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Haruki Murakami / Correction

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Haruki Murakami / Correction
Message de jxp posté le 08-11-2009 à 14:33:37 (S | E | F)

J'ai choisi de parler d'une oeuvre de Haruki Murakami pour mon oral, j'ai essayé de faire un texte très simple pour que ça soit compréhensif par mes camarades, mais je sens qu'il y a encore quelques erreurs.

Voici mon texte en anglais :

I would like to talk about a Japanese book written by Haruki Murakami who is a Japanese writer and translator. He has written a lot of novels and short stories, and the novel I'm going to talk now is called in French La fin des temps. To beginning, that novel relates a fake and real past, and a fictitious and real future. The author tells two different stories in that novel, the first one is intitled "Hard-boiled wonderland" and the second is intitled "The end of the world". The first story talks about a computer scientist who is the main character. Hi lives in Tokyo, and he's going to work for another scientist who is a bit crazy and eccentric. The universe where the narrator is, is rather dark and stressful. In the second story, it's always the same main character, but he is not in the city of Tokyo anymore. He's jailed in another city surrounded by high walls, and in this little weird place, live a population of unicorns with golden coats, and if somebody wants to come in that city, he has to leave his shadow. So the world where the narrator is, is very strange and harrowing, but all is very perfect in this universe, contrary to the world of the first story which is imperfect to the narrator's view. In both stories, the narrator is going to meet several characters, and these characters are not a coincidence, so I find that it's very thrilling and fascinating, because the first story alternates with the second story, and at the end of the novel, both stories meet each other, so it's very impressive because I didn't expect to that at the beginning. Haruki Murakami is for me one of my favourite author in Japanese literature, and I find that this book is very easy to read. I also find that the writing style of this writer is very awesome, the elaboration of the plot is very worked. In that novel, he raises many interesting questions about the Japanese society, the technology, about us, our life, our future, and our consciousness. This novel is like an adventure of ourself, because the reader is in the same situation as the main character, we don't know what it's going on, and what it's going to happening, so we discover together little by little the truth, and I find that it's very fascinating. That's all.

Merci d'avance pour l'aide apportée

Modifié par bridg le 08-11-2009 14:40

Réponse: Haruki Murakami / Correction de bsnlolo, postée le 09-11-2009 à 16:02:44 (S | E)
I would like to talk about a Japanese book written by Haruki Murakami who is(peut être effacé) a Japanese writer and translator. He has written a lot of novels and short stories, and the novel I'm going to talk now is called in French La fin des temps. To beginning, that novel relates a fake and real(problème de parallélisme) past, and a fictitious and real (problème de parallélisme) future. The author tells two different stories in that novel, the first one is intitled "Hard-boiled wonderland" and the second is intitled "The end of the world". The first story talks about( une histoire ne parle pas, talks about devrait être modifié) a computer scientist who is the main character. Hi lives in Tokyo, and he's going to work for another scientist who is a bit crazy and eccentric. The universe where the narrator is, is rather dark and stressful. In the second story, it's always the same main character, but he is not in the city of Tokyo anymore. He's jailed in another city surrounded by high walls, and in this little weird place, live a population of unicorns with golden coats, and if somebody wants to come in that city, he has to leave his shadow. So the world where the narrator is, is very strange and harrowing, but all is very perfect in this universe, contrary to the world of the first story which is imperfect to the narrator's view. In both stories, the narrator is going to meet several characters, and these characters are not a coincidence , so I find that it's very thrilling and fascinating, because the first story alternates with the second story, and at the end of the novel, both stories meet each other, so it's very impressive because I didn't expect to that at the beginning. Haruki Murakami is for me one of my favourite author in Japanese literature, and I find that this book is very easy to read. I also find that the writing style of this writer is very awesome, the elaboration of the plot is very worked. In that novel, he raises many interesting questions about the Japanese society, the technology, about us, our life, our future, and our consciousness. This novel is like an adventure of ourself, because the reader is in the same situation as the main character, we don't know what it's going on, and what it's going to happening, so we discover together little by little the truth, and I find that it's very fascinating. That's all.

Réponse: Haruki Murakami / Correction de bsnlolo, postée le 09-11-2009 à 16:03:54 (S | E)
Je reste à ta disposition si tu ne comprends pas certaines fautes, règles de grammaire, etc..




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