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Correction/ about a film on TV

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Correction/ about a film on TV
Message de bobii971 posté le 04-10-2009 à 12:51:30 (S | E | F)

Bonjour! Pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait?

I have felt tor between two different things,but I didn't play my future as Gogol, but I didn't succeed to decided between two TV program...Every on Saturday evening, I sit down to watch TV, because there is always a good movie to watch. However, this evening was special, because, there are two very good program! A American series, that I like and watched for a long time, or a movie, that according the critics of the film and by watching the trailer, this film was very interessant, with many actions and with actors, who I like, so it seemed to be a very good film! Basically, a film as I like it! I was necessary, that I watched it! At the beginning, I watched my serie...But I am very curious, so I flicked trough the channels all the time. The film was about the Second wars of the world "Indigène". I said myself: "if I watch my series, I am sure, that it'll be good, or the film, I don't know! I continued to say myself... I have to change my customs, in more, this film can teach me many things about the history. I didn't stop to change my opinion... Finally, I watched my serie...However, the next day, somebody spoke about the film... Apparently, it was super! Even my professor of history spoke about it. So, I felt spread and isolated, because he asked about the film and I was lost in their discussion...I hate to be in this situation! I was disappointed...

pouvez-vous aussi me donner votre avis sur mon texte please? thank you!

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-10-2009 13:25

Réponse: Correction/ about a film on TV de brettdallen, postée le 04-10-2009 à 13:10:25 (S | E)
Je signale ce qui peut être amélioré.

I have felt tor(il manque une lettre) between two different things,but I didn't play my future as Gogol, but I didn't succeed to decided(mais de toutes façons, ce n'est pas la structure suivant "succeed"..) between two TV program(Two!!)...Every on Saturday evening, I sit down to watch TV, because there is always a good movie to watch. However, this evening was special, because, there are(choisissez: présent ou passé?) two very good program(two!!)! A(America commence par un son consonne, non?) American series, that I like and watched("have been watching") for a long time, or a movie, that according(manque une préposition) the critics of the film and by watching the trailer, this film was very interessant(d'accord, mais en Français), with many(choisissez "much") actions and with actors, who I like, so it seemed to be a very good film! Basically, a film as I like it("them". Ou: the sort of films I like)! I("It" ?) was necessary ?, that I watched it! At the beginning, I watched my serie...But I am very curious, so I flicked trough the channels all the time. The film was about the Second wars of the worldWWII "Indigène". I said (to)myself(ou "I thought"): "if I watch my series, I am sure, that it'll be good, or (opposition: "whereas") the film, I don't know! I continued to say(to) myself... I have to change my customs(choisissez un autre mot, celui-ci est un faux ami), in more,("in addition", "besides") this film can teach me many things about the history. I didn't stop to change my opinion... Finally, I watched my serie...However, the next day, somebody spoke about the film... Apparently, it was super! Even my professor of history("history teacher") spoke about it. So, I felt spread ?and isolated, because he asked about the film and I was lost in their discussion...I hate to be in this situation! I was disappointed...

Je n'ai pas tout corrigé. Faites déjà le nécessaire et on verra le reste ensuite.
Vous oscillez entre passé et présent: faites un choix clair! s'il s'agit d'un récit, cela ne vous empêche nullement de faire des commentaires généraux, donc au présent...

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-10-2009 13:23


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