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Message de damien13 posté le 20-10-2009 à 19:35:57 (S | E | F)

bonsoir, je ne suis pas très forte en anglais je dois faire une rédaction pouvez vous m'aidez à corriger mes erreurs? Merci d'avance.

question: Qu'est ce que que vous pensez de ce grand besoin de communiquer actuellement ?

Since a few years, technology progresses, more in addition to means of communication are placed at our disposal. It is not to very a long time speak oneself one to send letters. Then television arrived in the hearths. The inhabitants then started cultivated differently than with the newspapers. Then with since 19th century English invented the telephone which quickly settled in the population, the distant families then could communicate. And nowadays the projections are even more incredible, we have practically a whole a cellphone, Internet…
All these means of communication are beneficial for each man, they allow an open-minded grace shares points of seen different. Let us take the case of Obama US president which after having spoken with Russian president V. Putin proclaims that the two enemies of the cold war are friendly today. The fact of communicating can regulate problem enormously that it is on a worldwide scale or for a sentimental relation.
I think that the fact of communicating is an excellent thing.

la traduction : Depuis quelques années, la technologie progresse, de plus en plus de moyens de communications sont mis à notre disposition. Il y a pas très longtemps pour se parler on envoyer des lettres. Puis la télévision est arrivée dans les foyers. Les habitants ont alors commencé se cultivé autrement que par les journaux. Puis au depuis du 19eme siècle les anglais ont inventé le téléphone qui s’est rapidement installé dans la population, les familles éloignées ont alors pu communiquer. Et de nos jours les avancées sont encore plus incroyable, nous possédons pratiquement tous un téléphone portable, internet…
Tous ces moyens de communication sont bénéfiques pour chaque homme, ils permettent une ouverture d’esprit grâce partage des points de vus différents. Prenons le cas du président Américain Obama qui après avoir parlé avec le président russe V. Poutine proclame que les deux ennemis de la guerre froide sont aujourd’hui ami. Le fait de communiquer peut régler énormément de problème que ce soit à l’échelle mondiale ou pour une relation sentimentale.
Je pense que le fait de communiquer est une excellente chose.

Modifié par bridg le 20-10-2009 19:36

Réponse: Communication/correction. de laure95, postée le 21-10-2009 à 11:23:38 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
Since a few years, technology progresses (SINCE + PRESENT PERFECT), more in addition to and more means of communication are placed (put) at our disposal. It is not to very a long time speak oneself one to send letters (mal formulé) Then television arrived in the hearths (at home). The inhabitants then started cultivated (infinitif) differently than with the newspapers. Then with since in the 19th century the English invented the telephone which quickly settled in (among) the population, the distant families then could (were able to) communicate. And nowadays the projections (progress, technologies) are even more incredible, we have practically a whole (pas le bon mot) a cellphone, Internet…
All these means of communication are beneficial for each man, they allow an open-minded grace shares points of seen different (adjectif devant le nom + chercher l'expression point de vue). Let us take the case of Obama, the US president which (WHICH: antécédent non-humain) after having spoken (speaking) with the Russian president V. Putin proclaims that the two enemies of the cold war are friendly (utiliser le nom) today. The fact of communicating can regulate problem (pluriel + chercher beaucoup) enormously that it is on a worldwide scale or for a sentimental relation.
I think that the fact of communicating is an excellent thing.

Attention! Vous ne faites que du mot à mot!

Réponse: Communication/correction. de damien13, postée le 21-10-2009 à 15:45:22 (S | E)
Internetew years, technology progress, more in addition to and more means of communication are placed put at our disposal. It is not to very a long time speak oneself one to send letters .Then television arrived in the hearths at home.

The inhabitants then started cultivate differently than with the newspapers. Then with since in the 19th century the English invented the telephone which quickly settled in among the population, the distant families then could were able to communicate. And nowadays the progress, technologies are even more incredible, we have practically all a cell phone, Internet…

All these means of communication are beneficial for each man, they allow an open-minded grace shares points of seen different. Let us take the case of Obama, the US president which after having spoken speaking with the Russian president V. Poutine proclaims that the two enemies of the cold war are friends today. Communicating can regulate problems to seek much that it is on a worldwide scale or for a sentimental relation.

I think that communicating is an excellent thing.

Réponse: Communication/correction. de damien13, postée le 21-10-2009 à 20:52:50 (S | E)
SVP . Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger mes erreurs ? merci

Réponse: Communication/correction. de damien13, postée le 22-10-2009 à 21:10:01 (S | E)

Réponse: Communication/correction. de damien13, postée le 23-10-2009 à 18:47:43 (S | E)
SVP . Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger mes erreurs? merci

Réponse: Communication/correction. de laure95, postée le 24-10-2009 à 14:08:19 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois encore corriger:
Internetew ? years, technology progress (temps), more in addition to that more and more means of communication are placed put at our disposal. It is not to very a long time speak oneself one to send letters (sending letters...: continue cette phrase) .Then television arrived in the hearths at home.

The inhabitants then started to cultivate differently than with the newspapers. Then with since in the 19th century the English invented the telephone which quickly settled in among the population, the distant families then could were able to communicate. And nowadays the progress, technologies are even more incredible, we have practically all (pas à la bonne place) a cell phone, Internet…

All these means of communication are beneficial for each man, they allow an open-minded grace ? shares ? points of seen (pas le bon mot) different (pas à la bonne place). Let us take the case of Obama, the US president which after having spoken speaking with the Russian president V. Poutine proclaims that the two enemies of the cold war are friends today. Communicating can regulate problems to seek much that it is on a worldwide scale or for a sentimental relation. ?
I think that communicating is an excellent thing.

Réponse: Communication/correction. de lucile83, postée le 24-10-2009 à 14:14:00 (S | E)
Cette phrase est incorrecte:
Since a few years, technology .....

il faut trouver une autre tournure car since ne convient pas ici.
Avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne?

Réponse: Communication/correction. de damien13, postée le 24-10-2009 à 14:36:52 (S | E)
Since a few years( je ne vois pas par quoi remplacer since) , technology progress ( je ne vois pas le temps que je doit mettre) ,in addition to that more and more means of communication are put at our disposal. It is not to very a long time speak oneself one to sending letters. Then television arrived at home.

The inhabitants then started to apprise differently than with the newspapers. Then in the 19th century the English invented the telephone which quickly settled in among the population, the distant families then were able to communicate. And nowadays the progress, technologies are even more incredible, we have all practically a cell phone, Internet…

All these means of communication are beneficial for each man, they allow an open-minded large open-minded. Let us take the case of Obama, the US president which after speaking with the Russian president V. Poutine proclaims that the two enemies of the cold war are friends today. Communicating can regulate problems international or even sentimental relation.
The communication can regulate much international problems or even relations sentimental

I think that communicating is an excellent thing.

Réponse: Communication/correction. de lucile83, postée le 24-10-2009 à 14:53:38 (S | E)
Since a few years( je ne vois pas par quoi remplacer since) , technology progress ( je ne vois pas le temps que je doit mettre)
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