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Aide devoir maison ( DM )

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Aide devoir maison ( DM )
Message de coralinesawyer posté le 04-11-2009 à 22:14:51 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir, je crée un nouveau sujet pour avoir de l'aide ( je l'espere ) concernant un devoir d'anglais que je trouve difficile et long ( je ne suis encore qu'en troisième )
Donc le thème du devoir est le l'utilisation du prétérit et du présent perfect, notion de bilan etc...
J'ai d'ailleurs fais quelques exercices de ce site sur ce thème, c'est très bien !

Il s'agit de conjuguer des verbes au temps correct :

My oncle's name is Paul. He (live) live in the city with his father. He (have) has two brothers and one older sister who (not live) doesn't live at home because he have gone to an special home.

As he (can/not) couldn't study in a normal school he (have) have has to stay away for a year and only come back home at holidays.
His parents (separate) have been separated when he was ten and he never (see) seen his mother because she (work) work in Australia. The kast time he (see) saw her (be) was at Ascension day.

His elder brother (not work) doesn't work at the moment. He (look) is looking for a job. He (study) have been studying for 3 years at MIT from 2005 to 2008 and although he (graduate) has graduated he (be) is unemployed for 5 months now. He (be) is not depressed because he (know) know he will find a job sooner or later.
As for me I (feel) 'm feeling happy, i (see) saw my friends at shcool. My grandmother and I (play) play ping-pong on monday evenings, we (know) know each other for a short time.


Réponse: Aide devoir maison ( DM ) de brettdallen, postée le 04-11-2009 à 22:27:32 (S | E)
Bonsoir Coraline,
Je vous signale ce qui ne vas pas...

My oncle's name is Paul. He (live) live(3ème personne du singulier!) in the city with his father. He (have) has two brothers and one older sister who (not live) doesn't live at home because he have(3ème personne du singulier) gone to an special home.

As he (can/not) couldn't study in a normal school he (have) have has(c'est du passé) to stay away for a year and only come(passé) back home at(on) holidays.
His parents (separate) have been separated(au passé) when he was ten and he never (see) seen(passé) his mother because she (work) work (passé)in Australia. The kast time he (see) saw her (be) was at Ascension day.

His elder brother (not work) doesn't work at the moment. He (look) is looking for a job. He (study) have been studying for 3 years at MIT from 2005 to 2008(si vous indiquez une période révolue, alors le verbe est au passé) and although he (graduate) has graduated he (be) is(perfect) unemployed for 5 months now. He (be) is not depressed because he (know) know he will find a job sooner or later.
As for me I (feel) 'm feeling happy, i(majuscule!) (see) saw(présent, non?) my friends at shcool. My grandmother and I (play) play ping-pong on monday evenings, we (know) know(perfect) each other for a short time.

Il y a des choses à revoir! mais vous êtes là pour cela, donc l'avenir sera meilleur!

Réponse: Aide devoir maison ( DM ) de coralinesawyer, postée le 04-11-2009 à 22:31:10 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Brettdallen

Je m'en veux pour les fautes bêtes de ''s'' a la troisième personnes du présent...

Réponse: Aide devoir maison ( DM ) de coralinesawyer, postée le 04-11-2009 à 22:53:37 (S | E)
Voila, j'ai tenté de corriger les fautes

My oncle's name is Paul. He (live) lives in the city with his father. He (have) has two brothers and one older sister who (not live) doesn't live at home because he has gone to an special home.

As he (can/not) couldn't study in a normal school he (have) has had to stay away for a year and only came back home at holidays.
His parents (separate) had been separated when he was ten and he never (see) saw (doute ?) his mother because she (work) worked in Australia. The last time he (see) saw her (be) has been at Ascension day.

His elder brother (not work) doesn't work at the moment. He (look) is looking for a job. He (study) has been studying for 3 years at MIT from 2005 to 2008 and although he (graduate) graduated he (be) has been unemployed for 5 months now. He (be) is not depressed because he (know) knows he will find a job sooner or later.
As for me I (feel) 'm feeling happy, i (see) see my friends at school. My grandmother and I (play) play ping-pong on Monday evenings, we (know) have been knowing each other for a short time.

Réponse: Aide devoir maison ( DM ) de coralinesawyer, postée le 05-11-2009 à 19:26:50 (S | E)
Bonsoir, j'ai essayé de corriger mes fautes mais je doute quand même sur certain verbes de mon paragraphe, il s'agit d'utiliser les temps correctes :

Voila, j'ai tenté de corriger les fautes

My oncle's name is Paul. He (live) lives in the city with his father. He (have) has two brothers and one older sister who (not live) doesn't live at home because he (go) has gone to an special home.

As he (can/not) couldn't (doute) study in a normal school he (have) has had (doute) to stay away for a year and only (come) come (présent car habitude ? )back home at holidays.
His parents (separate) had been separated when he was ten and he never (see) saw (doute ?) his mother because she (work) worked in Australia. The last time he (see) saw her (be) has been at Ascension day. ( encore une fois je doute .. )

His elder brother (not work) doesn't work at the moment. He (look) is looking for a job. He (study) has been studying / has studied peut aussi convenir ? /for 3 years at MIT from 2005 to 2008 and although he (graduate) graduated he (be) has been unemployed for 5 months now. He (be) is not depressed because he (know) knows he will find a job sooner or later.
As for me I (feel) 'm feeling happy, i (see) see my friends at school. My grandmother and I (play) play ping-pong on Monday evenings, we (know) have been knowing each other for a short time.

Voila, même si je n'ai pas écris (doute) a coté de certains verbes, cela ne veut pas dire que je suis totalement sur, je ne suis qu'en toisieme et on commence tout juste le present perfect.

Amicalement, Coraline S.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-11-2009 21:14
Topic fusionné; il est inutile de poster plusieurs fois,merci.
+ My oncle's name...????

Réponse: Aide devoir maison ( DM ) de philel, postée le 05-11-2009 à 21:52:25 (S | E)
My oncle's name is Paul. He (live) lives in the city with his father. He (have) has two brothers and one older sister who (not live) doesn't live at home because he (go) has gone to a special home.

C'est un détail, mais je crois que c'est mieux ainsi.
Cordialement, Philel.


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