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Message de lyly1962 posté le 07-11-2009 à 11:37:53 (S | E | F)


Comme devoir d'anglais, je devais regarder un film en anglais et ensuite écrire un résumé. Pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous en pensez svp ? Merci beaucoup.

The movie’s name that I watched this week is “Stepmom”. I’m sure you know it. In first I’m going to tell you about it and then you’re going to try guessing the French title.
Julia Roberts is the main film actress. This movie is 10.

Jackie and Luke are divorced and have got 2 children (Anna and Ben).
Now, Luke is living with his new girlfriend Isabel who is a successful photographer and several years his junior. She tries very hard to make Anna and Ben feel comfortable but Anna is very disrespectful.
Jackie treats Isabel very coldly. She hates her. She forgives her any mistake. Luke wants to married with Isabel and he asks her. She is happy and she agrees. This causes even more friction with Jackie, her children and Isabel.
At the same time, Jackie is diagnosed with cancer. She is angry after the woman who took her husband and broken her family. She made a lot of sacrifices for her family and she will soon lose her life.
After a lot of disputes between the two women they’re finally going to understand each other and enjoy. A day, Jackie and Isabel are talking Isabel tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on Anna's wedding day, Anna will wish for her mother's presence. Through her own tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her.
In the movie end Isabel is taking a family picture and Jackie invites Isabel to get into the shot.

Have you guessed the French title ? It's "Ma meilleure ennemie".

Modifié par bridg le 07-11-2009 11:40

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de jean31, postée le 07-11-2009 à 17:35:42 (S | E)

Commence par corriger ce que je t'ai balisé en rouge, nous verrons ensuite;
Les signalent mon incompréhension du terme qui précède.

The movie’s name that I watched this week is “Stepmom”. I’m sure you know it. In first I’m going to tell you about it and then you’re going to try guessing the French title.
Julia Roberts is the main film actress. This movie is 10.

Jackie and Luke are divorced and have got 2 children (Anna and Ben).
Now, Luke is living with his new girlfriend Isabel who is a successful photographer and several years his junior. She tries very hard to make Anna and Ben feel comfortable but Anna is very disrespectful.
Jackie treats Isabel very coldly. She hates her. She forgives her any mistake. Luke wants to married with Isabel and he asks her. She is happy and she agrees. This causes even more friction with Jackie, her children and Isabel.
At the same time, Jackie is diagnosed with cancer. She is angry after the woman who took her husband and broken her family. She made a lot of sacrifices for her family and she will soon lose her life.
After a lot of disputes between the two women they’re finally going to understand each other and enjoy. A day, Jackie and Isabel are talking, Isabel tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on Anna's wedding day, Anna will wish for her mother's presence. Through her own tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her.
In the movie end Isabel is taking a family picture and Jackie invites Isabel to get into the shot.

Have you guessed the French title ? It's "Ma meilleure ennemie".

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de lyly1962, postée le 08-11-2009 à 13:28:53 (S | E)

Bonjour et merci pour votre aide.

J'ai fait quelques corrections et ajouté une phrase au début. J'espère que j'ai pu trouver quelques erreurs<IMG SRC=$lang_emotions_laughing>. Merci encore.<IMG SRC=$lang_emotions_frown>

The name of movie that I watched this week is “Stepmom”. I’m sure you know it. First I’m going to
tell you about it and then you’re going to try guessing the French title.

Julia Roberts is
the main film actress. This movie goes back to 10 years old.

Jackie and Luke are divorced and have got 2 children (Anna and Ben). Ben is
a little boy and he wants to be a magician and Ana is a teen and she is 12.

Now, Luke is living with his new girlfriend Isabel who is a successful
photographer. Isabel is younger than Luke and she hasn’t got child. She tries
very hard to make Anna and Ben feel comfortable but Anna is very disrespectful.

Jackie treats Isabel very coldly. She hates her. She doesn’t forgive her
any mistake. Luke wants to married to Isabel and he’s going to tell her. She is
happy and she agrees. This causes event more friction with Jackie, her children
and Isabel.

At the same time, Jackie is diagnosed with cancer. She is angry after the woman who took
her husband and had broken her family. She made a lot of sacrifices for her
family and she will soon lose her life.

After a lot of disputes between the two women they’re finally going to
understand each other and enjoy.  One day,
Jackie and Isabel are talking Isabel tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on
Anna's wedding day, Anna will wish for her mother's presence. Through her own
tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her.

In the movie end Isabel is taking a family picture and Jackie invites
Isabel to get into the shot.

Have you guess the French title ?

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de bsnlolo, postée le 09-11-2009 à 16:16:14 (S | E)
The name of movie that I watched this week is “Stepmom”. I’m sure you know it. First I’m going to
tell you about it and then you’re going to try guessing the French title.

Julia Roberts is
the main film actress. This movie goes back to 10 years old.

Jackie and Luke are divorced and have got 2 children (Anna and Ben). Ben is
a little boy and he wants to be a magician and Ana is a teen and she is 12.
( beaucoup de "and" mais la grammaire n'est pas fausse en tant que telle)

Now, Luke is living with his new girlfriend Isabel who is a successful
photographer. Isabel is younger than Luke and she hasn’t got child. She tries
very hard to make Anna and Ben feel comfortable but Anna is very disrespectful.

Jackie treats Isabel very coldly. She hates her. She doesn’t forgive her
any mistake. Luke wants to married to Isabel and he’s going to tell her. She is
happy and she agrees. This causes event more friction with Jackie, her children
and Isabel.

At the same time, Jackie is diagnosed with cancer. She is angry after the woman who took
her husband and had broken her family. She made a lot of sacrifices for her
family and she will soon lose her life.

After a lot of disputes between the two women they’re finally going to
understand each other and enjoy. One day,
Jackie and Isabel are talking, Isabel tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on
Anna's wedding day, Anna will wish for her mother's presence. Through her own
tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her.

In the movie end Isabel is taking a family picture and Jackie invites
Isabel to get into the shot.

Have you guess the French title ?

Encore quelques une à corriger, courage

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de lyly1962, postée le 10-11-2009 à 11:15:17 (S | E)


Voilà j'ai essayé de corriger les fautes en rouge. J'ai mis quelque commentaires en bleu.

Merci pour votre aide. Bonne journée,


The name of movie that I watched this week is "Stepmom". I'm sure you know it. First I'm going to
tell you about it and then you're going to try guessing the French title.

Julia Roberts is the main film actress. This movie goes back to 10 years.
(j'ai du mal avec cette phrase ... pouvez-vous m'aider SVP ?)

Jackie and Luke are divorced and have got 2 children (Anna and Ben). Ben is a little boy and he wants to be a magician. Ana is a teen and she is 12.  (J'en ai fait deux phrases ... c'est moins lours vous avez raison)

Now, Luke is living with his new girlfriend Isabel who is a successful photographer. Isabel is younger than Luke and she hasn't got child. She tries very hard to make Anna and Ben feel comfortable but Anna is very disrespectful.

Jackie treats Isabel very coldly. She hates her. She doesn't forgive her any mistake. Luke wants to married Isabel and he's going to tell her. She is happy and she agrees. This causes event more friction with Jackie, her children and Isabel.

At the same time, Jackie is diagnosed with cancer. She is angry after the woman who took her husband and had broken her family. She made a lot of sacrifices for her family and she will soon lose her life.

After a lot of disputes between the two women they're finally going to understand each other and enjoy. One day,
Jackie and Isabel are talking, Isabel tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on Anna's wedding day, Anna will wish for her mother's presence. Through her own tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her.

In the movie end Isabel is taking a family picture and Jackie invites Isabel to get into the shot.

Have you guess the French title ?

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de jean31, postée le 10-11-2009 à 14:11:37 (S | E)

Pour en finir avec ça une bonne fois, les corrections sont en vert espérance...

The name of the movie (that) I watched this week is "Stepmom". I'm sure you know it. First I'm going to tell you about it and then you're going to try guessing the French title.

Julia Roberts is the main film actress. This movie takes us back 10 years.
Jackie and Luke are divorced and have got 2 children (Anna and Ben). Ben is a little boy and he wants to be a magician. Ana is a teen and she is 12.

Now, Luke is living with his new girlfriend Isabel who is a successful photographer. Isabel is younger than Luke and she has no child. She tries very hard to make Anna and Ben feel comfortable but Anna is very disrespectful.

Jackie treats Isabel very coldly. She hates her. She doesn't forgive her any mistake. Luke wants to marry Isabel and he's going to propose marriage to her. She is happy and she agrees. This causes even more friction with Jackie, her children and Isabel.

At the same time, Jackie is diagnosed with cancer. She is angry after the woman who took her husband and broke her family. She made a lot of sacrifices for her family and she will soon lose her life.

After a lot of disputes between the two women they're finally going to understand and enjoy each other. One day, as they are talking, Isabel tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on Anna's wedding day, Anna will wish for her mother's presence. Through her own tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her.

In the end Isabel is taking a family picture and Jackie invites Isabel to get into the shot.

Have you guessed the French title?

Bonne continuation.
PS Au niveau de la mise en page, pour quelle raison laisses-tu autant d'intervalles vides ? Pour remplir l'espace ?

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de lyly1962, postée le 10-11-2009 à 14:29:25 (S | E)
Merci Jean pour ton aide. J'ai fait un copie/collé de word et les blancs sont venus comme cela ... peut être que j'aurai pu corriger le format de paragraphe ...
Merci aussi à bsnlolo qui a aussi essayer de m'aider.
Je vous souhaite une agréable journée,

Réponse: Stepmom/correction de jean31, postée le 10-11-2009 à 14:36:02 (S | E)
"[J'ai fait un copie/collé de word et les blancs sont venus comme cela ... peut être que j'aurai pu corriger le format de paragraphe ...]"

Justement, Word te permet de corriger la mise en page très facilement, ne serait-ce qu'en tapant sur la flèche arrière, celle qui est immédiatement à droite de la première ligne de caractères.
Il y a sûrement des solutions plus techniques mais je les ignore étant donné que je n'ai jamais appris la dactylographie et encore moins les subtilités des logiciels de bureautique qui vont avec.


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