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Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II

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Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II
Message de violet91 posté le 16-11-2009 à 00:00:25 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir,amis et nouveaux voyageurs qui embarqueraient pour cette nouvelle aventure. Tout le monde est avide de connaître la suite. Merci à tous de prendre le risque..suivons notre petite Irlandaise! Texte légèrement modifié le 19/11/09

-------------------Une miraculée pas ordinaire. Thème II.--------------------------------------------------

........Ce 20 Octobre 1910,notre jolie et consciencieuse petite Irlandaise s'était mise sur son trente-et-un. Elle arborait un élégant tailleur au col bordé de fourrure et une jupe longue ,étroite qui laissait voir ses chevilles fines ; ses bottines à lacets et assez hauts talons, impeccablement cirées, ajoutaient une petite note coquine.
Presqu'un an plus tard,un croiseur britannique vint à entrer en collision avec ce majestueux paquebot, au large de l'île pittoresque en forme de cerf-volant : je veux dire l'île de Wight ,pourtant si accueillante. Plus de peur que de mal : aucune victime. ( L'Olympic ,lui mit , des mois à s'en remettre à Belfast.)

Iris fut ramenée indemne tout près du lieu de la collision, à Southampton, célèbre port du Sud de l'Angleterre.

Plutôt échaudée, Iris finit pourtant par se laisser convaincre par ses amis. Dans le port, resplendissait Sa Majesté le Titanic . Etre de sa traversée inaugurale..tenait de l'événement historique et de l'expérience incomparable. Le Titanic avait, en outre, une qualité unique : il était insubmersible.

Là encore, Iris n'eut aucun mal à redevenir la compétente et charmante hôtesse de cabine des premières classes. Nous étions au printemps 1912 : il faisait encore froid. Tout commença comme dans la majorité des traversées : de nouvelles têtes, pas mal de célébrités,des gens très importants, tous en tout cas requérant l'attention constante de la jeune femme.

Le Commandant Edward J.Smith,dont c'était par ailleurs le dernier voyage,décida d'emprunter l'itinéraire d'été-le plus court - pour battre un record de vitesse jusqu'à New York. Il était responsable d'environ 2.200 vies.

A 23h.40,dans la nuit du 14 au 15 Avril 1912, eut lieu la rencontre fatale : le Titanic heurta "l"'iceberg. Iris était au lit, enfin tranquille. Nulle hâte pour quiconque à se ruer vers les canots de sauvetage ,de toute façon destinés en priorité aux passagers , au cas jugé inenvisageable où... - Elle ,comme tout le monde à bord, n'alla imaginer le pire : il était bien clair que ce paquebot-là était insubmersible.

En fait, Iris fut amenée à monter dans le canot n° 16 pour convaincre les émigrantes non anglophones et apeurées de la rejoindre . Le canot fut lentement descendu vers les eaux glaciales : une voix s'écria dans cette nuit sinistre " -Mademoiselle! Pitié! Je vous confie ce bébé! ".....

-------------------------Adapté d'une histoire vraie.---------------------------

Bon courage à tous la longueur de ce passage, mais j'ai essayé de "recaser" des expressions vues dans le thème I ..ce qui devrait vous faciliter la traversée. Gardez le titre en tê "petite" va s'en sortir..: alors,vous aussi : c'est plus facile!! Your violet.

Deux bonnes semaines ..correction prévue autour du dimanche 29 ou lundi 30 Novembre.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lou31, postée le 16-11-2009 à 13:09:51 (S | E)

Me revoilà... pour une phrase... only one y gracias

This october 20 th 1910, our pretty and conscientious small irish had ticked on his thirty -one. She was wearing an elegant suit to the garni collar of fur and longer skirt, tight, who disclosed (disclosing?)its fine ankles, its laced ankle boots and rather high-hells,faultlessly polished added one saucy grade.
Almost a year later,a destroyer came to in colision enter with this majestic liner, offshore the scenic isle in the shape of kite : I want to say the isle of Wight,though so hospitable. More fear than of trouble : no casualty...


finalement j'y prends goût .. juste le dico, le conjugueur( pas sûre de l'avoir bien utilisé) et beaucoup de ré ces mots ne sont pas sortis de ma têteseulement!

Lien Internet

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de dolfine56, postée le 18-11-2009 à 21:12:35 (S | E)
Hello, dearviolet, here is my try...
thanks for this second part, at least as thrilling as the first one ,not to say more!!

such a miraculous lady survivor II

...On that 20 October 1910,our pretty and conscientious young Irish-woman had dressed herself up the nines. She wore an elegant suit with a fur-trimmed collar and a long and narrow skirt that let visible her thin ankles; her lace-up and quite high heels ankle-boots were perfectly polished and added a little naughty touch.
Nearly one year later, a British cruiser came into collision with this majestic liner, offshore the picturesque and in the shape of a hite island: I mean Wight Island, however so welcoming.Fortunately,there was more fear than trouble: no casualty. As for Olympic, it (she) needed many months to get over in Belfast.

Iris was taken back, unscathed, close to the collision place, in Southampton, a so famous port in Southern England.

Quite disheartened however, Iris let herself be persuaded by her friends.In the port, His Majesty Titanic was resplendent. To take part of its (her) waiden crossing looked like from historical event and incomparable experience.In addition, Titanic had a unique quality:it(she) was unsinkable.

Once again, Iris didn't find difficult to become again the skilled and charming bedroom-stewardess for the first classes. All that took place during the spring of 1912: the weather was still cold. Everything began as usual for most of the crossings: some new faces, quite a lot of celebrities, very important people, everyone, in any case, required the young-woman's constant attention.
Captain Edward J. Smith , whose, besides,it was the last crossing,chose to take the shorter summer route,in order to break a speed record to New-York.He was in charge of about 2200 lives.

At 11h40 P.M, during the night between the 14th and the 15th of April 1912,the disastrous meeting took place:Titanic struck against" THE" iceberg.
Iris was in her bed, peaceful, at last. No hurry for everyone to make a rush for the lifeboats,priorityly reserved, in anyway,for the passengers, just in case... that couldn't be considered, in any way.Nobody, even she,as everybody on board, could imagine the worst: it was really clear that that liner was unsinkable.

In fact,Iris was led to jump into the lifeboat number 16, in order to persuade the no-speaking English and frightened emigrants to rejoin her.The lifeboat was slowly got down to the icy waters: in that spooky night, a voice cried out:
"Miss, have mercy for this baby I entrust to you!"

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de gabi26, postée le 19-11-2009 à 18:31:26 (S | E)
Voici mon petit essai. Merci pour toute votre énergie! Cordialement.

On this October 22nd, 1910, our pretty and conscientious young Irish woman was dressed up to the nines. She was wearing a stylish furred-collar lady's suit and a tight long skirt that revealed her delicate ankles; her lace-up ankle boots, perfectly polished and rather high-heeled, added to the whole a slightly mischievous hint.

Nearly one year later, a British cruiser happened to collide with this noble liner off the picturesque kite-shaped island: I mean the Isle of Wight, though usually so hospitable. Nobody was hurt, but it was frightening: no casualty. (Whereas in Belfast, it took months to the Olympic to recover from the impact.)

Iris was rescued safe and sound and taken very near from the collision scene, in Southampton, the famous harbor of the South of England.
Although she felt rather dampened, Iris eventually let her friends persuade her. In the harbor Its Majesty The Titanic was gleaming . Being part of the maiden voyage was something of an historic event and of a peerless experience. Besides, the Titanic had a unique quality: it was insubmersible.

Still at that stage, Iris had no difficulty in becoming again the skilled and delightful first-class bedroom-stewardess. It was springtime 1912: It was still cold. Everything began like in most of the voyages: newcomers, quite a few celebrities, some very important people, all of them requiring the unceasing attention of the young woman.

Captain Edward J. Smith, beside that it would be embarking for the last time, decided to follow the shortest summer route so as to break a speed record as far as New York. He was in charge of about 2 200 souls.

At 23.40 during the night of April 14th to 15th, 1912 occurred the mortal encounter: The Titanic struck « The » iceberg. Iris was in bed, no longer undisturbed at last. There was no haste rushing towards the lifeboats as, anyway, they were meant for the passengers in case... Nobody, neither her, was to imagine the worst: It was quite clear that very liner was insubmersible.

Actually, Iris was taken aboard the lifeboat number 16 so as to persuade the frightened and non-anglophone migrants to come along with her. The lifeboat was slowly pullied down to the icy waters: a voice cried out into the dismal night « Mademoiselle! Have mercy on this baby I entrust to you! »...

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de swan85, postée le 20-11-2009 à 15:31:17 (S | E)

Here is my translation :

On this 20th October 1910, our nice and conscientious little Irish lady was all dressed up. She wore a smart suit with a fur collar lined and a long tight skirt which showed her slender ankles; her lace-up and quite high heeled ankle boots, perfectly polished, added a small provocative touch.

Nearly one year later, a British cruiser collided with this majestic liner, off the picturesque island, shaped like a kite, I mean the so welcoming Isle of Wight. Nobody was hurt, but it was frightening. (While, it took months to the Olympic to be repaired in Belfast).
Irish was taken back unhurt close by the collision place, in Southampton, famous harbor of South England.

Quite disappointed, finally, Iris let herself be persuaded by her friends. In the port, Her Majesty Titanic shined brightly. To participate to her maiden voyage…..was an historical event and an incomparable experience. Besides, The Titanic had a unique quality : she was unsinkable.

Once again, Iris had no difficulty to become again the skilful and charming first-class bedroom-stewardess. It was spring 1912 : it was still cold. Everything began like in most of the crossings : new travellers, a lot of well-known personalities and prominent people all of them requiring constant attention from the young lady.

The Captain Edward J.Smith, whose crossing was in fact the last one, decided to follow the shortest summer route, to break a speed record to New-York. He was responsible for 2.200 lives.

At 23.40, on the night of April 14th to 15th the disastrous crash happened. Titanic struck “The” iceberg. Iris was in bed, at last in peace. No need to rush to the lifeboats, in any way reserved in priority to the passengers just in case where…….Nobody even herself, could imagined the worst : It was effectively clear that this liner was unsinkable.

Indeed, Iris was compelled to go aboard the lifeboat n° 16 to convince the non English-speaking and frightened emigrants to come with her. The lifeboat was slowly launched in the icy waters : A voice cried aloud in that dreadful night “ Miss, have mercy! Take care of my baby!

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de maya92, postée le 20-11-2009 à 15:57:17 (S | E)
Hello Violet,

On this 20 of October 1910, our pretty and reliable young Irish girl was all dressed up. She wore a stylish suit with a fur-edged collar and a long tight skirt that revealed her slim ankles ; her rather high- heeled, lace-up boots perfectly polished, added a quite suggestive touch. Nearly one year later, a British cruiser happened to collide with that impressive liner, off the quaint kite-shaped isle : I mean the isle of Wight yet so welcoming. It caused more fright than real harm : no casualty
(As for the Olympic, in Belfast, it took months to recover from that crash )
Iris was brought back unharmed near the place of the collision, in Southampton, a famous British harbour.
Rather put off, Iris finally let herself be persuaded by her friends to resume her work on a liner.
In the harbour, Her Majesty ‘Titanic’ was glaring. To be on her inaugural crossing was something of a landmark event. Besides the ‘Titanic’ had a main quality : she was unsinkable.
Once more, Iris easily found herself back as the proficient and charming bedroom-stewardess she used to be in first class. It was spring 1912 and the weather was still very cold. Everything began as it does in most crossings : new faces, few celebrities, very important people, and anyway everyone calling for the young girl’s ceaseless care
Captain Edward J. Smith, for whom this crossing was his last, decided to follow the summer route, the shortest, to beat a speed record to New-York. He was responsible of 2200 lives.
At 11.40 p.m., during the night of the 14th to the 15th of April 1912, the fatal collision happened : the ‘Titanic’ bumped into The iceberg. Iris was in bed, resting at last. No hurry for anybody to dash for the lifeboats which were actually intended for the passengers in case of…Nobody, including her could expect the worst. It was obvious that this liner was unsinkable.
Actually, Iris had to go aboard lifeboat number 16 and try to convince the scared non English-speaking emigrants to join her. The lifeboat was slowly taken down to the icy waters : a voice cried out in that gloomy night ‘Please, Miss, for pity’s sake ! Take care of my baby’…

Oh, my goodness, Violet, what a climax..more and more thrilling..but isn't she a 'miraculous survivor'..see you

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de eos17, postée le 21-11-2009 à 12:19:22 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet

Such a miraculous( lady )survivor

On this October 20th 1910 ,our conscientious ,pretty ,young Irish woman was all dressed up .She wore an elegant suit with a fur- edged collar and a tight ,long skirt that let a look at her slender ankles ;her lace-up ,high heels boots ,impeccably polished,added a sexy (naughty ) little touch .
Practically, one year later ,a British cruiser collided with that majestuous liner,off shoreward the picturesque ,kite-shaped isle:I mean the Wight Isle,usually so welcoming.No hurt but frightening:no casualty.(For Olympic ,itself ,it berthed some months to get better to Belfast )

Iris ,unhurt ,was taken back near the place of the collision ,to Southampton ,famous harbour of South of England .

Rather disappointed ,Iris let herself be persuaded by her friends .In the harbour ,Its Majesty The Titanic was gleaming .To be for its maiden crossing ...was considered as a historical fact and a peerless experience .Moreover ,The Titanic had a sole quality :it was insubmersible .

Once again ,Iris had no difficulty to begin again the competent and charming bedroom- stewardess of the first classes .We are in spring 1912:it was still cold .Everything began like in most crossings :some new faces ,quite some celebrities ,very important people ,all in any case claiming the constant attention of the young lassie .

The captain Edward J.Smith whose it was otherwise the last run ,decided to take the shorter ,summer way -to break a speed record as far as New-York .He was about responsible for 2.2OO souls .

At 11h40 PM ,during the night between April 14th ,15 th 1912,took place the fatal meeting :The Titanic struck out the "iceberg".At last quiet ,Iris was in her bed .No hurry for everybody to make a rush towards the lifeboats ,reserved ,only for the passengers in case ...Nobody,even herself ,was going to imagine the worst :it was clear that that liner was insubmersible .

In fact ,Iris had to take place in the lifeboat number 16 to persuade the no- speaking English and frightening emigrant women to do like her .The canoe was slowly brought down the icy waters :a voice shouted in this tragic ,dark night :"Madam !Have mercy !I entrust you this baby !....
Have a nice weekend

Modifié par eos17 le 21-11-2009 18:33

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lucile83, postée le 21-11-2009 à 15:53:18 (S | E)
Hello dear violet !
I decided to stimulate my brain
Please don't be too harsh with me
hebdomada horribila , as our dear Lisbeth could say...

Such a miraculous survivor.
On that October 20th 1910 our pretty and conscientious young Irish lady had tricked up. She was wearing a smart suit with fur edging its collar and a long tight skirt that let her delicate ankles appear; her leather-laced and quite high-heeled boots, perfectly polished, added a mischievous note.
Nearly one year later a British cruiser happened to collide with this majestic liner off the coast of the colourful kite-shaped isle, I mean the isle of Wight, so hospitable yet. More frightened than hurt : no casualty. (it took months for The Olympic to get over in Belfast).
Iris was taken unharmed to the close spot of the collision, in Southampton, a famous harbour in the South of England.
Though she was rather put off, Iris ended however to let her friends convince her. In the harbour Royal Mail Steamer Titanic ( RMS Titanic) was glowing. Taking part in her maiden voyage seemed to be a historical event and an extraordinary experience. Moreover, The Titanic had a unique quality : she was unsinkable.
There again, Iris did not fail to become the competent and charming first class cabin stewardess she used to be . It was in the spring of 1912: it was still cold. Everything began as it used to be in most of the crossings: new faces, quite a lot of famous and very important people, each of them in any case requiring the constant attention from the young lady.
Captain Edward J. Smith, who was then making his last crossing, decided to follow the shorter summer route in order to break a speed record to New York City. He was in charge of about 2,200 souls.
At 11.40 in the night from April 14th to April 15th 1912 the fateful meeting occurred : the Titanic hit ‘The’ iceberg. Iris was in bed, quiet at last. No haste for anybody to rush to the lifeboats, intended above all for passengers, in the considered impossible case when…She, as everybody on board, failed to imagine the worst thing: it was quite obvious that boat was unsinkable.
In fact Iris was led to get on board lifeboat number 16 to convince the non English speaking and frightened emigrant ladies to join her. The lifeboat was slowly brought down towards the freezing water: a voice shouted through that bleak night “ Miss ! for pity’s sake ! I entrust you with this baby ! “…

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de moony59, postée le 21-11-2009 à 23:34:26 (S | E)
Hello violet91,

Here's my translation:

On this October 20th 1910 our pretty and meticulous little Irish woman got all dressed up.She wore a smart suit with fur on the edge of the collar and a long tight skirt which let appear her thin ankles;her high heel and laceboots,perfectly waxed added a little provocative note.Nearly a year later,a British cruiser crushed into the majestic liner,off the picturesque island shaped like a kite:I mean the Isle of Wight,so welcoming though.We weren't hurt ,just scared:no casualty.(The olympic,itself,took months to get over in Belfast).

Iris had taken back indemn close to the collision,in Southampton,famous harbour in the south of England.

Although she was still shaterred,her friends finally persuade her though.In the harbour His Masjesty Titanic was glorious.To take part in its maiden cruise was something of the historical event and a unique experience.The Titanic had ,besides one quality:it was insubmersible.

Here again,it was easy for Iris to become again the first classes' competent and charming bedroom-stewardess.We were in spring 1912:it was still cold.Everything starts as in all cruises:new heads,a fair amont of celebrities,very important people and the young woman's attention was required for all of them.

Captain Edward J.Smith,for whom this voyage was the last one decided to take the summer itinirary-the shorter one-to break the speed record to New York.He was responsible for about 2.200 people.

The fatal meeting took place at 23.40 during the night from 14th to 15th of April:The Titanic hit "the" iceberg.Iris was sleeping in her bed quiet at last.No haste for anyone to rush towards the lifeboats,anyway they were meant to passengers in priority just in case...Nobody,including Iris, could imagine the worst,it was sure that liner was insubmersible.

In fact Iris was led to get on the lifeboat 16 to persuade the non Engllish speaking and frightened female emigrants to join her.The lifeboat was slowly got down on icy waters:In this gloomy night a voice shouted:"Miss ! Mercy ! I entrust this baby to you!...

See you soon,bye.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de ariane6, postée le 22-11-2009 à 00:43:18 (S | E)

Bonsoir violet !

The miraculous survivor.

.......On that 20th of October 1910, our pretty conscientious Irish lassie dressed herself up to the nines. She proudly wore an elegant two-piece suit with a fur trimmed collar and a long narrow skirt which revealed her trim ankles;
her lace-up ankle boots with quite high heels were impeccably polished, adding a little sexy touch......

...Almost one year later, a British cruiser collided with this majestic liner, offshore from that picturesque, kite-shaped island : I'm referring to the Isle of Wight, so welcoming, though. More shaken up than hurt : No victims. The Olympic herself took months to recover in Belfast.

Iris free of injury, was taken to a place, very close to the collision, to Southampton, a well-known harbour in the south of England.

Rather disgusted, Iris finally ended up letting herself be persuaded by her friends. In the harbour, Her Majesty the Titanic was shining brightly. To be part of her maiden voyage would be an incomparable experience and a historic event. Furthermore, the Titanic had a unique quality : she was unsinkable.

And then, Iris easily returned to being the competent, charming, first class cabin stewardess. It was spring 1912 : it was still cold. Everything began like most voyages : new faces, a lot of celebrities, very important people, anyway, all of them requiring the young lady's constant attention.

Captain Edward J.Smith, whose voyage was also his last one, decided to take the summer route which was shorter, to try to break the record for the fastest passage to New-York. He was responsible for the lives of 2,200 people. ----

At 11:40 pm on the night of the 14th/15th April 1912, the fatal encounter took place. The Titanic collided with "the" iceberg. Iris was in bed, finally resting. No one rushed to the lifeboats, which were set aside for passengers in the event of an unthinkable accident... Nobody, not even her, could imagine the worst : It was very obvious that this liner was unsinkable.

In fact, Iris was encouraged to step into lifeboat number 16 to convince the frightened non-English speaking emigrant women to join her. Slowly, the lifeboat was lowered into the icy waters: a voice pleaded in the terrible night :
-" Miss ! Have pity on me ! I entrust this baby to you !"...

Merci violet, pour cette belle et émouvante histoire !

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de matou94, postée le 22-11-2009 à 20:53:16 (S | E)
Hello everybody, and thanks a lot violet,
J'essaye de traduire cette page d'histoire pathétique :

...On that October 20th 1910, our pretty and conscientious young Irish lady got dressed up to the nines. She sported an elegant tailor with a collar lined with fur and a long narrow skirt which let see her thin ankles; her lace-up and quite high-heeled boots, impeccably polished, added a small naughty note.

On almost one year later, a British cruiser came to collide with this majestic liner offshore from that picturesque, kite-shaped island, I want to say the Wight's Island nevertheless so welcoming. More being afraid that of the damage : no victim. (Olympic, him, put months to recover from it in Belfast.)

Iris was returned unhurt near by the place of the collision, to Southampton, famous harbour of the South of England.

Quite disheartened however, Iris let herself be persuaded by her friends.

In the harbour, Her Majesty The Titanic shined brightly.

To be of its inaugurale crossing ... bordered of historic event and extremly experiment. The Titanic had, in addition, a unique quality : it was unsinkable.

Even there, Iris had not difficult to become again competent and charming hostess of first cabin classes.

We were in spring 1912 : the weather was still cold. Everything began as in the crossings majority : the new heads, quite a lot of celebrities, very important people, all, in any case, requiring the constant attention of the young lady.

The Captain Edward J. Smith, among whom it was besides the last journey, decided to take the shortest summer route - to beat a speed record to New York. He was responsible about 2.200 souls.

At 23.40,in the night from 14th to 15th in April 1912, the fateful meeting occurred : The Titanic knocked against "the" iceberg.
Iris was into the bed, quiet at last.

Without any haste for whoever to hurl themselves towards lifeboats, anyway intended in the first and foremost of passengers, in the case considered unthinkable where ...
She, as everybody on board, didn't to imagine the worst thing: it was quite obvious that this transatlantic liner was unsinkable.

In fact, Iris was brought to rise in the lifeboat number sixteen to convince the none English-speaking and frightened emigrant ladies, to join her. The lifeboat was slowly got down towards the freezing water: a voice shouted through that bleak night " - Miss! Pity! I entrust you with this baby! ".....


Modifié par matou94 le 23-11-2009 16:57

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de violette19, postée le 23-11-2009 à 15:32:21 (S | E)
Hello Violet !

Merci pour ce thème dans les deux sens du mot : un thème tragique et fascinant,aux embûches glaciaires mais aussi un thème aux embûches grammaticales !

On that October 20 th 1910, our pretty, conscientious Irish girl was dressed up to the nines .She displayed a smart suit, the collar of which was edged by some fur, a long, tight skirt letting see her thin ankles ;
her lace-boots, quite high-heeled, perfecty polished, added a little saucy note .
Almost one year later, a British cruiser happened to crash into this majestic liner, off the picturesque
knite- shaped island : I mean Wight Island, so welcoming yet . More fear than damage : none victim .
(It had been going on for several months before the Olympic itself recovered of the accident at Belfast .)

Iris was brought back unharmed, very near from the spot of the crash, to Southampton, a famous port
in Southern England .

Rather bitten, Irish ended up letting herself be convinced by her friends . In the harbour her Majesty Titanic
was glittering . Being a passenger during her first run would sound like a historical event,
an incomparable experience . Besides, the Titanic had an unique quality : she was unsinkable .

Once more, Iris didn’t have any trouble becoming again the competent, charming first- class cabin hostess .
We were in spring of 1912 : it was still cold. It all began as in most of the crossings : new faces , a lot of celebrities, very important people, each of them requiring the continue attention of the young woman, at any rate .

Captain Edward Smith,who was doing his last travel, made up his mind to follow the summer trail, the shortest one, for hitting a record quick to New York . He was responsible of about 2200 lifes .
At 11. 20 p.m, during the night, in 1912, the 14th or 15th of April, there was the fatal conjuncture :
The Titanic hit “the “ iceberg . Iris was in bed, quiet, at last . Nobody hurried up to rush for the lifeboats, anyhow kept for the passengers , first, in the unthinkable event that … Like every one, she didn’t happen
to imagine the worst : it was quite obvious this liner was unsinkable .

In fact, Iris was to embark the lifeboat number 16 for convincing the non English- speaking, frightened female emigrants, of joining her . The life was slowly got down towards the icy water : a voice shouted
in that sinister night . “ Miss ! Have mercy ! I entrust this baby to your care ! ”

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de sandra83, postée le 23-11-2009 à 15:57:50 (S | E)

On October 20, 1910 our pretty conscientious young Irish woman was dressed up to the nines. She was wearing an elegant suit whose collar was fringed with fur and a long narrow skirt which revealed her slim ankles. Her high-heeled ankle-boots laced up and perfectly polished added a seductive hint.

Nearly one year later, this magnificent vessel collided with a navy cruiser off the picturesque kite-shaped island: I mean the Isle of Wight, so inviting however.More fear than real harm. No lives were lost in the incident. It took months for the Olympic to get repaired in Belfast.

Iris, fortunately unscathed, was conveyed to a spot very close to the collision, in fact to Southampton a very famous harbour in the south of England.

Although she was devastated by this mishap, his friends talked her into joining Titanic’s crew. In the harbour the RMS Titanic gleamed. To take part in her maiden voyage was something of a historic event and of an outstanding experience. Moreover the Titanic had a special feature : she was unsinkable.

There, once again, it was easy for Iris to cope with her new job. Once again, she became the efficient and charming first-class stewardess.

All started like in most crossings : new faces , quite a few celebrities and very important persons, who all of them requested in any case the thoughtful care of the young woman.

Captain Edward J. Smith, for whom it was moreover the last but one voyage, decided to take the summer route which was the shortest, with the aim of breaking a speed record up to New York. He was in charge of about 2,200 souls.

At 11:44 PM on April 14, 1912 the fateful collision happened : the Titanic struck an iceberg.
Iris was in bed, quiet at last. There was no haste for anybody to rush towards the lifeboats, which were anyway reserved in priority for the passengers in case of an unconceivable wreckship.Like all the other people aboard she didn’t expect the worst.It was fully evident that that liner was unsinkable.

In fact, Iris was ordered into lifeboat 16 to convince the non-anglophone and scared emigrants to join up with her . The lifeboat was slowly lowered towards the frigid water.Suddenly, a voice raised through that dismal night : Miss , have mercy! I gave you this baby to look after.


Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lakata, postée le 24-11-2009 à 12:42:42 (S | E)

Hello violet !

On this 20 October 1910, our pretty and conscientious Irish lassie had got dressed to kill. She was sporting a smart suit with a fur-trimmed collar and a tight long skirt letting see (enhancing ?) her slender ankles. Not to mention her quite high-heeled lace-up ankle-boots, impeccably polished, which added a slightly saucy touch.

Almost one year later, a British cruiser happened to collide with this impressive liner, off the picturesque kite-shaped island : I mean the Isle of Wight, yet so hospitable. It caused more fright than real harm ; as a result, no casualty. On the other hand, in Belfast, it took months for the Olympic to recover.

Safe and well, Iris was taken back to Southampton, famous harbour in the South of England, very near the scene of the collision.

Rather deceived, Iris eventually let herself be persuaded by her friends. In the harbour, Her Majesty the Titanic was gleaming. Taking part in her maiden voyage was something of both the historic event and the incomparable experience. Moreover, the Titanic had a special quality : she was unsinkable.

Once more, Iris had no difficulty becoming again the charming efficient stewardess of the first-class cabins. It was springtime 1912 and it was still cold. Everything began in the same way as most crossings : new faces, quite a lot of celebrities, very important people, anyway all of them calling for the full attention of the young lady.

Captain Edward J. Smith, whose voyage was besides the last one, decided to take the Summer run – the shortest – in order to break the speed record as far as New York City. He was responsible for about 2,200 lives.

At 11:40 PM in the night of 14th to 15th April 1912, the fatal encounter happened. The Titanic struck « the » iceberg. Iris was lying, having at last a peaceful time. No rush to the lifeboats, not in the least ; anyway, they were firstly intended for the passengers, in case...Nobody, nor she, went and imagined the worst : obviously, that liner could not sink.

Actually, Iris was asked to go up into the lifeboat 16, so as to convince the frightened non-English-speaking emigrant ladies to join her. The boat was being slowly lowered to the icy waters when a voice cried out through that ominous night : «  Miss ! For mercy's sake ! I'll entrust this baby to you...Look after it ! ».

Ouf ! Je peux enfin enlever mes palmes...aquadémiques***, of course !
*** Excellent jeu de mot de Titine27, si ma mémoire est bonne...

Merci and Mercy, Violet !

Modifié par lakata le 25-11-2009 14:24

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de aud18, postée le 24-11-2009 à 19:47:50 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
Earlier than previsted, here's my try !

On this 20th October 1910, our pretty and careful little Irish was dressed to the nines. She exposed a smart suit with a fur-lined collar and a long skirt, narrow that discloses her thin ankles; her lace-up ankle boot and high enough heels, polished faultlessly, added a mischievous touch.
Nearly one year after, a British cruiser collided with this majestic liner, off the colourful island kite-shaped: I mean Isle of Wight, though so welcoming. Nobody was hurt: no victim (The Olympic class ocean ones needed months to leave it to Belfast).
Iris had been taken back unhurt next to the collision place, at Southampton, famous port of South England.
Almost put off, Iris ended up convincing herself by her friends though. At the port, Her Majesty Titanic sparkled. To be present on its maiden crossing...was an historic event and an incomparable experience. Titanic had, in addition, a unique quality: it was unsinkable.
Once again, Iris had no trouble to become again the competent and charming hostess of the first class cabins. We were on the spring of 1912: it was still cold. All began as the majority of the crossings: new faces, quite some celebrities, relevant people, anyway all requesting the permanent care of the young women.
Captain Edward J.Smith, which was moreover his last trip, decided to take the summer route – the shortest – to beat a speed record until New York. He was in charge of around 2.200 lives.
At 11.40 pm, on the night from 14th to 15th April 1912, took place the fatal encounter: Titanic stroke against “the” iceberg. Iris was in bed, finally in peace. Without any haste for anybody to rush to the lifeboats, anyway intended to passengers first, in the case considered unthinkable it...- She, as the others aboard, won't imagine the worst: it was so clear that this liner one was unsinkable.
In fact, Iris had to get into the boat number 16 to convince the non-anglophone and frightened emigrant women to join her. The boat slowly went down to the icy water: a voice exclaimed on this sinister night : “Miss ! For pity's sake ! I'll leave this baby with you!”

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de coferam, postée le 26-11-2009 à 17:47:57 (S | E)
My dear teacher,

Such a miraculous (lady) survivor!

….This 20 october 1910, our pretty and conscientious young Irish woman who was very elegant, wore a woman's suit which a fur-trimmed collar and a long and narrow skirt that let visible her thin ankles .Her lace-up ankle-boots and quite high heels were perfectly polished and added a little naughty touch. Nearly one year later, a British cruiser came to collide with this majestic liner, offshore of the colourful island in the form of kite: I want to say the island of Wight, nevertheless so welcoming. More for fear that the evil : no victim. Months for the Olympic were needed to be operative in Belfast.

Iris was taken back, unhurt, near the place of the collision, in Southampton, a famous harbour of South of England .

Rather concious, Iris eventuates to be persuaded by her friends. In the harbour, Her Majesty The Titanic was gleaming .To be in her inaugural crossing was something of historical and incomparable event.Titanic had a unique quality : she was unsinkable.

Even there, Iris had no evil to become again competent and charming hostess of plum cabin. We were spring, 1912: it was still cold. Everything began as usual for most of the crossings: some new faces, quite some of celebrities, very important people, all, in any case, required the young-woman's constant attention.

Captain Edward J. Smith , whose, besides, it was the last crossing,chose to take the shorter summer route,in order to break a speed record to New-York.He was in charge of about 2200 lives.

At 11h40 p.m, during the night of the 14th to the 15th of April 1912,the disastrous meeting took place :Titanic struck against" 1" iceberg. No hurry for anyone to rush the lifeboats, anyway priority reserved to the the case considered unthinkable where... She, as everybody on board, went to imagine the worst: it was very clear this liner there was unsinkable.

In fact, Iris was brought to jump into the boat n°16 to convince the emigrants women no English-speaking and frightened to join her. The lifeboat had slowly come down towards icy waters: a voice exclaimed in this sinister night " - miss! Pity! I confide you this baby! ".....

I have had much pleasure to do this text.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de traviskidd, postée le 28-11-2009 à 04:49:06 (S | E)
........This 20th of October 1910,our pretty and conscientious little Irish woman had just come up on her thirty-first birthday. She was sporting an elegant blazer with a fur-lined collar and a long skirt ,hemmed to show her thin ankles ; her laced and rather high-heeled ankle-boots , impeccably polished, added a little mischievous note.
Almost a year later, a British cruiser happened to have a run-in with this majestic liner, in the vicinity of the picturesque stag-beetle-shaped island; I mean the Isle of Wight , though so welcoming. More so out of fear than malice; no victim. ( The Olympic ,for its part , took months to get back to Belfast.)

Iris was taken back unharmed pretty much right from the place of the collision, to Southampton, famous port of the South of England.

Rather put off, Iris nevertheless ended up letting herself be convinced by her friends. In the port, resplendently stood Her Majesty the Titanic . To be on her maiden voyage..promised to be a historic event and an incomparable experience. The Titanic had, besides, a unique quality: it was unsinkable.

Once again, Iris had no trouble becoming the competent and charming cabin hostess of the first classes. It was in the spring of 1912 ; it was still cold. Everything began as in the majority of voyages: new faces, quite a few celebreties, VIPs, all of them at any rate requiring the constant attention of the young woman.

The Commander Edward J.Smith, who, by the way, was making his first last voyage as well,decided to follow the summer itinerary-the shortest -to break the speed record to New York. He was responsible for about 2200 lives.

At 11:40pm,on the night of the 14th or 15th of April 1912, happened the fatal encounter: the Titanic hit "the" iceberg. Iris was in bed, finally in peace. No hurry for anyone to rush to the lifeboats ,in any case priority-reserved for passengers , in the determinedly unforeseeable case where... - She ,like everyone on board, wasn't going to imagine the worst ; it was very clear that this liner was unsinkable.

In fact, Iris was led to climb in lifeboat No. 16 in order to convince the non-English-speaking emigrants and fearful to join her . The lifeboat was slowly lowered toward the glacial waters ; a voice cried out in this sinister night " -Miss! Please! Take this baby! ".....

Modifié par traviskidd le 29-11-2009 23:31
oops, dernier=last!

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de violet91, postée le 29-11-2009 à 17:56:47 (S | E)
déjà à tous d'avoir bien travaillé sans sombrer!...Trois de nos "camarades" planchent dans des conditions un peu vont poster. Moi-même suis pas mal occupée : cela m'arrange aussi de les attendre et prendre le temps de vous "mitonner" une correction de mon ton. A très bientôt,quand-même.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de bonsai93, postée le 29-11-2009 à 22:27:04 (S | E)
Je crois que je fais partie des trois essais attendus. Tout arrive , je suis au moins la première des trois

Such a miracoulous survivor

On this October 20th 1910, our pretty and conscientious young Irish lady was dressed up to the nines . She wore an elegant smart suit with a fur lined collar and a long and narrow skirt which showed her slender ankels ; her laced ankle-boots with high enough heels perfectly polished added a little mischivous touch.

Almost one year after , a british cruiser collided with this majestic liner , offshore of the picturesque kite-shaped island :I mean the Whight Island ,yet so hospitable .More fear than damage: none victimes ( It took months for the Olympic to get repaired in Belfast.)

Iris was brought back unharmed very close to the collision place , in Southampton , the famous harbour in the south of England

Rather put off , Iris let herself be persuaded by her friends . In the harbour , Her Majesty, the Titanic ,was there , sparkling .To be on this liner for the maiden crossing ….would be something like an historical event and an incomparable experience .And more, the Titanic had an unique quality :to be unsinkable .

Once again , Iris could easily be again the competent and charming hostess of the first class cabins . That was springtime in 1912: the weather was still cold . Everything began like for most of the crossings : new faces , some celebrities , very important people , all of them , at least , requesting the permanent care of the young woman.

Captain Edward j. Smith , whose this crossing was the last, decided to take the shortest route , this one used in summer , in order to break the speed record to New York. He was in charge of 2 200 lives

At 11h40 Pm , in the night of the 14th to 15th of April 1912 happened the unexpected encounter : the Titanic hit  "the" Iceberg . Iris was in her bed ; finally quiet . Nobody rushed towards the lifeboats , which were in priority for the passengers , just in case ….Nobody , nor she , could imagine the worst : it was really clear that this liner was unsinkable .

In fact , Iris had to get into the lifeboat number 16 to persuade the no- english-speaking and frightened emigrants ladies to join her. The lifeboat was slowly brought down to the icy waters : One voice cried in that bleak night : « Miss , Pity ! Take care of this baby ! ».....

Modifié par bonsai93 le 30-11-2009 09:17

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lucile83, postée le 03-12-2009 à 14:39:22 (S | E)
Problème technique,en attente de webmaster occupé ailleurs pour le moment.
Ce sera résolu ce soir sans doute

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lucile83, postée le 04-12-2009 à 14:44:36 (S | E)
le bug semble réparé.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de violet91, postée le 04-12-2009 à 17:08:44 (S | E)

Bonjour all friends...femme "inaccessible" pendant deux jours(not my fault!) ou violet "évaporée"..aviez-vous gardé au moins le parfum? Hier ,j'ai beaucoup travaillé pour vous..;cet après-midi,je ne peux pas . A ce soir..
--et mes retardataires..? Trop de soucis.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de violet91, postée le 05-12-2009 à 00:02:56 (S | E)
Me woilà enfin..après quelques cahots..! Bonsoir ,mes chers amis fidèles ,nouveaux , tous patients...

Je vais faire all my best pour ne pas vous décevoir!...

------------------ Such a miraculous survivor.Thème II----------------------------

.....[.On that October 20th 1910, our pretty mindful Irish lassie had dressed herself up to the nines. She was indeed wearing a classy two-piece suit with a fur-trimmed collar and a long narrow skirt which let her graceful ankles show.
Her lace-up and quite high- heeled boots, polished to perfection , added a little enticing touch.

Almost a year later, a British warship (cruiser RMS Hawke)collided with the majestic liner, off the picturesque kite-shaped island ..I mean the Isle of Wight, so welcoming though. People (were) more shaken up than hurt : no casualty,in fact, whereas it took the Olympic months to recover in Belfast.

Iris was taken back, safe and sound, very close to the collision spot ,to Southampton , the major harbour which lies in the South (East) of England.
Although rightly reluctant to work on a ship again ,Iris let herself be persuaded by her friends to do so. There, in the harbour, Her Majesty* Titanic was gleaming. Iris just could not miss the opportunity of being part of her maiden voyage. That would be a historic event as well as an unequaled experience! Furthermore, Titanic had a unique quality : she was unsinkable.
And it was no surprise when, once again, Iris returned to being the skilled and charming first class bedroom stewardess she had ever been .

It was in the spring of 1912 and the weather was still cold.. Everything began as it used to, in most cruises : new faces, quite a lot of famous and prominent people, each of them demanding the young lady's sustained service.

Captain Edward.J.Smith who was besides commanding for the last time , decided to choose the summer route -the shorter one- to break a speed record to New York. He was responsible for about* 2,200 souls.

At 11.40 (p.m ) during the night of the 14th to 15th of April 1912,the fatal encounter occurred. Titanic hit the iceberg. Iris was growing drowsy* in her bunk , having a rest at last. No need for anyone to rush to the lifeboats which, by all means, were reserved for passengers in the so unthinkable circumstance when..
How could she and everybody else aboard have the faintest idea of the worst to come ? Not the slightest doubt. That liner was unsinkable , wasn't she ?

Actually Iris was ordered up on deck to board lifeboat 16 to embolden the frightened non- English speaking emigrant women to join her. The boat was getting lowered to the icy water when a voice screamed through the bleak night : - " Here! Miss ! Have mercy on this baby ! I entrust you with it*! " ..]

-------------------Adapted from a true story.----------------------------------

* RMS Titanic stand for Royal Mail Steamer Titanic. J'ai préféré employer "Sa Majesté" pour insister sur le genre d'un paquebot de prestige et la fascination qu'il exerçait dans le port.

* Responsible for about : over 2,200 people in fact.

* Iris was getting drowsy : est la réalité... elle somnolait : entre mon premier post et cette correction, j'ai bien "potassé" le sujet ,je peux vous dire !..

* Le pronom "it" ne s'emploie qu'à peine ,aujourd'hui : tant qu'on n'a pas déterminé le sexe du bébé. Je le choisis pourtant (l'époque),supposant qu'Iris avait pu ne pas capter le mot dans le brouhaha et surtout pour ne pas lever le voile..C'était sûrement un tout petit bébé.

Infiniment de votre gentillesse..même en tapant cette proposition..j'ai encore fait des retouches et me suis volontairement permis quelques légers écarts.(connaissant bien l'histoire..)

I am afraid this is all for tonight. The trip is rather exhausting, as you know!..

Have a very good night on your steady mattress ! Sweet dreams ! See you tomorrow. Your violet .

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de taconnet, postée le 05-12-2009 à 01:27:05 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet.

J'ai bien "potasser" le sujet ,je peux vous dire!..(potassé)

Vous avez aussi écrit :
Le pronom "it" ne s'emploie qu'à peine ,aujourd'hui: tant qu'on n'a pas déterminé le sexe du bébé.

C' est inexact:« It » s'emploie pour désigner un bébé ou un nouveau né quel que soit son sexe.

« Congratulations, Mr Smith, it's a girl. What are you going to call it ?»

Juste en passant. Et je n'ai pas tout lu.

Modifié par webmaster le 05-12-2009 19:23
violet91 a corrigé son erreur de frappe immédiatement, problème réglé

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lucile83, postée le 05-12-2009 à 09:14:31 (S | E)
Aussitôt posté,aussitôt critiqué !

taconnet vous dites:
J'ai bien "potasser" le sujet ,je peux vous dire!..(potassé)
mais entre-temps violet a dû voir sa faute de frappe et a corrigé.

Plus sérieusement, le pronom 'it' peut s'employer lorsqu'on parle d'un bébé ou d'un enfant (baby/child) en général, sans en connaître le sexe. Son usage est laissé à l'appréciation de chacun.

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de taconnet, postée le 05-12-2009 à 09:38:15 (S | E)

Modifié par webmaster le 05-12-2009 19:26
discussion inutile car problème déjà réglé

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de lakata, postée le 05-12-2009 à 09:58:47 (S | E)

Modifié par webmaster le 05-12-2009 19:28
discussion inutile car problème déjà réglé

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de taconnet, postée le 05-12-2009 à 10:21:43 (S | E)

Modifié par webmaster le 05-12-2009 19:29
discussion inutile car problème déjà réglé

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de violet91, postée le 05-12-2009 à 14:59:09 (S | E)

Use of "it" . Ainsi disent le site et les grammaires anglaises

The baby had its first apple.

"It" is still used for idiomatic phrases such as Is it a girl or a boy? Once the gender of the child has been established, the speaker or writer then switches to gender-specific pronouns

On utilisera "it" pour les noms géographiques, de pays, "she" pour un bateau (ship), "he" ou "she" pour un bébé si l'on en connaît le sexe, sinon le pronom sera "it". De même pour les animaux familiers (cat, dog).

It est utilisé pour désigner un objet mais il est également utilisé pour un bébé quand le sexe du bébé est inconnu, ainsi que pour un animal quand le sexe n'est pas connu ou n'est pas important.

- En outre, dans le cas du texte, l'essentiel était de sauver le bébé , quel que soit son sexe !

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de matou94, postée le 05-12-2009 à 15:41:35 (S | E)
Un SUPER à violet91 pour cet exercice de qualité concernant cette tragédie
Pour le dénouement de ce drame - parfaitement décrit par violet - pas besoin de loupe, taconnet, car l'essentiel est de retenir que le Captain Edward J. Smith a privilégié le prestige de sa dernière traversée au détriment de la sécurité de ses passagers !

Réponse: Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II de mamy40, postée le 05-12-2009 à 17:59:05 (S | E)
and à Violet91 de ce travail énorme
Nous, nous en sommes ravis, tous sauf un.
Please Violet91 continue de nous enseigner, de nous faire découvrir...
Voici pour Violet91 et les autres participants ayant bon esprit


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