintertime that there's no way I'd visit at that time of year. I'd much prefer for you to invite me to the Caribbean for Christmas, and then take me to New York in the spring, or maybe next September. But I know that with you, there's nothing to discuss - it's always take it or leave it.

Best - krnntp

Modifié par krnntp le 19-12-2009 11:21

Modifié par krnntp le 19-12-2009 14:20

Réponse: Une invitation sans compromis (thème) de cenvin, postée le 19-12-2009 à 12:33:36 (S | E)
in how many more time do i have to tell you that more it's cold the less i feel like to travel.So there is no use to plan that i will go to New York for the trip's end year.In this time of winter that will be freezing cold there,and it's out of the question that i go there at this time of year.i would like you to propose me to go to caribean for the xmas,and that we go to New York the spring or in next september.But i know well that with you there's no joke:that's for take or for keep out.


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