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Au cinéma
Message de jeje600 posté le 25-10-2009 à 18:07:48 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous. Je dois rédiger un texte pour un examen. Pourriez-vous la corriger? Merci d'avance.

Two months ago I went ago with my brother and my best friend to see "X". We had decided to watch it because a lot of actors like X,Y and Z starred in it. So my father drove us to the "Sunrise".
X, a gangster, escapes from a prison. Then he robs banks with accomplices. One day, he meets a girl, Y, and he falls in love with her. She follows X, who is wanted by the CIA, everywhere. He becomes the public enemy number 1. After a lot of incidents, Y is put in prison and X is betrayed by a friend. So the police find X and kill him.The film is inspired from by true story.

In my opinion the actors performed very well. Although the film was repetitive, it was very realistic.

After the film, we all had a drink in a pub. Then we got back home.

J' attends vos remarques. Merci.



Réponse: Au cinéma de jeje600, postée le 25-10-2009 à 18:39:11 (S | E)
SVP répondez-moi. J'ai examen demain. Merci d'avance

Réponse: Au cinéma de lucile83, postée le 25-10-2009 à 18:46:56 (S | E)
Two months ago I went ago with my brother and my best friend to see "X". We had decided to watch it because a lot of actors like X,Y and Z starred in it. So my father drove us to the "Sunrise".
X, a gangster, escapes from a prison. Then he robs banks with accomplices. One day, he meets a girl, Y, and he falls in love with her. She follows X, who is wanted by the CIA, everywhere. He becomes the public enemy number 1. After a lot of incidents, Y is put in prison and X is betrayed by a friend. So the police find X and kill him.The film is inspired from by true story.

In my opinion the actors performed very well. Although the film was repetitive, it was very realistic.

After the film, we all had a drink in a pub. Then we got back home.

It's not bad at all; bye!

Réponse: Au cinéma de yasmina660, postée le 25-10-2009 à 18:58:21 (S | E)
Two months ago, I went ago with my brother and my best friend to see "X". We had decided to watch it because a lot of actors like X,Y and Z starredact in it. So, my father drove us to the "Sunrise".
X, a gangster, escapes from a prison. Then, he robs banks with accomplices. One day, he meets a girl, Y, and he falls in love with her. She follows X, who is wanted by the CIA, everywhere. He becomes the public enemy number 1. After a lot of incidents, Y is put in prison and X is betrayed by a friend. So, the police find X and kill him.The film is based on a (inspired from by) true story.

In my opinion the actors performed very well. Although the film was repetitive,I found it( was) very realistic.

(After) When the film ended, we all had a drink in a pub. Then we got back home.

Réponse: Au cinéma de jeje600, postée le 25-10-2009 à 19:04:03 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses. Je vous en suis très reconnaissant. :D


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