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Correction/imagine your future

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Correction/imagine your future
Message de peace00 posté le 02-11-2009 à 11:55:11 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, excusez-moi de vous déranger mais pourriez-vous corriger les deux réponses aux questions ci-dessous. Je vous mets la traduction en français de ce que j'ai écrit.
Merci de votre aide.

4) How do you imagine your future when you are twenty-five? Is there a job you would particularly like to do? Why? Do you have a dream? What is it ?

A 25 ans je pense que j'aurais un travail, une copine. Je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire plus tard mais je pense me diriger vers ingénieur dans le bâtiment. Ingénieur dans le bâtiment peut-être un métier très passionnant car on invente notre propre bâtiment comme on le pense avec des contraintes bien sûr à respecter. Il a beaucoup de travail c’est sûr car il faut réfléchir à tout si on veut bien faire le bâtiment. Mais ensuite une fois construit on peut-être fière de soi-même. Mon rêve c'est d'être un ingénieur très réputé et être un des meilleurs.

In 25 years I think that I would have a job, a companion. I do not know what I am later going to make but I think head for engineer in the building. Engineer in the building perhaps a very exciting job because they invent our own building as they think of it with pressures of course to be respected. It has a lot of job it is sure because it is necessary to think about everything if they definitely want to make the building. But then once constructed one perhaps proud on his own. My dream it is to be a very renowned engineer and be one of the best.

5) Would you stop seeing your family if they disapproved of your choice of a career?

Non je n’arrêterai pas de voir ma famille même si elle a désapprouvé mon choix de carrière. C’est ce que j’ai choisi et pi même si ils auraient préférait me voir dans une autre carrière que celle que j’ai choisi cela ne fait rien. Je préfère choisir quelque chose que j’aime faire que plutôt faire quelque chose que je n’aime pas. Et ensuite regretter toute ma vie d’avoir écouté ma famille. Donc c’est toujours mieux de faire comme on le pense.

No I shall not stop seeing my family even if it disapproved of my choice of career. It is what I chose and pi even if they would have preferred seeing me in another career than the one that I chose it makes nothing. I prefer choosing something that I like to make that rather to make something that I do not like. And then regret all my life to have listened to my family. Therefore it is always better to make as they think of it.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2009 13:21
+ titre

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de seb06000, postée le 02-11-2009 à 13:19:16 (S | E)

je vous laisse les indications de correction

In 25 years I think that I would have a job, a companion (voc) . I do not know what I am later (position de later, il se place après le groupe verbal) going to make ( make ne marche pas ) but I think head for engineer in the building (voc) . Engineer in the building (idem )perhaps a very exciting job because they invent our own building as they think of it with pressures (voc) of course to be respected. It has a lot of job (il manque la marque du pluriel) it is sure because it is necessary to think about everything if they definitely want to make the building. But then once constructed one perhaps proud (verbe?) on his own. My dream it ( en Anglais on ne répète pas le sujet avec it) is to be a very renowned engineer and be one of the best.

No I shall not stop seeing my family even if it disapproved of my choice of career. It is what I chose and pi even if they would have preferred seeing me in another career than the one that I chose it makes (conjugaison) nothing. I prefer choosing something that I like to make that rather ( contruction à revoir) to make something that I do not like. And then regret all my life to have listened to my family. Therefore it is always better to make as they think of it. (sujet + construction du verbe)



Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de peace00, postée le 02-11-2009 à 14:19:39 (S | E)
Voici ce que j'ai corrigé est-ce juste?
merci d'avance.

In 25 years I think that I would have a job, a girlfriend. I do not know what I am going to have later but I think head for engineer in the building trade. Engineer in the building trade perhaps a very exciting job because they invent our own building as they think of it with constraint of course to be respected. It has a lots of jobs it is sure because it is necessary to think about everything if they definitely want to make the building. But then once having constructed them can be proud on his own. My dream he is to be a very renowned engineer and be one of the best.

No I shall not stop seeing my family even if it disapproved of my choice of career. It is what I chose and then even if they would have preferred seeing me in another career than the one that I chose it is making nothing. I prefer choosing something that I like to make rather that to make something that I do not like. And then regret all my life to have listened to my family. Therefore it is always better to make as he thinks of it.

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de peace00, postée le 03-11-2009 à 08:49:03 (S | E)
S'il vous plaît est-ce juste mes corrections?

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de seb06000, postée le 03-11-2009 à 10:32:23 (S | E)

je complète :

to have later ( verbe ne fonctionne pas)

trade perhaps a very exciting job (il manque un verbe)

they invent our own ( our ne marche pas ici, il faut un pronom possessif qui s'accorde avec They)

constraint of ( il manque la marque du pluriel)

It has a lots of jobs it is sure because (mal dit, en particulier la structure en it has ...)

But then once having constructed them can be proud on his own ( il manque un sujet)

My dream he is ( je répète... en anglais on ne double pas le sujet, Mon rêve C'est, cela n'existe pas en anglais => un sujet grammatical suffit)

e it is making nothing. (expression calquée sur le français)

rather that (erreur de pronom)

ake as he thinks of it. (sens?)



Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de cecil_ward, postée le 03-11-2009 à 15:52:57 (S | E)
(1) It needs to be

...what I am going to _do_ later ...

(not 'have' or 'make'.

(2) 'Head for' can't be used here, it means "move in a particular direction, start to move in a particular direction" but moving physically (Example : "We're heading for Venus!") or in certain metaphors concerning change forseen in the future, "the US is heading for an economic crisis" - sailing metaphor.

But you can't say "*Gordon Brown was heading for Prime Minister" (meaning he wanted to become Prime Minister) although you could say "Gordon Brown is heading for a nervous breakdown".

This is very difficult. The metaphorical usage "travelling towards something" doesn't fit in with "wanting something to happen", "wanting/aiming to achieve something/become something".

Simply "want to become" or "aim to ..." are probably what you want here.

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de cecil_ward, postée le 03-11-2009 à 16:01:54 (S | E)
> the building

Would have to be "construction" (no definite article), or "construction" or perhaps better "the construction industry" or "civil engineering", (wider, again no definite article).

> even if it disapproved
has to be "even if they disapproved". Even though "my family" is singular, English often uses number agreement which does not match the grammatical singular/plural number of a noun, because the speaker is thinking of the members of a group or body. Example: "The BBC is showing the programme tonight", "The BBC are/is trying to prevent it" (speaker thinks - "the [people in] the BBC are doing something").

It's odd that you can say "My family is a very ancient one", "My family is staying at the house by the shore" but using the pronoun "it" is not acceptable here.

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de peace00, postée le 03-11-2009 à 18:59:59 (S | E)
merci de votre aide!!! J'ai fait les modifications et j'ai fait quelque changement car en fait il y avait des phrases qui faisait trop mot à mot du français qu'en pensez-vous maintenant de cela et si possible corrigé les fautes. Merci d'avance.

4) How do you imagine your future when you are twenty-five? Is there a job you would particularly like to do? Why? Do you have a dream? What is it ?

When a will be 25, I think I would have a job, a betrothed. I have no idea about what i want to do, may be work in building engineering. Building engineer can be a very captivating profession because the building we're under constructing has been thought by oneself in accordance to constraint we have to respect. There are many types of job, thus all the variables carefully consideration is needed to build correctly the building. Once built, we can be proud about the work done. My wish is to become a reputed engineer and be considered as one of the best.

5) Would you stop seeing your family if they disapproved of your choice of a career?

No I keep in touch with my family members even if they disapprove my professional career. It doesn’t matter, that’s the choice I made even if they would have preferred see me in another field I didn’t chose. I prefer chose something I like to do rather than do something I dislike and by this way have regrets because I took care about what my family said. In my mind it is better to follow self feelings.

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de peace00, postée le 04-11-2009 à 09:13:05 (S | E)
Qu'en pensez-vous?? Est-ce qu'il y a encore des erreurs?? merci d'avance

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de peace00, postée le 04-11-2009 à 15:56:09 (S | E)
S'il vous plaît corrigez mes fautes. merci d'avance

Réponse: Correction/imagine your future de peace00, postée le 07-11-2009 à 09:46:38 (S | E)
s'il vous plaît,aidez-moi!


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