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Summary/Global Warming

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Summary/Global Warming
Message de cynthia23 posté le 13-12-2009 à 13:36:08 (S | E | F)

pouvez vous me dire si mon texte comporte des erreurs, merci :

This article is entitled “Is Global Warming Killing the Polar Bears?”. It comes from “The Wall Street Journal” published the 14 December 2005 and written by Jim CARLTON.
The mean idea of this article is that polar bears are endangered and it’s a consequence of the global warming. 49

On the one hand, Jim CARLTON explains why the polar bear is classified as a vulnerable species. He says that polar bears drown because the sea ice is melting and forces bears to swim longer distances… They’re good hunters but they can’t hunting in this conditions. So the key danger posed by global warming is malnutrition due to habitat loss. Moreover he shows that it’s a phenomenon didn’t place before, it’s a real things : “Polar-bear drownings were so rare that they have never been documented in the surveys….. But in September 2004, when the polar ice cap had retreated a record 160 miles north of the northern coast of Alaska, researchers counted 10 polar bears swimming as far as 60 miles offshore.”129mots
He evokes also that there are more and more advertisements on polar bears to make sensitive people, advertisements show us that these animals are impressive, magnificent, fascinating and so we have to save them.

On the other hand, he deals with global warming. Global warming cause is the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere “oil and gas development are exacerbating global warming, which is accelerating the melting of the ice.”. It’s difficult to stop the ice to melt, The change is swift, therefore it will be a new territory for polar bears unfortunately aren't adapted to living on a new territory. In a word, they have to change their food, they have to hunt in the water, change their habitat… “Polar bears that stay onshore aren't adapted to hunting land animals like caribou, which are preyed upon by more-aggressive grizzly bears. Polar bears also require more fat intake than most food on land offers them, experts say.”

The writer puts forward a pessimistic of the situation and I’m agree with his point of view. I think polar bears are threatened by global warming and so by humans, unfortunately it’s too late for them, the ice melts and will continue to melt and they are going to die…I’d like to conclude by saying that polar bear is only an example, all life on earth is threatened by the climate change…227 mots

Modifié par cynthia23 le 13-12-2009 19:40

Modifié par cynthia23 le 13-12-2009 19:41

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2009 20:41

Réponse: Summary/Global Warming de gerondif, postée le 13-12-2009 à 22:09:39 (S | E)
This article is entitled “Is Global Warming Killing the Polar Bears?”. It comes from “The Wall Street Journal” published the 14 December 2005 (on + date)and written by Jim CARLTON.
The mean(orthographe) idea of this article is that polar bears are endangered and it’s a consequence of the(superflu) global warming. 49

On the one hand, Jim CARLTON explains why the polar bear is classified as a vulnerable species. He says that polar bears drown because the sea ice is melting and forces bears to swim longer distances… They’re good hunters but they can’t hunting (pas d'ing derrière can)in this(conditions est au pluriel) conditions. So the key danger posed by global warming is malnutrition due to habitat loss. Moreover he shows that it’s a phenomenon (manque un relatif)didn’t place before, it’s a real things : “Polar-bear drownings were so rare that they have never been documented in the surveys….. But in September 2004, when the polar ice cap had retreated a record 160 miles north of the northern coast of Alaska, researchers counted 10 polar bears swimming as far as 60 miles offshore.”129mots
He evokes also that there are more and more advertisements on polar bears to make sensitive people(inverser), advertisements show us that these animals are impressive, magnificent, fascinating and so we have to save them.

On the other hand, he deals with global warming. Global warming cause(3ème personne présent = s) is(inutile) the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere “oil and gas development are exacerbating global warming, which is accelerating the melting of the ice.”. It’s difficult to stop the ice to( empêcher de : to prevent .. from + ing) melt, The change is swift, therefore it will be a new territory for polar bears unfortunately aren't adapted to living on a new territory. In a word, they have to change their food, they have to hunt in the water, change their habitat… “Polar bears that stay onshore aren't adapted to hunting land animals like caribou, which are preyed upon by more-aggressive grizzly bears. Polar bears also require more fat intake than most food on land offers them, experts say.”

The writer puts forward a pessimistic VIEW of the situation and I’m agree (erreur classique emploi du verbe être dans l'expression je suis d'accord)with his point of view. I think polar bears are threatened by global warming and so by humans, unfortunately it’s too late for them, the ice melts and will continue to melt and they are going to die…I’d like to conclude by saying that polar bear is only an example, all life on earth is threatened by the climate change…227 mots

Modifié par gerondif le 13-12-2009 22:10

Modifié par gerondif le 13-12-2009 22:11

Réponse: Summary/Global Warming de cynthia23, postée le 14-12-2009 à 19:06:56 (S | E)
Je suis étonnée qu'il n'y ait pas plus de fautes , je vous remercie pour cette corection, par contre je n'ai pas compris pour
"So the key danger posed by global warming is malnutrition due to habitat loss. Moreover he shows that it’s a phenomenon (manque un relatif)didn’t place before, it’s a real things "

Réponse: Summary/Global Warming de gerondif, postée le 14-12-2009 à 19:24:35 (S | E)
Moreover he shows that it’s a phenomenon (manque un relatif)didn’t TAKE place before, it’s a real thing "
De plus, il montre que c'est un phénomène qui ne se produisait pas avant.
donc il manque that ou which:
Moreover he shows that it’s a phenomenon which didn’t take place before, it’s a real thing "

"It's a real thing" pour "ça arrive pour de vrai" ne va guère non plus.
he shows that it is an unprecedented phenomenon, it's happening for good.

Modifié par traviskidd le 15-12-2009 00:02
"for real" ("for good" means it will never stop happening)


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