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Corrigé d'un essai

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Corrigé d'un essai
Message de modoww posté le 20-01-2010 à 16:11:43 (S | E | F)

j'ai fait cette expression sur le parachute ascensionnel ( pour un DM ) et j'aimerais que vous me disiez si il y a des grosses fautes apparentes . Merci

Parasailing is an activity that will guarantee your emotions, feelings and escape! Seated on the platform of a boat, your professional instructor will lavish you a little briefing intended to introduce you practices and techniques of this activity.

The boat will raise you at 600 meters from the beach. Then launched at full power, you take off slowly toward the heavens!

Under the sail of a huge parachute, you will Dash in the assault of the air and the streams for ten minutes!

The caress of the wind, the thrilling sensation of flight and freedom will make of this moment a unique and an outstanding experience!

Completely secure, parasailing is available at all fans of the feelings, novice or initiated . A unique adventure to live solo or accompanied by a person of your choice.

Réponse: Corrigé d'un essai de dbrs, postée le 20-01-2010 à 16:48:58 (S | E)
Des suggestions en passant...

"Parasailing is an activity that will guarantee your emotions, feelings and escape!"

I would say: "Parasailing is an activity that will guarantee you extreme emotions, feelings and a sensation of escape"

"The boat will raise you at 600 meters from the beach. Then launched at full power, you take off slowly toward the heavens!"

The boat will raise you at 600 meters from the beach, and then, lauched at full power, you will go up slowly towards the heavens!

"you will Dash in the assault of the air and the streams for ten minutes!"

You will be dashing in the assault...

"The caress of the wind, the thrilling sensation of flight and freedom will make of this moment a unique and an outstanding experience!"

Through the wind, flying, you will experience the thrilling sensation of freedom, which will make this moment unique and...

"Completely secure, parasailing is available at all fans of the feelings, novice or initiated . A unique adventure to live solo or accompanied by a person of your choice."

... , parasailling is recommended for fans of extreme feelings, novice or initiated. A unique adventure to live on your own or to share with a person of your choice, for a two seats flights;)

Modifié par bridg le 20-01-2010 17:48
Faire les devoirs à la place des membres n'est strictement pas autorisé sur le site, signaler les erreurs, oui. Merci de lire les règles. Un MP vient de vous être envoyé.

Réponse: Corrigé d'un essai de modoww, postée le 20-01-2010 à 16:51:30 (S | E)
merci beaucoup....

et merci d'avoir répondu si vite


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