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car crash /correction (1)

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car crash /correction
Message de zinaudore posté le 06-01-2010 à 19:01:10

According to a study published in the usa, a driver is much more "against"(expected) to die in a car crash in the Nevada desert or The Colorado desert than on an urban expressway.

Automobile accidents are the "major" (main) cause of death account for Americans between the ages of 1 and 34 and despite "recur" (repeated) government warnings the yearky sacrifice of hman lives goes on. What the researchers found was that the distribution was "far" (a long way) from being "even" (equal, regular). When they compared mortality "density" (statistics) to population "among" (extend to which it fills a place) they discovered a striking correlation between high mortality and "low" (opposite of high) population "among".

The authors of the report think that there are several factors which could "likely" (explain, justify) such a high proportion of fatal accidents in underpopulated "areas" (zones, sectors). Amongst others, they suggested that as hospitals are often far away, victims may ago untreated for longer periods; roads are often poorly "renewed" (made or drawn) and maintained; drivers in isolated areas travel faster and are "less" (not so much) likely to use seat belts. They also use more jeeps or "pickup trucks" which are "featuring" (part of) in many more fatal accidents than other vehicles.

The recent "involved" (rise) in protests by pedestrian protection groups "rates" (in opposition to) dangerous driving is likely to "increase" (happen again). It is believed that government officials are thinking of starting a non-stop TV advertising campaign, "designed" (showling) hard hitting government warnings three or four "times" (occasions) each day.

Je devais compléter le texte avec les termes suivants : against, major, recur, far, even, density, among, low, among, likely, areas, renewed, less, featuring, involved, rates, increase, designed, times.

Je voudrais juste savoir la où c'est faux, je ne veux pas la correction.
Merci d'avance de votre aide.

Modifié par bridg le 06-01-2010 19:05

Modifié par bridg le 24-03-2010 14:39

Réponse: car crash /correction de gerondif, postée le 06-01-2010 à 19:26:28
According to a study published in the usa, a driver is much more "against"(expected) to die in a car crash in the Nevada desert or The Colorado desert than on an urban expressway.

Automobile accidents are the "major" (main) cause of death account for Americans between the ages of 1 and 34 and despite "recur" (repeated) government warnings the yearky sacrifice of hman lives goes on. What the researchers found was that the distribution was "far" (a long way) from being "even" (equal, regular). When they compared mortality "density" (statistics) to population "among" (extend to which it fills a place) they discovered a striking correlation between high mortality and "low" (opposite of high) population "among".

The authors of the report think that there are several factors which could "likely" (explain, justify) such a high proportion of fatal accidents in underpopulated "areas" (zones, sectors). Amongst others, they suggested that as hospitals are often far away, victims may ago untreated for longer periods; roads are often poorly "renewed" (made or drawn) and maintained; drivers in isolated areas travel faster and are "less" (not so much) likely to use seat belts. They also use more jeeps or "pickup trucks" which are "featuring" (part of) in many more fatal accidents than other vehicles.

The recent "involved" (rise) in protests by pedestrian protection groups "rates" (in opposition to) dangerous driving is likely to "increase" (happen again). It is believed that government officials are thinking of starting a non-stop TV advertising campaign, "designed" (showing) hard hitting government warnings three or four "times" (occasions) each day.

rouge = erreur

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