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Message de emii3108 posté le 19-10-2009 à 16:04:58 (S | E | F)


Je dois mettre en oeuvre un dialogue dans le cadre de mon cours d'anglais. Si , certaines personnes ont l'occasion de jeter un coup d'oeil, ce serait bien sympa.

Un tout grand merci d'avance.

Him : You look worried. What’s on your mind ?
Her : Actually, there is something I have been meaning to tell you.
Him : I listen to you.
Her : I ‘m sorry but I sometimes haven’t been honest with you.
Him : What ? It is a joke ?
Her : Unfortunately, it isn’t a joke. In fact, I’m forty years old.
Him : Ho, It’s old ! But, you don’t look about forty.
Her : Perhaps but really, I forty years old.
Him : Ok, don’t worried. You just tell me so better than never.
Her : Yes but I’am very sorry, I wanted to tell you but I didn’t found the brave.
Him : Don’t worry, I like you same with your difference and I forgive you !
Her : Thank’s, you are comprehensive and I like you for that !
Him : Ok, it’s romantic.
Her : When it suits you go to the restaurant ?
Him : Oh my weekds is full.
Her : Oh but tonight, you are alone ?
Him : Yes but I have a lot of works but I wouldn’t arranged to come with you tonight.
Her : Ok ok, no problems. Are you call me to say me ?
Him : Yes, I call you at half past six o’clock ?
Her : Yes ! But at half past six o’clock. My mobile phone rings. I take off. « Hello ».
Him : « Hi ».
Her : It’s ok for tonight ?
Him : I’am sorry but I wouldn’t come because I have a meeting for my job. But, tomorrow, there isn’t problem.
Her : Ho, I am disappointed but it’ s the life. I will leave. Good evening.
Him : Ok , bye bye .

Réponse: Correction-dialogue de seb06000, postée le 19-10-2009 à 17:43:27 (S | E)

je vous indique ce qui ne va pas

" You look worried. What’s on your mind ?
Her : Actually, there is something I have been meaning to tell you.
Him : I listen to you (temps à revoir).
Her : I ‘m sorry but I sometimes (place de l'adverbe) haven’t been honest with you.
Him : What ? It is a joke ?
Her : Unfortunately, it isn’t a joke. In fact, I’m forty years old.
Him : Ho, It’s old ! But, you don’t look about forty.
Her : Perhaps but really, I (il manque le verbe)forty years old.
Him : Ok, don’t worried (voc). You just tell me ( temps à revoir à cause de 'just') so better than never.
Her : Yes but I’am very sorry, I wanted to tell you but I didn’t found the brave (voc).
Him : Don’t worry, I like you same with your difference and I forgive you !
Her : Thank’s, you are comprehensive and I like you for that !
Him : Ok, it’s romantic.
Her : When it suits you go to the restaurant ? (construction à revoir)
Him : Oh my weekds (ortho) is full.
Her : Oh but tonight, you are alone ?
Him : Yes but I have a lot of works (voc) but I wouldn’t arranged to come (sens?) with you tonight.
Her : Ok ok, no problems. Are you call me to say me (temps et construction à revoir)?
Him : Yes, I call you at half past six o’clock (expression de l'heure à revoir) ?
Her : Yes ! But at half past six o’clock (idem). My mobile phone rings. I take off. « Hello ».
Him : « Hi ».
Her : It’s ok for tonight ?
Him : I’am sorry but I wouldn’t come because I have a meeting for my job. But, tomorrow, there isn’t problem (article) .
Her : Ho, I am disappointed but it’ s the life. I will leave. Good evening.
Him : Ok , bye bye ."

Bon courage, s'il y a un souci n'hésitez pas!




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