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Correction- avenir des enfants

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Correction- avenir des enfants
Message de lixo posté le 15-11-2009 à 00:15:20 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, voila ma rédaction sur le rôle des parents dans l'avenir des enfants. J'ai mis en vert les mots ou expressions dont je ne suis pas sûr de la traduction:

To my opinion, the parents should not tell their children what to do with their lives. At elderly (A un certain age), the parents should let the children make decisions; it would permit them to give a sense of responsibility (se responsabiliser), to take their lives in hand so as to stand, one day, on one’s own two feet (de façon à voler un jour de leur propres ailes) to reach the fixed objectives.
The parents should more have the role of adviser, guide, support and not that of the manager in the life of their child.
They should encourage them in their process (démarche) rather than to force them to realize one of their dreams which did not succeed.
The parents should not impose certain decisions which for them are the maids while the children have no same vision of things.
When a parent decides instead of the child, it can pose problem, because this one don’t wanting (participe present)(celui-ci ne voulant pas) to disappoint him, is going to enter in the "work’s circle ", forgetting consequently the pleasures of life (friends, trips, hobbies) and deviating little by little from the everyday life.
In case of failure, the difficulties multiply and the most frequent symptoms are depression, drug and\or suicide.
According to me, the success of a child in the daily life (professional and personal environment) does not amount to the will of the parents but to the desire, conscientiously (au sérieux) of the child and in the encouragements of his parents.
It is all these factors which will facilitate the success.

J'espère que vous pourriez m'aider, je vous en remercie d'avance!

Réponse: Correction- avenir des enfants de seb06000, postée le 15-11-2009 à 07:13:19 (S | E)

je vous laisse les indications:

" To my opinion, the parents should not tell their children what to do with their lives. At elderly (A un certain age => non l'expression n'est pas correcte), the parents should let the children make decisions; it would permit them to give a sense of responsibility (se responsabiliser), to take their lives in hand so as to stand, one day, on one’s own two feet (de façon à voler un jour de leur propres ailes => expression du dictionnaire? je ne la connais pas) to reach the fixed objectives.
The parents should more have the role of adviser, guide, support and not that of the manager in the life of their child.
They should encourage them in their process (démarche => cela dépend l'idée que vous voulez exprimer, process est très général) rather than to force them to realize one of their dreams which did not succeed.
The parents should not impose certain decisions which for them are the maids while the children have no same vision of things.
When a parent decides instead of the child, it can pose problem ( calque du français) , because this one don’t wanting (participe present => calque du français, il faut passer par une verbe négatif' to refuse' le mettre au participe present sans auxiliaire)(celui-ci ne voulant pas) to disappoint him, is going to enter in( pas de préposition) the "work’s circle ", forgetting consequently the pleasures of life (friends, trips, hobbies) and deviating little by little from the everyday life.
In case of failure, the difficulties multiply and the most frequent symptoms are depression, drug and\or suicide.
According to me, the success of a child in the daily life (professional and personal environment) does not amount to the will of the parents but to the desire, conscientiously (au sérieux => il faut un nom et non pas un adverbe) of the child and in the encouragements of his parents.
It is all these factors ( tournure est un calque du français) which will facilitate the success.




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