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Comparatif et superlatif

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Comparatif et superlatif
Message de zinaudore posté le 04-01-2010 à 19:32:19 (S | E | F)


Est-ce que ces phrases sont correctes :

I really enjoyed his first novel but his second was the least interesting.
My new camera easier than to carry because it is not as heavy as the old one.
I don't understand what to say, could you speak slowlier than,please?
This is the loudest alarm clock we sell.
The photo on the website made the jacket look darker than it really is.
These digital cameras are the best you can find on the market nowadays.
I'm afraid yours results are worse than last term.
The most important thing is that we can exchange it for a the most recent model.

Merci d'avance de votre aide.

Réponse: Comparatif et superlatif de gerondif, postée le 04-01-2010 à 19:38:57 (S | E)
I really enjoyed his first novel but his second was the least interesting.(je mettrais un comparatif d'infériorité)
My new camera (verbe)easier than(supprimer) to carry because it is not as heavy as the old one.
I don't understand what to say, could you speak slowlier(c'est un adverbe, pas un adjectif en y) than(supprimer),please?
This is the loudest alarm clock we sell.
The photo on the website made the jacket look darker than it really is.
These digital cameras are the best you can find on the market nowadays.
I'm afraid yours results are worse than last term.
The most important thing is that we can exchange it for a the most recent model.(je mettrais un comparatif de supériorité)

le reste est correct.

Réponse: Comparatif et superlatif de zinaudore, postée le 04-01-2010 à 19:51:29 (S | E)
I really enjoyed his first novel but his second was less interesting .
My new camera is easier to carry because it is not as heavy as the old one.
I don't understand what to say, could you speak more slowly,please?
The most important thing is that we can exchange it for a more recent than model.

Quand doit-on utiliser than avec le comparatif?

Réponse: Comparatif et superlatif de gerondif, postée le 04-01-2010 à 20:02:24 (S | E)
I really enjoyed his first novel but his second was less interesting .
My new camera is easier to carry because it is not as heavy as the old one.
I don't understand what to say, could you speak more slowly,please?
The most important thing is that we can exchange it for a more recent than (supprimer)model.
le reste est bien corrigé.

Votre question est désarmante, c'est un peu comme si vous me demandiez pourquoi on met + dans une addition.

than signifie "que" après un comparatif:
il est plus grand que moi: He is taller than me.
Il est plus dangereux que moi: He is more dangerous than me.

On ne l'emploie pas quand on n'a pas la deuxième partie de la comparaison:

Je suis plus âgé maintenant: I am older now.
Fumer coûte plus cher maintenant: smoking is more expensive now.

Modifié par gerondif le 04-01-2010 20:03

Réponse: Comparatif et superlatif de zinaudore, postée le 04-01-2010 à 20:07:33 (S | E)


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