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Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I
Message de violet91 posté le 25-10-2009 à 19:05:43 (S | E | F)
(Merci encore de votre large participation précédente)
Bonjour mes chers amis..et
à ceux qui voudraient nous rejoindre "dans cette galère"! Ne craignez rien..le dosage devrait être sinon subtil...très supportable. Mémorable, en tout cas. Et, il faut toujours " positiver"..la preuve!..
Correction prévue autour du mercredi 11 Novembre
-------------------------Une miraculée pas ordinaire. Thème I![](https://www.anglaisfacile.com/etoile.gif)
[........Ce couple de jeunes mariés dublinois sans argent avait, dans le milieu des années 1880 , émigré en Argentine pour y trouver meilleure vie et fonder famille. La Pampa serait favorable à cet éleveur de moutons et sa valeureuse épouse qui lui donna neuf enfants...."Diable! Diable!" Il n'en resta que six... L'homme responsable et prudent tenta alors sa chance comme chef de gare d'un petit coin perdu.
--------Iris* était l'aînée de ses cinq frères et soeurs. Elle était appelée à un fameux destin, vraiment hors du commun et ô combien mémorable!
Dans ses premières années, elle attrapa la fièvre typhoïde qui dégénéra en congestion pulmonaire. "Promise à une mort certaine", elle ne se déclara pas vaincue et s'en releva.
L'épisode suivant - par ailleurs fatal au père- fut la tuberculose ,fléau de l'époque qui en fit tousser et mourir plus d'une. Elle l'avait contractée également : les médecins ne lui donnaient plus que trois mois à vivre. Elle gagna le combat, contre toute attente !
.... A dix-sept ans, c'est avec sa veuve de mère et sa fratrie qu'Iris s'installa à Londres où la vie réservait sûrement moins de malheurs...Plus de quiétude en tout cas. Calme plat en effet, surtout pour la jeune fille scolarisée au couvent quelques petites années.
Mais ,la vie au bord de la Tamise est-elle ou n'est-elle pas "un long fleuve tranquille" ? Une autre question ! Maman Kelly tomba fort malade.
... Iris, tout à coup devenue chef de famille, entrait dans sa vingt-et-unième année. Elle dut chercher un travail, quête si difficile pour les femmes de l'époque. Elle présentait bien. Très jolie rousse au teint laiteux, yeux bleu-gris, silhouette parfaite(cela pourrait être un cliché!),elle plaisait aussi pour son charmant petit accent irlandais. Elle décrocha facilement un emploi de femme de chambre -hôtesse* sur un paquebot luxueux..nommé..."Olympic" .
Elle n'aimait pourtant pas l'idée de voyager sur l'Atlantique-Nord en raison des conditions météorologiques et des exigences dites insupportables de certains passagers, mais avait-elle bien le choix ? Son salaire mensuel serait de 3 £ 10 shillings pour dix-sept heures par jour, sept jours sur sept.]
*Iris :j'ai changé le prénom (car il y a des coquins qui vont aux "fouilles").
*traduction littérale.
----------------------------------------Inspiré d'une histoire vraie.------------------------------
A vous,maintenant. Ne soyez pas surpris (outre mesure) de mon ton parfois badin. Je ne suis pas là pour vous faire sombrer dans le chagrin. Enjoy yourselves.( le texte est "long"-sorry,ariane)mais il n'est pas des plus difficiles). Cette histoire devrait faire recette!..
Message de violet91 posté le 25-10-2009 à 19:05:43 (S | E | F)
Bonjour mes chers amis..et
Correction prévue autour du mercredi 11 Novembre
-------------------------Une miraculée pas ordinaire. Thème I
[........Ce couple de jeunes mariés dublinois sans argent avait, dans le milieu des années 1880 , émigré en Argentine pour y trouver meilleure vie et fonder famille. La Pampa serait favorable à cet éleveur de moutons et sa valeureuse épouse qui lui donna neuf enfants...."Diable! Diable!" Il n'en resta que six... L'homme responsable et prudent tenta alors sa chance comme chef de gare d'un petit coin perdu.
--------Iris* était l'aînée de ses cinq frères et soeurs. Elle était appelée à un fameux destin, vraiment hors du commun et ô combien mémorable!
Dans ses premières années, elle attrapa la fièvre typhoïde qui dégénéra en congestion pulmonaire. "Promise à une mort certaine", elle ne se déclara pas vaincue et s'en releva.
L'épisode suivant - par ailleurs fatal au père- fut la tuberculose ,fléau de l'époque qui en fit tousser et mourir plus d'une. Elle l'avait contractée également : les médecins ne lui donnaient plus que trois mois à vivre. Elle gagna le combat, contre toute attente !
.... A dix-sept ans, c'est avec sa veuve de mère et sa fratrie qu'Iris s'installa à Londres où la vie réservait sûrement moins de malheurs...Plus de quiétude en tout cas. Calme plat en effet, surtout pour la jeune fille scolarisée au couvent quelques petites années.
Mais ,la vie au bord de la Tamise est-elle ou n'est-elle pas "un long fleuve tranquille" ? Une autre question ! Maman Kelly tomba fort malade.
... Iris, tout à coup devenue chef de famille, entrait dans sa vingt-et-unième année. Elle dut chercher un travail, quête si difficile pour les femmes de l'époque. Elle présentait bien. Très jolie rousse au teint laiteux, yeux bleu-gris, silhouette parfaite(cela pourrait être un cliché!),elle plaisait aussi pour son charmant petit accent irlandais. Elle décrocha facilement un emploi de femme de chambre -hôtesse* sur un paquebot luxueux..nommé..."Olympic" .
Elle n'aimait pourtant pas l'idée de voyager sur l'Atlantique-Nord en raison des conditions météorologiques et des exigences dites insupportables de certains passagers, mais avait-elle bien le choix ? Son salaire mensuel serait de 3 £ 10 shillings pour dix-sept heures par jour, sept jours sur sept.]
*Iris :j'ai changé le prénom (car il y a des coquins qui vont aux "fouilles").
*traduction littérale.
----------------------------------------Inspiré d'une histoire vraie.------------------------------
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de lou31, postée le 26-10-2009 à 13:56:28 (S | E)
Voila une histoire dont on a envie de connaitre la suite...celle de this just married couple
Bon courage aux plancheurs
Lien Internet
Modifié par lou31 le 27-10-2009 19:44
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de prescott, postée le 26-10-2009 à 16:43:02 (S | E)
Violet91, you are my heroin
It's a pity I have so little time, so just for good luck on the road ahead:
[........Ce couple de jeunes mariés dublinois sans argent avait, dans le milieu des années 1880 émigré en Argentine pour y trouver meilleure vie et fonder famille.
[........This penniless young Dubliner married couple emigrated to Argentina in the mid-1880s to find a better life and start a family.
Filtered by prescott le 27-10-2009 01:39
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de lakata, postée le 27-10-2009 à 07:54:53 (S | E)
Bonjour violet !
Chic ! Un nouveau jeu ? Merci prescott !!!
Je prends donc le relais avec joie et traduis la seconde phrase :
...The pampas were to be favourable to this sheep farmer and his brave wife who gave him nine children...
À qui le tour ???
Modifié par lakata le 27-10-2009 10:46
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de dolfine56, postée le 27-10-2009 à 13:05:17 (S | E)
Elève lakata,
je vois que tu profites de la proximité des vacances pour tenter d'entrainer tes compagnons de labeur
Si prescott a de bonnes raisons de s'en tenir,
J'en connais une qui serait à la fête
je te quitte, car je reconnais qu'il y a du pain sur la planche...
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 27-10-2009 à 13:33:18 (S | E)
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de aud18, postée le 27-10-2009 à 14:51:27 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous ! Eh bien pour une fois je serai la première à me jeter à l'eau
An extraordinary miracle woman
In the middle of the 1880’s, this Dubliner penniless young married couple had emigrated to Argentina to find there a better life and start a family. The Pampas would be successful to this sheep breeder and his valorous wife who gave him nine children...”Oh my God! Oh my God! ” Only six remained...So the man responsible and careful tried his luck as a stationmaster of a little lost spot.
Iris was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters. She was intented to a fabulous destiny, really out of the common and oh so memorable!
In her first years, she got typhoid fever that worsened to pulmonary engorgement. “Intented to an expected death”, she didn’t admit defeat and recovered from it. The next part – also fateful for the father –was tuberculosis, a plague in those days that made cough and die many people. She had also contracted it: the doctors didn’t give her more than three months to live. She won the fight, against the odds!
At seventeen-year, with her widow mother and her siblings, Iris settled in London where life certainly insured less misadventure...At least more undisturbed. Indeed very calm, above all for the young girl sent to the convent for few years. But, is life at the edge of the Thames “a long quiet river” or not? Another question! Mum Kelly fell very ill.
Iris was on her twenty-first year and suddenly became the head of the family. She had to look for a job, a so hard search for women at that time. She introduced well. A very pretty red-haired with a whitish complexion, blue-grey eyes, perfect curve (it could be a cliché!), she liked also for her charming little Irish accent. She easily got a job as a chambermaid – hostess on a luxurious liner named…”Olympic”.
Yet she didn’t like the idea of travelling on the North-Atlantic because of the weather conditions and some passengers known as unsupportable for their demands, but did she get the choice? Her monthly salary would be of 3£10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.
Bonne journée à tous et toutes
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de lakata, postée le 27-10-2009 à 17:32:52 (S | E)
Message reçu 5/5, dear Violet...
Je me le tiens pour dit. La soute ???? Que nenni !!!
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de dolfine56, postée le 29-10-2009 à 09:43:32 (S | E)
Bonjour violet, bonjour à tous,
Avant d'embarquer sur l"Olympic" avec cette courageuse Iris,voici l'entrée en matière,qui n'a déja rien d'un long fleuve tranquille...que nous réserve la suite...?
An unordinary miracle woman.
These penniless Dubliner newlyweds emigrated to Argentina where they hoped to find a better life and start a familly in the middle of 1880's . the Pampas would be in favour of this sheeps breeder and his valorous wife who gave him nine children...My God! it only remained six lucky survivors..Then,the responsible and careful man tried his luck as a stationmaster in a dead-an-alive hole.
Iris was the eldest of five brothers and sisters.She was designed for a famous destiny, really exceptional and oh so memorable!
In her first years,she got typhoïd fever which degenerated..into a lung congestion.Intented to a sure death, she came out again defeat and raised her head.
The next episode- which was fateful for the father- was tuberculosis, blight in these times that made cough and die more than one casualties. . She had also contracted it:the doctors gave her only three months before dying.she won against the odds!
...At seventeen, with her widow mother and her sibblings, she settled in London where life would surely give her less misfortune...More tranquillity in any event.Dead calm, indeed above all for the girl sent to school in a convent for a few short years.
But,is life on the Thames side a "long quiet river", or isn't it? another question! Mum Kelly fell badly ill.
...Iris became suddently the head of the household and was begining her twenty-first year.She had to look for a work, such a so difficult search for women in these times. She had a smart appearance. A very pretty red-hair person,with a milky complexion, grey-blue eyes,perfect silhouette (that could be a cliché), she was also attractive for her little charming irish accent.She easily got a chambermaid-hôtesse job on a luxurious liner called "Olympic".
She wasn't very enthusiastic about the idea of travelling on the North-Atlantic because of the weather conditions and the demands regarded as unbearable from some passengers, but did she have a choice? Her monthly salary would be of 3 pounds and 10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de moony59, postée le 29-10-2009 à 19:18:22 (S | E)
Hello violet,hello everybody.
Here is my translation:
An unordinary miraculously healed woman.
In the middle of 1880, this penniless newlyweds from Dublin emigrated to Argetina to find a better life and start a family.The Pampas would be favorable to this sheepfarmer and his brave spouse who gave him nine children...Oh my God! It only remained six of them....This responsible and wise man tried his luck as a station master in an isolated spot.
Iris was the oldest of her five brothers and sisters.She was doomed to a great ,outstanding and so memorable fate!
When she still was a little child,she caught typhoïd fever which became a pneumonia."Bound to die"she didn't surrender and had got over her illness.
The next step-fatal to her father-was the tuberculosis.It was the plague of that time and it made coughed and died lots of people.She also got it:the doctors said she only had three months left to live.She unexpectedly won the fight.!
When she was seventeen she moved to London with her widow mother and her brothers where the life certainly had in store fewer tragedy.At least more tranquility.There was nothing happening in fact,above all for this young girl who was in a covent school during a few years.
But is the life on the bank of the Thames "a long quiet river",or not?Another question!Her mother felt seriously ill.
At seventeen years old,Iris became head of the family at once.She had to seek for a job,such a so hard quest for women at that time.She looked quite presentable.She had red-hair with a milky-white complexion,blue-grey eyes,perfect figure(it could be a stereotype),she was also attractive with her slight charming Irish accent.She easily got the job as a maid-hostess on a luxurious liner called "Olympic".
She had a bad feeling to travel on the North Atlantic sea due to the bad weather and the requirements known as unbearable from some passengers but did she really have the choice?Her salary would be three pounds and ten shillings for seventeen hours a day,seven days a week.
A bientôt.Bye.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de nanette33, postée le 30-10-2009 à 10:40:11 (S | E)
Hello violet!
Here's my try, be indulgent
An unordinary miracle woman.
This penniless newly married Dubliner couple had emigrated to Argentina in the middle of the 1880s, in order to find a better life and start a family. The Pampas would be favourable to this sheep farmer and his valourous wife who gave him nine children. Goodness! It only remained six of them. Then, the responsible and careful man tried his lucky as station master of a little place in the middle of nowhere.
... Iris was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters. She was destined for a famous fate, really out of the ordinary and how memorable!
In her first years, she caught the typhoid which developed into congestion of the lungs. "Destined for a certain death", she didn't aknowledge defeat and she got over it.
The following episode -moreover fatal for the father- was the tuberculosis, scourge of the period which made cough and die more than one. She also had caught it : doctors gave her only three months to live. She won the fight, contrary to all expectation!
At seventeen, Iris settled down with her mother widow and her sibling in London where life would reserve certainly less misfortunes... More peace anyway. Dead calm indeed, especially for the maiden schooled to the convent for a few years.
But, is life on the Thames side "a long quiet river" or not? Another question! Mom Kelly fell very ill.
...Iris had become suddenly head of the family and was turning twenty. She had to look for a job, search so difficult for women at this period. She had a good appearance. Very pretty redhead with creamy complexion, blue-grey eyes, perfect figure (it could be a cliché!), she was also liked for her little charming Irish accent. She easily landed a job as chambermaid-hostess on a luxurious liner... called... "Olympic".
Yet, she didn't like the idea of travelling on the North Atlantic due the bad weather conditions and demands known to be intolerably from some passengers but had she indeed the choice? Her monthly salary would be 3 £ 10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week...
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de swan85, postée le 30-10-2009 à 14:40:39 (S | E)
Bonjour VIOLET et bonjour à tous.
Merci pour ce nouveau sujet.
Voici ma traduction
An Extraordinary miracle girl
The Dubliner penniless young married couple, had emigrated to Argentina in the mid-1880, to find a better life and to start a family.
The Pampas would be favourable to this sheep farmer and to his brave wife who gave birth to nine children….”Damn it” Only six of them were alive…. Then, as a wise and responsible man he tried his luck as a station master in a little isolated spot.
-------Iris, was the oldest girl of her five brothers and sisters. She was destined to a great destiny, really exceptional and oh how memorable !
In her first years, she caught typhoid fever which worsened in a congestion of the lungs. ”Assured that she was going to die ” she didn’t admit it and fully recovered.
Then, the next episode – which caused death to the father – was tuberculosis, a plague of that period that made cough and die a large number of people. She contracted it too : The doctors said she would have only three months to live. She won the struggle at all odds!
At seventeen, she moved to London with her widowed mother and her siblings where life would be surely less unfortunate…..With more serenity in any case. Nothing happened effectively, and particularly to the young girl sent to a convent school for brief years.
But, is or is not life by The Thames “a long quiet river”? another question ! Mum Kelly fell seriously ill.
….Iris, who was entering her twenty-first year, became suddenly the head of the family. She had to find a work, so difficult quest for women at that time. Se had a smart appearance. A very pretty redhead with a milky-white complexion, bluish-grey eyes, a nice figure (this could be a cliché),she was attractive too because of her little Irish accent. She got easily a work of hostess chamber-maid in a luxurious liner named “Olympic”.
Yet she didn’t like the fact to travel on North-Atlantic because of the weather conditions and, as it was said, the unbearable requirements of some passengers, but had she really the choice? Her monthly salary would be of 3 £ 10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de nina80, postée le 30-10-2009 à 23:38:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir Violet,
An exceptional miraculously healed girl,
This Dubliner, penniless just maried couple, emigrated to Argentina in the mid of 1880's, to find a better life and start a family. The Pampas would be favourable to that sheep breeder and his valourous wife, who gave him, nine children." Alas" only six of them were alive. The man responsible and wise tried his luck as a station-master of a very little place.
Iris was the oldest of her five brothers and sisters. She was set for a great destiny, really out of the ordinary and ôh so unforgettable.
In her early life she caught a typhoïd fever which degenerated into lung-congestion. "Ensured to an undoubted death". She didn't admit to be defeated and recovered.
The next episode, fateful for her father, was tuberculosis, real curse, which made cough and die a lot of girls. She also contracted it. The doctors didn't give her more than three months before dying. She won the fight in spite of everybody thought.
When she was seventeen, it's with her widow mother and her sibling, that Iris settled in London where she hoped life would be less unfortunate - more tranquillity in any case - Dead quiet indeed, especially for the girl provided with schooling in a convent for a few years.
But,is life by the Tames banks "a long quiet river" or not? Another question! Mummy Kelly was fell very ill.
Suddenly, Iris became the head of the family, she was hardly twenty one and she had to look for a job - a search so difficult to find for women in that time. She had a good appearance, very pretty red-haired with a milky complexion, grey-blue eyes, perfect figure (that could be a cliche). She was also liked for her charming and light Irish accent.She easily obtained a job as a chamber-maid, "hostess" on a luxurious liner nammed "Olympic"
She didn't like the idea of travelling on the North Atlantic because the meteorologic conditions, and the impossible demands of some passengers. But, did she have the choice? Her monthly salary would be 3£10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.
Merci Violet, à bientôt la suite de l'histoire.
Modifié par nina80 le 02-11-2009 18:05
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de traviskidd, postée le 02-11-2009 à 05:00:06 (S | E)
[........This young, married, broke Dublinite couple had, in the middle of the 1880s , emigrated to Argentina to find (there) a better life and start a family. La Pampa would do nicely for this shepherd and his valorous spouse who gave him nine children.... "Crap! Crap!" There weren't but six left... The responsible and prudent man then tried his luck as a station manager on a lost street corner.
--------Iris* was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters. She was called to a famous destiny, quite out of the ordinary and oh how memorable!
As a toddler she caught typhoid fever that degenerated into pulmonary (lung) congestion. "Faced with certain death", she didn't give up and (eventually) overcame it.
The following episode - fatal to the father, by the way- was tuberculosis ,scourge of the era that made many a body cough and die. She had equally contracted it; the doctors didn't give her but three months to live. She won the battle, against all expectation!
.... At seventeen, it was with her widow of a mother and her siblings that Iris settled in London where life had surely fewer unhappy things in store...Less worry in any case. Still calm indeed, especially for the young girl schooled at the convent for a few short years.
But ,life at the edge of the Thames is it or is it not "a long tranquil river"? Another question! Mama Kelly fell gravely ill.
... Iris, having all of a sudden become head of the family, entered her twenty-first year. She had to look for a job, a quest so difficult for women of the time. She was good-looking. Very pretty redhead with a milky complexion, blue-grey eyes, perfect figure(that might be a cliché!),she was also pleasing with her charming little Irish accent. She easily bagged an employment as a chambermaid on a luxury liner..named..."Olympic".
Yet she didn't like the idea of traveling on the North Atlantic due to the meteorologic conditions and the so-called "intolerable" demands of certain passengers, but did she really have a choice? Her monthly salary would be 3 £ 10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.]
*Iris :I've changed the name (because there are nosy people in the world!)
Mais est-ce La Pampa ... ou bien La Bamba ? Lien Internet
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de eos17, postée le 03-11-2009 à 12:28:37 (S | E)
Bonjour chère Violet ,bonjour tout le monde
Les vacances sont finies ,au travail !
An extraordinary survived woman
In the middle of 1880 ,this penniless ,Dubliner newly-weds had emigrated in Argentina to find a better life and start a family .The pampas would be favourable to this sheep farmer and his valorous wife who gave birth nine children ...My God!It only remained six ....The responsible and careful man tried his luck as a station master in an isolated spot .
.....Iris was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters .She was designed for a famous destiny ,really exceptionnal and ô so unforgettable !
In the first years of her childhood,she got the typhoid fever which developed into a congestion of the lungs."Faced with certain death ",she didn't break out and got over the illness.The following episode - fatal for the father -was tuberculisis,real pain at that time which made coughed and died more than one .
She also caught it:the doctors didn't give her more than three months to be alive .She won the battle ,beyond all expectation .
....seventeen years old ,she set up with her widow mother and her siblings to London where life was certainly less painful ...More tranquillity in any case .In fact,It was a calm period for the young girl who was sent in a convent school for few years .
But ,is life on the Thames side "a long quiet river "or not?another question !Mum Kelly fell seriously ill .
....Iris ,became suddenly the head of the family ,was beginning her twenty first years .She had to look for a job ,a quest so hard for women in these times .She looked nice .Very pretty red hair girl with a milky complexion ,blue-grey eyes ,perfect figure ,she was also attractive with her charming ,little ,Irish accent .Easily ,she got a job as chambermaid -hostess on a luxurious liner ...named ..;Olympic .
Yet ,she didn't like the idea of travelling on the North- Atlantic because of the weather conditions and of certain passengers' unbearable requirements ,but did she really have the choice ?Her monthly salary would be three pounds ten shillings for seventeen hours a day ,seven days a week .
Suspense !A quand l'embarquement ?
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de maya92, postée le 04-11-2009 à 16:19:01 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
An unusual survivor,
This penniless newly-married couple from Dublin emigrated to Argentina in the middle of the 1880s to find a better life over there and start a family. The pampas would prove to be favourable to this sheep breeder and his valiant wife who gave him nine children. The devil takes me ! Only six of them survived... The responsible and sensible man tried his luck as a station master in a godforsaken place
Iris was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters. She was marked out to a great destiny, really uncommon and..so..memorable !
In the early years of her life, she caught typhoid which developed into congestion of the lungs. Doomed to certain death, she did not give up and got over it. The next phase, and it killed her father, was tuberculosis (a curse at that time), that made more than one cough and die. She contracted it too : the doctors gave her only three months. She won the fight contrary to expectation !
When she was seventeen, with her widow of a mother and her siblings, she settled down in London where life might have less misfortunes in store... More peace anyway. Dead quiet indeed, especially for the young girl sent to study in a convent for a short few years
But is life along the Thames a "long quiet river" or not ? Another question ! Mum Kelly fell seriously ill.
Suddenly, Iris became the head of the family. She was turning twenty-one. She had to find a job, so hard a search for the women at that time. She was good-looking : A very pretty redhead girl with a creamy complexion, blue-grey eyes, perfect figure (that could be a cliché) and her little Irish accent was attractive too. She easily got a job as a chambermaid-hostess on a luxury liner named 'Olympic'
She was not very enthusiastic about travelling across the North-Atlantic because of the atmospheric conditions and the so-called unbearable demands of certain passengers, but did she really have any choice ? Her monthly salary would be 3£10 for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.
Que de malheurs pour une si jeune fille...peut-etre va-t-elle rencontrer un passager riche et beau pour l'épauler le reste de sa vie..elle l'a bien mérité...Merci Violet à bientot
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de lakata, postée le 05-11-2009 à 15:59:14 (S | E)
Bonjour violet !
An exceptional woman and a miraculously survivor too.
[... This penniless young Dubliner married couple emigrated to Argentina in the mid-1880s to find a better life and start a family (thank you prescott...). The pampas were to be favourable to this sheep farmer and his valorous wife who gave him nine children... Good gracious ! Only six of them survived...Then the wise man, behaving responsibly, tried his luck as a stationmaster in a out-of-the-way little spot.
Iris was the eldest of her five sisters and brothers. She was destined for an amazing life, truly exceptional and memorable, o so memorable !
In her early life, she caught typhoid which developed into congestion of the lungs. "Meant to die", she refused to be defeated and recovered.
The next episode - besides fatal for the father - was tuberculosis, the scourge of that time which made cough then die more than one woman. She had contracted it too : according to the doctors, she was bound to die within three months. And she won out. Unexpectedly !
She was seventeen when Iris, with her widowed mother, her brothers and sisters, settled in London where life was surely to have fewer ordeals in store. More tranquil, anyway. And so it was very dead calm indeed, particularly for the girl attending a convent school for a few short years.
But is life by the Thames " a long peaceful river" or not ? That is another point !
Then Mum Kelly fell seriously ill.
... Iris was just aged 21 when she suddenly became head of the household. She had to seek for work, what was some sort of real quest for the women of that time. She was of good appearance. Very pretty auburn-haired girl, with a milky complexion, grey-blue eyes and a perfect silhouette (a cliché in other words), she was also liked for her slight charming Irish accent. She easily got a job as a stewardess aboard a luxury liner called "Olympic".
Yet she did not like the idea of sailing the North Atlantic due to the weather conditions and the fact that she had heard about some unbearable demanding passengers. Anyway, did she have a choice ? She was to be on a salary of 3 pounds 10 shillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days out of seven.]
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 07-11-2009 à 19:31:23 (S | E)
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violette19, postée le 08-11-2009 à 18:36:52 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet,
Ma semaine si chargée, comme tu le sais, m'a plutôt retardée . S'y sont ajoutées les difficultés contenues dans ce thème, à mes yeux, du moins !
En tout cas, merci pour ce travail, intéressant de bout en bout .
A girl who miraculously survived .
This just married couple, native of Dublin, moneyless, had migrated to Argentina in the middle of the eighteen eighties to lead a better life and start a family . The pampas would be favorable to this sheep farmer,his deserving wife who gave him nine children ... “Damn ! Damn !” Only six of them were left . The man, feeling responsible, a wise one, then tried his luck by being a station master in a small place, miles from anywhere .
.... Iris was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters . She was going to have a famous fate, really extraordinary, so memorable !
On her prime, she caught typhoid fever, that degenerated into a congestion of her lungs .
“Destined for a sure death”, she didn’t admit defeat and recovered from her disease .
The next episode, which was fatal for the father, was tuberculosis, a scourge at those days,making more than one cough then die . She had got it too : the doctors thought she would hardly live for three months more .She won the struggle, contrary to all expectations !
Once she had been seventeen years old, with her widow mother, all her brothers, all her sisters, she settled in London where life would probably have less misfortunes in store ... More peace of mind, anyway . A dead calm, indeed, especially for the maiden, sent to a covent school for a few years at the most .
But is the life at Thames side “a long restful river” or not ? Another question ! Mummy Kelly fell seriously ill.
Iris, who had suddenly become the head of the family was at the beginning of her twenty first .She had to look for a job, such a difficult search for women at that time. She came over well . She was a very pretty red-haired, with a milky complexion, she had blue-grey eyes, a perfect figure (that could be a cliché!), she was also attractive for her charming little Irish accent . She easily got a job of hostess -chambermaid on a luxurious liner ...named “Olympic” .
Nevertheless, she didn’t like thinking of her travelling on the Northern Atlantic due to weather, to the so-called unbearable demands of some passengers, but really had she any choice ? Her monthly salary would be of 3£ 10shillings for seventeen hours per day, seven days in a week .
A bientôt le plaisir de lire ta correction, quand tu le pourras, bien sûr .
Violette, soror tua
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-11-2009 18:46
Mise en page
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violette19, postée le 08-11-2009 à 18:44:10 (S | E)
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-11-2009 18:50
Les documents Word font souvent cela. Vous pouvez modifier votre message en cliquant sur le E dans le titre de votre post.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de bonsai93, postée le 08-11-2009 à 22:47:12 (S | E)
Hello Violet ,
Je ne fais pas la tête mais je digère le foie gras, les confits , les gâteaus aux noix de la Corrèze et de la Dordogne qui m'ont accueillie avec le soleil. Maintenant je compte les boutons de varicelle d'un des petits
Je ne sais si je vais avoir le temps d'accrocher mes wagons d'ici ta correction
J'ai copié le texte mais le reste ne se fait pas.
Mille excuses mais je lirai la correction avec autant d'attention que les précédentes
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violette19, postée le 09-11-2009 à 15:32:46 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, Lucile 83, de cette mise en page, et de vos conseils .
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de intrepid34, postée le 10-11-2009 à 07:52:10 (S | E)
The top of the morning to you Violet!
I'm so sorry that I haven't had the time to do your text. I hope that before tomorrow, I will be able to "attack" it.
Please excuse my tardiness.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de coferam, postée le 10-11-2009 à 18:31:30 (S | E)
Hello, Violet91
An unordinary miraculously healed, Subject I.
[…...This couple of dublinois newlyweds penniless had, in the middle of 1880s, emigrated to the Argentina where to find better life and to constitute family. The pampas will be prosperous at this sheep farmer and his valorous wife who will give nine children...''Devil !
Devil''! It only remained five of them...Then the responsible and careful man tried one's luck as station master in a lost small part.
...Iris was the elder of the siblings, and was called at a famous fate, indeed out of the commun and oh so memorable !
In her first years, she caught the typhoid fever which degenerated in congestion of the lungs. Promised to a sure death, she did not break out defeated and got back it on one's feet. The next episode-In addition fateful for the father- was tuberculosis plague of the time (period) which made it cough and die more from one. She It had also contracted her it: the doctors did not give to her more than three months to live. She won the fight, contrary to all expectations!
...At seventeen, with her widowed mother and her sibblings, she settled in London where life would surely give her less misfortune...More tranquillity in any case.Dead calm indeed, particularly for the young girl sent to school in a convent for a few short years.
But, the life on the Thames side is or isn't ''a long quiet river'' ? Another question! Mummy Kelly fell very ill.
..Iris became suddently the head of the family and was in her twenty-first year. She had to look for a work, search so difficult for women in these times. She had a pleasing appearance. A very pretty red-hair person,with a milky complexion, grey-blue eyes,perfect silhouette (that could be a cliché), she was also attractive for her little charming irish accent. She easily got a chambermaid-hostess job on a luxurious liner called "Olympic".
She did not nevertheless like the idea to travel on Atlantique-Nord because of the weather conditions and the unbearable said requirements of certain passengers, but had she indeed the choice? Her monthly salary would be 3 £ 10 schillings for seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.]
Difficult...Yes ? No ? But that takes time !
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 11-11-2009 à 19:28:33 (S | E)
Vous en êtes que plus méritants! Merci!..
---------------Such a miraculous (lady)survivor!Thème I
....Those penniless young newly-wed Dubliners emigrated to Argentina ,in the mid 1880's in order to find a better life and start a family overthere. The Pampas appeared to be the proper land for that sheep-breeder and his valiant wife who gave him nine children. "Hell on earth!" Only six of them were left to them!
Therefore, that responsible and wise man decided he should try his luck as a station master in a tiny place in the middle of nowhere.
.....Iris was the eldest of her five brothers and sisters . She was on the road to an unexampled future ,totally exceptional and ..oh! so memorable!
In her very early life, she was unlucky enough to catch typhoid fever which worsened into lung congestion. "Bound to die", she was said. She fiercely struggled against death and defeated illness.
The next episode -besides fatal* to her father - was tuberculosis, the scourge of that time which actually made more than one lady* cough and die*.(loads of people ,in fact). She herself (had)contracted it and the doctors* gave her only three months to live. There again, she beat the enemy ,recovering against all odds.
At the age of seventeen ,her widowed mother, her siblings and she went and settled in London where life was likely to be less plagued. More peaceful by all means. Dead calm indeed, especially for the 'young lassie*" registered in a convent school to attend lessons for a few years.
...But, is life along the Thames a " long quiet river" or is it not ? That is another question ! Mummy Kelly fell seriously ill.
All of a sudden as she was entering her twenty -first year ,Iris became the head of the family. She then had to look for a job ,so hard a quest for the women of those days. She was good-looking. A very pretty red-haired girl with a pearly complexion and a perfect figure.(that might* be a cliché). She could also sound attractive with her lovely little touch of Irish accent. She had no problem to get the job of a bedroom-stewardess on a luxury liner ...named ..Olympic.*
Yet,she didn't like the idea of sailing the North-Atlantic run, due to the weather conditions and the reported demands of some unbearable passengers on that run. But did she have a choice ? Her salary would be 3£ 10 shillings per month, for working seventeen hours a day, seven days a week.
-----------------------------An amazing true story, adapted from different magazines and books. (very little Internet,because of numerous errors)
* Fatal = deadly ['d
* A lady >" Lady of the Camellias" by A.Dumas (1848); an opera (= "oeuvre" in Italian)by Verdi (1853) ,where famous Marguerite Gautier(symbol of the French lover!!travis..and tuberculosis) is renamed Violetta (why that?!!!)Valéry.
* On pouvait penser à une causative = cough to death (mais répétition).
* A lassie : a young lady < j'ai emprunté à l'Ecossais (pas prescott)car j'aime les expressions " a lad" a lass (cf.Irish James Joyce in "Dubliners"
* "the" doctors of the British Hospital.
* Cela dépend du poids de la modalité : could est plus certain que might.
* -1908:she first worked on "Orinoco"(West Indies).
-1910 :"Majestic" = "The world's largest ship".
-1911 :" Olympic" with Captain (whoops, her Captain)Smith!
Woilà for a start!..."la suite du discours" va venir..
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de ariette, postée le 11-11-2009 à 21:32:37 (S | E)
hi! dia duit violet et
may I surreptitiously interfere in your voyage, but 'economy-class'_frantically busy at the moment_
to suggest a title :
an out of this world person, lucky to be alive.
I'll try to do better next time
Modifié par ariette le 18-11-2009 07:57
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 11-11-2009 à 23:45:57 (S | E)
Bonsoir dear Ariette..thanks for your suggestion..a pity you have not done more...
1 ) Le titre,alors : So special a miraculous survivor..An extraordinary survivor..il fallait sous entendre et faire passer l'adj."miraculous" dans le sens de "miraculée "et non miraculeuse. Et le suspense de toute une série..Such a ..
2 ) To survive > a survivor(form.# : to relieve> (soulager) a reliever(médic;sport); to retrieve> a retriever(un plutôt gros "rapporteur"Lien Internet
Féminiser ou masculiniser un nom "mixte": a boyfriend, a girlfriend,a female friend, a male friend,a woman teacher, a man teacher, a he-dog, a she-dog,a man survivor,a lady survivor..;# a babyboy, a babygirl ;
- Dans l'intérêt du suspense du titre anglais ,évacuer "lady" est sans doute préférable.
cf. Pas de traduction:le récent et beau film "The reader"(from the great book by Bernhard Schlink (non traduit par le "liseur" )..nous avons eu "La lectrice" = the reader,aussi excellent film aussi.(plusieurs livres portent ce titre)
Lien Internet
Lien Internet
3 ) A couple = a pair of newlyweds.Lien Internet
--A young or old newlywed couple.< to wed,wed,wed ( a wedding: jour des noces)et période de la "honeymoon")/ A newlywedded aunt.
--Just married (change of status) (contraire de célibataires).
Wedding: c'est la fête! Marriage ['m
Les futurs parents d'Iris sont tout fraîchement mariés.
4 ) Dubliners [d
A person from Dublin is a Dubliner or a "dub" (fam.)
Lien Internet
---" Dubliners" by James Joyce(1914: "Gens de Dublin") ,petit chef d'oeuvre.
-- Dernière réalisation de John Huston toute symbolique à partir du livre (Angelica Huston est prodigieuse as usual )Lien Internet
--"The Dubliners" (folk group ) Lien Internet
5 ) Sans un sou = penniless.
6 ) Middle< in the mid 1880's(midday,midnight..midwife(job= midwifery) = sage-femme relais entre wife and husband..alors qu'en Espagnol, c'est comadrona, plus axé sur la maternité,donc.)The early,mid,late 1880's.
Well!..Mes p'tits mignons..je commence à fatiguer dur!..Have a good night ,all.Sleep tight.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 12-11-2009 à 13:22:59 (S | E)
7 ) In order to + infinitif : but = afin de ,pour.. So That (conj.de sub.)= proposition = conséquence : de sorte que.
"To find" était juste ,aussi.
8 ) An immigrant (in) # an emigrant.(ex). Le Français est plus pointilleux ,là-dessus.Le couple sont des émigrants d'Irlande partis pour l'Argentine où ils seront considérés comme "immigrants".
9 ) La Pampa (prairie,plaine)est pluriel en Anglais : the Pampas.Lien Internet
Lien Internet
10) To breed ,bred,bred : faire de l'élevage (ici) A sheep-breeder(spécialité). A sheep farmer (inclut tout ce qu'il fait à la ferme et sur les terres : to work on a farm.
A sheep> pl.sheep(non comptable).(pour notre oeil ordinaire : le troupeau dont on ne connaît pas le nombre de têtes. A herd ['h
A shepherd's dog: voir à Hyde Park ,un été ,une compétition de shepherd dogs :remarquable! .Lien Internet
11 ) Valiant, valorous,deserving ( elle mérite bien une médaille!!)courageous..: elle a porté neuf enfants donc donné à son mari. To give birth..ne porte pas cette nuance de taille!
12 ) "Diable! Diable! dit-il en se grattant la tête,
Nous avions cinq enfants ,cela va faire sept!" Me permettant de parodier un peu V. Hugo..("Les pauvres gens" ,toujours) Damn! Damn!! Zut ,alors! Le sort s'abat sur eux .."Hell on earth!" Je pouvais utiliser "Good gracious(me)ou "My God!" ou "Alas ,alas, three times alas!"..mais n'estimais pas approprié le "rappel à Dieu." Après, on devient grossier.
J'ai préféré "were left" pour souligner le mauvais sort (spell)(avec une touche d'humour, malgré la gravité du propos : comme "Hernani",une hécatombe)et pour les membres (du site) un peu moins sensibles qui y verraient du mélo.
13 ) To be responsible (for):.;et tu assumeras!(" thou shall take on = assume)
Lien Internet
14 ) Wise ['w
Four "damned" wisdom teeth..et pour les poètes ..the tooth fairy(for baby teeth) ..
.est notre petite souris(travis,intrepid)
Lien Internet
..or..Lien Internet
15) To try one's luck ['tr
...Lien Internet
..# chance ['
16 ) A tiny ['t
17 ) The eldest sister :ne s'applique qu'aux humains(in the same family) with a touch of superiority (droit d'aînesse? ,hello!violette!)# the oldest for humans,animals,anything groups..Dans les deux cas, prononcer "the"= ['
18 )To be called , destined , promised ,bound to : être destiné à ..To head for..to be on the road to, to be on the route to : s'acheminer vers. : le mot "destiny" va arriver sous peu.
19 )An unexampled future : sans précédent ..ni suivant (à ce point-là.) peut-être ,petite Bahia..
..Lien Internet
- A unique future (consonne à unique). Special porte une valeur positive. "I am responsible for my rose",unique au monde = special.
like a special mother, father,(list) and friend. You are my special friend (que personne ne pourrait remplacer). Pina Bausch, such a special choregrapher the world abruptly lost last July..
Lien Internet
Lien Internet
Lien Internet
Ne pas oublier son co-équipier : merveilleux Dominique Mercy ("successeur" et directeur,now)
18 ) Future,destiny (0oo) (fate a ,pour moi, un aspect "macabre"). A lire cette histoire, on vient à penser qu'elle est "protégée des dieux,qu'il y a quelque chose au dessus d'elle, Dieu? .Totally exceptional and memorable car je vais vous annoncer her "Memoirs".
Pour les nostalgiques:
..Lien Internet
" you share my reverie, you are my dream come true.".un homme qui sait parler aux femmes..!
19 ) Typhoid ['t
L'OMS en répertorie entre 16 et 33 millions et plus de 200.000 décés annuels.
..Sorry for you,travis again..mais "the most dangerous woman was American!!" Cette fois-ci pas "bloody Mary,( English Tudor,la sanguinaire fille de Henry VIII),but Mary Mallon ,a cook,cuisinière aux USA ,continua de travailler contaminant 32 personnes (2 morts) à elle toute seule. Célèbre pour avoir été le 1er cas ..et pour son déni de maladie. Conduite deux fois en "quarantine" manu militari. Cela l'acheva en 1938.
.."Dinner with Typhoid Mary!"
Lien Internet
..et nous qui sommes "branchés" sur la belle Irlande du Sud (Eire "verte Erin"),n'allons pas confondre avec inoffensive pretty Molly Malone Lien Internet
(petite marchande ambulante de fruits de mer qui "died of a fever" mais dont le petit fantôme continue d'arpenter les rues de Dublin. Sa statue se trouve tout près du prestigieux Trinity College.
Lien Internet
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 12-11-2009 à 23:56:27 (S | E)
Have a good night all. Sweet dreams to everybody, of course. See you tomorrow (I'll do my best ,again).Your violet.
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de prescott, postée le 13-11-2009 à 03:24:22 (S | E)
Just fascinating!
Des tonnes de références soigneusement choisies, plus croustillantes les unes que les autres. Sans compter qu'il est très instructif de pouvoir comparer les choix des différents participants.
Bref (so to speak), j'en ai pour des mois de "happy hours" et quality time.
Merci Violette impériale!
Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaire Thème I de violet91, postée le 13-11-2009 à 14:08:02 (S | E)
Merci de votre patience ,amis..mais today..I am on duty again!! (mes "Biquettes","toddlers to look after and cuddle)).je reprendrai dans la journée as soon as I can.
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