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Correction -Stm about myself

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Correction -Stm about myself
Message de zawa posté le 25-11-2009 à 14:14:15 (S | E | F)

Please Help me to correct it ...
Hello Miss !
Let me introduce myself … I come from Lamalou. It’s a very small village with little activities.
In week, I often stay at home to do my homework or go on internet. In Week-end, I like hiking in the mountain just near Lamalou with my father and my dog. I think that in this season colors are wonderful in the woods!
When I have free time I like meeting my friends to go to cinema or Ice rink … I adore taking photos, more particularly with my best friend, my friends say that I take photos of anything. I enjoy travelling around the world and taking the plane. It is fantastic to be in a place in the morning and to be somewhere else in the evening. I find it very amazing! In some weeks I will meet my German Pen friend. The school exchanges are exciting because we have free time, we can discover new persons and we aren’t with our parents! There is only one bad thing... 14 hours of Bus, it’s very long and I can’t stand to get bored. I prefer winter instead of summer because we can ski. I like seeing the snow outside while I drink hot chocolate! It’s fantastic !
(J'ai fais une première correction =P)

Réponse: Correction -Stm about myself de gerondif, postée le 25-11-2009 à 14:53:20 (S | E)

Somebody could help me
(inverser les deux premiers mots en forme interrogative) and say if there are errors in this text ?

Hello Miss !
Let me introduce my self
(myself en un seul mot)… I come from Lamalou. It’s a very small village without very lot of activity.
(essayer de traduire: avec peu d'activités)
During the week,
(during ne va pas très bien, l'anglais dit "dans la semaine")
I often stay at home to do my homework or go on internet. While the Week-end,
(while = pendant que (conjonction + verbe) chercher pendant ) I like hiking in the mountain just near Lamalou with my father and my dog. I think that in this season colors are wonderful in woods!
(ce sont des bois précis, donc mettre un déterminant, les bois, nos bois)
When I have free time I like meeting my friends to go to cinema or Ice rink … I adore taking photo (au pluriel), more particularly with my best friend, my friends say that I take photo (pluriel)of anything. I enjoy travelling around the world and taking (the)plane. It is fantastic to be in a place in the morning and to be somewhere else in the evening. I find it very amazing! In some week,(dans quelques semaines au pluriel irait mieux) I will meet my German Pen friend. The school exchanges are exciting because we have time free (inverser les deux derniers mots), we can discover new persons and there aren’t parents( nous ne sommes pas avec nos parents serait plus élégant)! There is just (only irait mieux que just) an (one) inconvenience (convient mal)... The time of Bus ( ne veut rien dire: essayer les longues heures de bus, le temps que nous passons dans le bus, le temps de trajet)… 14 hours and I can’t stand annoyed (je ne supporte pas d'être ennuyé, dira l'anglais avec le verbe to get bored). I’d rather (est suivi d'une base verbale: I'd rather swim than run. ici, le verbe prefer ira bien davant un cod: imite cette construction: I prefer tea TO coffee)winter instead of Summer because we can ski. My favorite hobby is ski. (compare avec : my favourite hobby is hiking/ swimming/surfing.)

sinon, c'est un bon texte !

Réponse: Correction -Stm about myself de gerondif, postée le 25-11-2009 à 16:50:10 (S | E)
re bonjour,

Please Help me to correct it ...
Hello Miss !
Let me introduce myself … I come from Lamalou. It’s a very small village with little activities.(little signifie peu + nom singulier, quel mot signifiera peu ou quelques + nom pluriel)
In (the)week, I often stay at home to do my homework or go on internet. In (the) week-end, I like hiking in the mountain just near Lamalou with my father and my dog. I think that in this season colors are wonderful in the woods!
When I have free time I like meeting my friends to go to cinema or Ice rink … I adore taking photos, more particularly with my best friend, my friends say that I take photos of anything. I enjoy travelling around the world and taking the plane. It is fantastic to be in a place in the morning and to be somewhere else in the evening. I find it very amazing! In some weeks (là aussi, je préférerais le mot quelques + nom pluriel)I will meet my German Pen friend. The school exchanges are exciting because we have free time, we can discover new persons and we aren’t with our parents! There is only one bad thing... 14 hours of Bus, it’s very long and I can’t stand to get bored (like, enjoy, love,hate, can't stand + ing, même si ta formule peut se dire). I prefer winter instead of summer because we can ski. I like seeing the snow outside while I drink hot chocolate! It’s fantastic !
(seeing ou watching ?)

Modifié par gerondif le 25-11-2009 16:50

Modifié par gerondif le 25-11-2009 16:51

Réponse: Correction -Stm about myself de frenchieinla, postée le 28-11-2009 à 03:52:47 (S | E) go on the internet

Réponse: Correction -Stm about myself de mapdark, postée le 28-11-2009 à 06:09:35 (S | E)

Hello Miss !
Let me introduce myself. I come from Lamalou. It’s a very small village with little activities.
During the week, I often stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet. During the week-end, I like hiking in the mountain near Lamalou with my father and my dog. I think that in this season , the colours you can see in the woods are simply wonderful!
When I have some free time I like meeting up with my friends to go to see a movie at the theater or to go to the ice rink . I love taking photos, more particularly with my best friend. My friends say that I take photos of everything. I enjoy travelling around the world and flying by plane. It is fantastic to be somewhere in the morning and to be in another place in the evening. I find it very amazing! In some weeks I will meet my German pen pal. The school exchanges are exciting because we have free time, we can discover new persons and we're not with our parents! There is only one bad thing : 14 hours of bus. It’s very long and I can’t stand to get bored. I prefer winter over summer because we can ski. I like seeing the snow outside while I drink a hot chocolate! It’s fantastic !

En passant , je sais que j'ai écrit "colours" avec un U mais considérant que c'est l'anglais canadien (britanique) que j'ai appris , c'est la bonne orthographe

Réponse: Correction -Stm about myself de mapdark, postée le 28-11-2009 à 06:12:35 (S | E)
En passant , j,ai oublié de corriger , mais pour la partie "I like meeting new persons" , vous devriez dire "I like meeting new PEOPLE"

En anglais on ne rencontre pas des personnes mais "du monde"


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