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Correction/busy Saturday

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Correction/busy Saturday
Message de mathjulie posté le 26-12-2009 à 14:05:21 (S | E | F)


J'ai un exercice en anglais pour la rentrée ; en fait, c'est un texte à trous. Pourriez-vous vérifier mes réponses ? Je ne suis pas sûre de moi.
Merci d'avance.

Voici le texte, mes réponses sont soulignées :

Voici les possibilités données par l'exercice et mes réponses :

1: as a result /I mean /However/ for example
2: so / incidentally / however / to sum up
3: well / in other words / all in all / for example
4: I mean / anyway/ strange as it may seem / that is to say je ne sais pas
5: consequentely / so / that's why / what's more
6: however / first/ as a result / / all in all
7: strange as it may seem / then / that's why / in conclusion
8: incidentally / I mean/ however / that is tosay je ne sais pas
9: in the first place / in this case / incidentally/ as a result je ne sais pas
10: in a word / however / strange as it may seem / first
11: well / so / to top it all / then
12: that's why / incidentally / for example / I mean

It was a normal busy Saturday in Tesco's supermarket as a result  it was absolutely packed and there were queues a mile long at each check-out desk. however I absolutely had to get a tin of curry sauce an Tesco's was the only place that sold it. Why ,you may ask, did I had to get curry sauce? all in all  I had to invited some Indian friends to dinner and I was determined to impress them with my own 'Indian' cooking. (4 ?), there I was, battling my way towards the row with the sauces when a woman ran into me with her shopping trolley  what's more, she didn't stop and say sorry but tried to push me out of the way.  as a result , I found myself being flung straight towards a pyramid of baked bean tins. strange as it may seem, I did not immediately realise the danger:all I was concerned about was the rudeness of the women in question. (8 ?),I should also sy that I do not have a good sense of balance and, when pushed unexpectedly , I tend ? more often than not , to end up on the floor. (9 ?), it was the pyramid of tins and not the floor that broke my fall. There was a great deal of laughter, tins everywhere, and a rather angry manager at my side in next to no time. He required briefly about my health and suggested that I might find what I wanted in another shop rather than in his in a word, he asked me to leave. I soon found myself outside the supermarket, druises already appearing all over my body and,to top it all  , without the essential tin of curry sauce! that's why , when my friends arrived that evening I said, with the smile that only a liar can assume , 'Terrible thing happened today- my cooker exploded. Why don't I take you out to a restaurant for dinner?'

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-12-2009 14:07
Nette amélioration de la présentation! + titre
Modifié par bridg le 26-12-2009 14:45
réponses mises dans le texte

Réponse: Correction/busy Saturday de gerondif, postée le 27-12-2009 à 19:03:44 (S | E)
Voici les possibilités données par l'exercice et mes réponses :
vert: ok rouge: à revoir ! Merry Christmas and good luck !
1: as a result /I mean /However/ for example
2: so / incidentally / however / to sum up
3: well / in other words / all in all / for example
4: I mean / anyway/ strange as it may seem / that is to say je ne sais pas
5: consequentely / so / that's why / what's more
6: however / first/ as a result / / all in all
7: strange as it may seem / then / that's why / in conclusion
8: incidentally / I mean/ however / that is tosay je ne sais pas
9: in the first place / in this case / incidentally/ as a result je ne sais pas
10: in a word / however / strange as it may seem / first
11: well / so / to top it all / then
12: that's why / incidentally / for example / I mean

It was a normal busy Saturday in Tesco's supermarket as a result it was absolutely packed and there were queues a mile long at each check-out desk. however I absolutely had to get a tin of curry sauce and Tesco's was the only place that sold it. Why ,you may ask, did I have to get curry sauce? all in all I had to invite some Indian friends to dinner and I was determined to impress them with my own 'Indian' cooking. (4 ?), there I was, battling my way towards the row with the sauces when a woman ran into me with her shopping trolley . what's more, she didn't stop and say sorry but tried to push me out of the way. as a result , I found myself being flung straight towards a pyramid of baked bean tins. strange as it may seem, I did not immediately realise the danger:all I was concerned about was the rudeness of the women in question. (8 ?),I should also(aide à trouver le bon mot) say that I do not have a good sense of balance and, when pushed unexpectedly , I tend ? more often than not , to end up on the floor. (9 ?), it was the pyramid of tins and not the floor that broke my fall. There was a great deal of laughter, tins everywhere, and a rather angry manager at my side in next to no time. He required briefly about my health and suggested that I might find what I wanted in another shop rather than in his in a word, he asked me to leave. I soon found myself outside the supermarket, bruises already appearing all over my body and,to top it all , without the essential tin of curry sauce! that's why , when my friends arrived that evening I said, with the smile that only a liar can assume , 'Terrible thing happened today- my cooker exploded. Why don't I take you out to a restaurant for dinner?'

Réponse: Correction/busy Saturday de muri, postée le 27-12-2009 à 19:38:28 (S | E)
Réponse: Correction/busy Saturday de gerondif, postée le 27-12-2009 à 19:03:44 (S | E)
Voici les possibilités données par l'exercice et mes réponses :
vert: ok rouge: à revoir ! Merry Christmas and good luck !
1: as a result /I mean /However/ for example
2: so / incidentally / however / to sum up
3: well / in other words / all in all / for example
4: I mean / anyway/ As strange as it may seem / that is to say je ne sais pas
5: consequentely / so / that's why / what's more
6: however / first/ as a result / / all in all
7: strange as it may seem / then / that's why / in conclusion
8: incidentally / I mean/ however / that is tosay je ne sais pas
9: in the first place / in this case / incidentally/ as a result je ne sais pas
10: in a word / however / strange as it may seem / first
11: well / so / to top it all / then
12: that's why / incidentally / for example / I mean

It was a normal busy Saturday in Tesco's supermarket as a result it was absolutely packed and there were queues a mile long at each check-out desk. However,I absolutely had to get a tin of curry sauce and Tesco's was the only place that sold it. Why ,you may ask, did I have to get curry sauce? Well,I had to invite some Indian friends to dinner and I was determined to impress them with my own 'Indian' cooking. Anyway, there I was, battling my way towards the row with the sauces when a woman ran into me with her shopping trolley . What's more, she didn't stop and say sorry but tried to push me out of the way. As a result , I found myself being flung straight towards a pyramid of baked bean tins. As strange as it may seem, I did not immediately realise the danger:all I was concerned about was the rudeness of the women in question. I mean, I should also(aide à trouver le bon mot) say that I do not have a good sense of balance and, when pushed unexpectedly , I tend more often than not , to end up on the floor. In this case, it was the pyramid of tins and not the floor that broke my fall. There was a great deal of laughter, tins everywhere, and a rather angry manager at my side in next to no time. He required briefly about my health and suggested that I might find what I wanted in another shop rather than in his, in a word, he asked me to leave. I soon found myself outside the supermarket, bruises already appearing all over my body and,to top it all , without the essential tin of curry sauce! That's why , when my friends arrived that evening I said, with the smile that only a liar can assume , 'Terrible thing happened today- my cooker exploded. Why don't I take you out to a restaurant for dinner?'

Réponse: Correction/busy Saturday de mathjulie, postée le 28-12-2009 à 12:18:33 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous deux pour votre aide, Merry Critmas ,

mais gérondif, lorsque vous avez laissé les réponses en noir, cela signifie qu'elles sont justes aussi?

Et pour la réponse 8, au lieu de "I mean", on ne pourrait pas mettre Incidentally ?

Il y a encore une petite chose que je voulais vous demander, "a mile long" signifie très long, interminable?

Merci d'avance

Réponse: Correction/busy Saturday de gerondif, postée le 29-12-2009 à 18:21:25 (S | E)
Oui, incidentally irait bien en 8 avec also qui indique qu'on ajoute un détail. J'ai oublié de colorier en vert le reste des réponses, donc elles devaient être justes ! La prochaine fois, mettez le numéro avant le mot choisi, cela évite les allers et retours entre le texte et la liste des solutions.

le mile fait 1.6 kilomètre, c'est donc bien une queue interminable .

Modifié par gerondif le 29-12-2009 18:22

Réponse: Correction/busy Saturday de mathjulie, postée le 30-12-2009 à 10:15:19 (S | E)
Ok merci beaucoup et bonne fête de fin d'anné, merry christmas


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