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New Year vacation /correction (1)

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New Year vacation /correction
Message from zhong posted on 16-10-2009 at 10:01:13

Bellow is my homework to write somewhere i am planning to visit.
Thank you very much to correct any mistake.

I went to the travel agent last week to make arrangement for my New Year vacation to Chingmai.
I didn’t realize how few options we’d have in this Tourist high season. All airlines are almost full and we can’t get any reduction of the tickets as well. As for going to Chingmai by rail, it will be slower but there is really not going to be much choice at all.
Considering of the price, it would be a good choice.
I am planning to be there for one week.
That will be the second time for me to visit there. The view impressed me deeply last time. I was thinking about to visit there again when we left there after three days visiting.
Last time we our whole family rented a camper to go every attraction. This time we just go by two people my husband and me, and we decided just spend all of the time wondering in the city to take photos and relax ourselves.

Edited by lucile83 on 16-10-2009 10:46

Edited by lucile83 on 16-12-2009 14:14

Re: New Year vacation /correction by smartway, posted on 19-10-2009 at 12:11:37
I went to the travel agent last week to make arrangement for my New Year vacation to Chingmai.
I didn’t realize how few options we’d have in this Tourist high season. All airlines are almost full and we can’t get any reduction of the tickets as well. for going to Chingmai by rail, it will be slower but there is really not much choice at all.
Considering the price, it will be a good choice.
I am planning to be there for one week.
That will be the second time for me to visit it. The view impressed me deeply last time. I was thinking about to visit there again when we left there after three days visiting.
Last time our whole family rented a camper to go every attraction. This time just two persons are going my husband and me, and we just decided to spend all of the time wondering in the city, taking photos and relaxing ourselves.

Re: New Year vacation /correction by seb06000, posted on 19-10-2009 at 12:52:41

It is asked only to put some indications about the mistakes and not to correct them directly because otherwise there's no learning!



Re: New Year vacation /correction by prescott, posted on 20-10-2009 at 17:01:58
Hello Zhong,

"make arrangementS" (plural) would sound better... (see "make plans")

"That will be the second time for me to visit it."
-> That will be my second visit there/to Chingmai.

"reduction of the tickets"
-> ticket reduction

"I am planning to BE there for one week."
"planning to be" is suitable for short attendance/arrival time etc, but in your case, "I am planning to STAY" would be better.

"I was thinking about TO VISIT there again"
-> "I have been thinking about visitING the place again" OR
-> "I thought it would be nice to come again when we left after our 3-day visit"

-wandering or wondering?
-> Double click on the words to see the definitions and choose the good one!

Good luck


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