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I am who I am- My family - correction

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I am who I am- My family - correction
Message de emii3108 posté le 25-09-2009 à 17:58:16 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous,

Voici une rédaction que j'ai rédigée pour une évaluation orale. Si quelqu'un avait l'amabilité de jeter un coup d'oeil pour les fautes qui pourraient s'y trouver... Un tout grand merci d'avance. Emii3108


I live in Masnuy with my family. I come from a big family because I have got one sister and one brother. Elodie is my sister and she has got seventeen years old, we are twin sister. Sébastien is my brother, he has got eight years old. We are good relation together. The personn I get on best in my family with is my twin sister because we divide up everything all. I get on weel with everybody because It's very important. I have got a close-knit family. Everybody can rely on the others and we spend a good time together. We go at the restaurant, We swim in the swimming pool, we go to the cinema, we play at the wii ... It's essential for me to see the members of my family at least once a month. I like spending time with my friends and my bestfriend but I prefer spending time with my family because It's thanks to them, to my parents that I am happy. I go on holidays with my parents, my twin sister and my brother, It's very nice ! And, there in holidays, we are very happy. I would like to add that without them, my life wouldn't be the similar and that I thank them for all that they make for me.

Réponse: I am who I am- My family - correction de seb06000, postée le 25-09-2009 à 19:50:07 (S | E)
message supprimé inutile

Réponse: I am who I am- My family - correction de epinay, postée le 25-09-2009 à 21:30:41 (S | E)

That very good, but us , we want to learn also if you want of course.Keep smiling too

Best Wishes

Réponse: I am who I am- My family - correction de laure95, postée le 26-09-2009 à 17:44:17 (S | E)
Bonsoir, voici ce que tu dois corriger:

I live in Masnuy with my family. I come from a big family because I have got one sister and one brother. Elodie is my sister and she has got (pour l'âge, on n'utilise pas HAVE!) seventeen years old, we are twin (twins) sister. Sébastien is my brother, he has got eight years old. We are (pas le bon verbe) good relation together. The personn (faute d'orthographe ou de frappe?) I get on best in my family with is my twin sister because we divide up everything all. I get on weel (faute d'orthographe) with everybody because It's very important. I have got a close-knit family. Everybody can rely on the others and we spend a good time together. We go at ( GO TO) the restaurant, We swim (utiliser 1 autre verbe) in the swimming pool, we go to the cinema, we play at the wii ... It's essential for me to see the members of my family at least once a month. I like spending time with my friends and my bestfriend but I prefer spending time with my family because It's thanks to them, to my parents that I am happy. I go on holidays with my parents, my twin sister and my brother, It's very nice ! And, there in holidays, we are very happy. I would like to add that without them, my life wouldn't be the similar and that I thank them for all that they make for me.

Good essay!

Réponse: I am who I am- My family - correction de serky83, postée le 28-09-2009 à 13:40:45 (S | E)
I live in Masnuy with my family. I come from a big family because I have got one sister and one brother. Elodie is my sister and she has got seventeen years old, we are twin sister. Sébastien is my brother, he has got eight years old. We are good relation together. The personn("person" tu as peut-être fait une faute au moment de la saisie) I get on best in my family with is my twin sister because we divide up everything all. I get on weel with everybody because It's very important. I have got a close-knit family. Everybody can rely ("really" est le mot exact) on the others and we spend a good time together. We go at the restaurant, We swim in the swimming pool, we go to the cinema, we play at the wii ... It's essential for me to see the members of my family at least once a month. I like spending time with my friends and my bestfriend but I prefer spending time with my family because It's thanks to them, to my parents that I am happy. I go on holidays with my parents, my twin sister and my brother, It's very nice ! And, there in holidays, we are very happy. I would like to add that without them, my life wouldn't be the similar and that I thank them for all that they make for me.


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