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Récit/new technology

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Récit/new technology
Message de laetitia974 posté le 07-12-2009 à 08:27:31 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ce sujet, s'il vous plaît ? Voila le sujet :
Imagine situations in which this technology could be useful.
Et voila, ce que j'ai fait :

You imagine! Yes, it is incredible such a system can exist. But however he was invented. Thanks to him, one could carry out research more quickly and more easily. Indeed, this new technology would be so useful in many circumstances. You imagine, in the case an accident in a place isolated for example at the time an avalanche, or at the time a cyclone. And so tomorrow a 17 year old young person fuguait, one could quite simply found thanks to his portable. This invention would make it possible to find a lost person or victim the disease like l' Alzheimer. This system would be also advantageous for a center penitentiary bacause one could supervise for example the entries and the exits a prisoner in freedom to supervise. Thanks to this innovation, the results of a search will be more effective in term of time and financial term.

Merci a tous

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2009 09:32

Réponse: Récit/new technology de seb06000, postée le 07-12-2009 à 08:50:15 (S | E)

voici quelques indications:

"You imagine! Yes, it is incredible such a system can exist. But however he (pronom sujet, il s'agit d'un système) was invented. Thanks to him ( idem) , one could carry out research more quickly and more easily. Indeed, this new technology would be so useful in many circumstances. You imagine, in the case ( il manque une préposition) an accident in a place isolated ( adjectif epithète en anglais) for example at the time ( préposition) an avalanche, or at the time ( idem) a cyclone. And so tomorrow a 17 year old young person fuguait , one could quite simply found thanks to his portable( voc). This invention would make it possible to find a lost person or victim (il manque une préposition) the disease like l' Alzheimer. This system would be also (position de Also) advantageous for a center penitentiary (adjectif epithète) bacause (ortho) one could supervise for example the entries and the exits a prisoner in freedom (mal dit) to supervise. Thanks to this innovation, the results of a search will be more effective in term of time and financial term.

Voilà courage!




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