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Correction grammaire 'currently'

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Correction grammaire 'currently'
Message de audreyso posté le 16-01-2010 à 14:28:05 (S | E | F)

Voilà un petit essai, merci de m'aider à corriger mes fautes de grammaire.
Merci d'avance !

Currently, there are many tchat and so site for meet people. These things can be good to find out a new person, to escape from loneliness and for don’t keep off. The generalization to Internet helped the development of these sites. Nevertheless, while having a point positive, these sites can fig to risks for the person.

The first to go into these sites, it is the children without bewaring of people to have in these tchats. The computer, it is a perfect manage to hide for the paedophile. The children can be faced with these persons. The paedophile can invent a past for oneself while can mislead the children who can’t separate from the good and evil. The paedophile says a wrong age, and makes up a problem for move a child. They think to talk with a person of their age and the paedophile jumps at the opportunity for propose to meet. Then the worst can be arrived.

All the same, these sites haven’t only a point negative as soon as the registration is paying and it is reserve for the adults, these push away the paedophile. More and more people meet in sites, they speak with many person and they learn to get on well. These sites can help people to search for a spouse because this can be difficult in a society which don’t have a communication. Some story finish by a wedding.

This kind of situation is called a blind date can be dangerous for the child in a executive no regulate, even thought in a organized executive, it is a good thing. It much has prevention for a child by parents, block a site Internet it’s possible. With prevention we can limit a risk of aggression.

Réponse: Correction grammaire 'currently' de laure95, postée le 16-01-2010 à 18:45:02 (S | E)
Bonsoir, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
Currently, there are many tchat (orthographe et MANY + mot au pluriel) and so site (pluriel) for (pas la bonne préposition) meet people. These things (mot trop vague) can be good to find out a new person, to escape from loneliness and for don’t (négation de l'infinitif + NOT TO)keep off. The generalization to (pas la bonne préposition) Internet has helped the development of these sites. Nevertheless, while having a point positive (inverser l'ordre des mots), these sites can fig to risks (sens?) for the person (pour qui?).

The first to people who go into these sites, it is are the children without bewaring of people to have in these tchats (mal dit). The computer, it is a perfect manage to hide for the paedophile. The children can be faced with these persons. The paedophile can invent a past for oneself (himself) while can mislead (forme en -ing) the children who can’t separate from the good and evil. The paedophile says a wrong age, and makes up a problem for move a child. They think to talk with a person of their age and the paedophile jumps at the opportunity for propose them to meet him. Then the worst can be arrived (infinitif).

Bon courage!

All the same, these sites haven’t only a point negative as soon as the registration is paying and it is reserve for the adults, these push away the paedophile. More and more people meet in sites, they speak with many person and they learn to get on well. These sites can help people to search for a spouse because this can be difficult in a society which don’t have a communication. Some story finish by a wedding.

This kind of situation is called a blind date can be dangerous for the child in a executive no regulate, even thought in a organized executive, it is a good thing. It much has prevention for a child by parents, block a site Internet it’s possible. With prevention we can limit a risk of aggression.

Réponse: Correction grammaire 'currently' de laure95, postée le 16-01-2010 à 18:49:32 (S | E)
Désolé, j'ai oublié de corriger la fin,
All the same, these sites haven’t only a point negative (inverser les mots) as soon as the registration is paying and it is reserve (participe passé) for the adults, these push away the paedophile. More and more people meet in sites, they speak with many person (pluriel) and they learn to get on well. These sites can help people to search for a spouse because this can be difficult in a society which don’t (le sujet est society) have a communication (mal dit). Some story (pluriel) finish by a wedding.

This kind of situation is called a blind date can be dangerous for the child in a executive no regulate, even thought in a (an) organized executive, it is a good thing. It much has prevention for a child by parents, block a site Internet it’s possible (mal dit). With prevention we can limit a risk of aggression.

Réponse: Correction grammaire 'currently' de audreyso, postée le 17-01-2010 à 13:55:37 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre aide, je vais pouvoir travailler avec vos indications !
Bonne journée


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